The Incredible Art Department | Art Education Fastest Way to Create Comic Strips and Cartoons - Toondoo WorldImages PowToon, free business presentation software animated video maker and PowerPoint alternative J.-E Berger Foundation: World Art Treasures How to Draw Faster - 5 Tips to Improve Drawing Speed By Matt Fussell Artists that have drawn for many years often amaze people by how quickly they can get an image on the drawing surface. Often, what’s equally amazing is the accuracy that accompanies the speed. Unfortunately, when people see this skill, they assume that it is the result of talent, instead of developed skill. Frankly, anyone can draw quickly, but drawing speed without accuracy really misses the whole point. The truth is that knowing a few “secrets” will help to improve your drawing skill and ironically, improve your accuracy as well. Tip #1 - Look For and Draw Basic Shapes Many people first approach drawing by drawing contour lines, or the outlines of the object. Every object can be broken down visually into simple shapes. The tricky part is learning how to see the simple shapes in complex objects. Tip #2 - Make Comparisons within the Picture Plane This technique is mostly helpful for the initial layout of your composition. Tip #3 - Draw with Your Whole Arm
Arts Management Network :: The Network for Arts Administrators and Experts in the Creative Industries library.mansfield.edu/pdf/textbooks.pdf Using Textbooks as a Research Resource This bibliography lists and describes some intriguing works utilizing early imprints as well as modern textbooks and schoolbooks. The coverage of this bibliography is neither authoritative nor comprehensive. It includes primarily works which were easily found within the ULS collection. Where possible, the number of items used in each study was determined through checking footnotes, and bibliographic references presented by the authors. The literatures of various disciplines were examined to determine how scholars and researchers have used textbooks and schoolbooks as the basis of published studies. Contents: Back to 19th Century Schoolbooks Main Page Journal Articles Allen, Harold D. Discusses arithmetic or math problems posed in verse form, by authors such as Benjamin Workman, Zachariah Jess, Titus Bennett, Augustus R. Anyon, Jean. Looks at biases related to labor and economic history in selected chapters covering 1865-1917. Axtell, James. Baker, Carolyn D., and Peter Freebody. Firer, R.