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Welcome to Tower of Babelfish - A language learning website

» How to Learn A Language in 90 Days ‘If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart.’ ~Nelson Mandela Editor’s note: This is a guest post from Maneesh Sethi of Hack The System. I still remember the happiest moment of my life. I don’t know if you know this, but telling jokes in another language is one of the most harrowing experiences you can imagine. I began the joke. Halfway through the joke, I began to get flustered. At the last minute, I remembered and completed the joke. Until today, that memory continues to be one of the happiest moments I’ve ever experienced. The Benefits of Bilingualism Becoming bilingual opens up a whole new world—a world of different people, of different cultures, of different emotions. Learning a second language has many cognitive benefits. But, more so than cognitive effects, the ability to speak a second language has a ton of social benefits. Why most people are wrong about language learning 1. 2. 3. 4.

How to learn a language to fluency quickly and effectively If this is your first time here, start with the Lifehacker article, I Learned to Speak Four Languages in a Few Years: Here’s How. Then come back here and browse through this Methods section, grab a copy of the book and subscribe to the blog! Language learning is complex; it’s one of the reasons I love it so much. You’re dealing with four separate, yet linked skills – reading, writing, listening and speaking – which are in turn linked to thousands of separate, yet linked facts – grammar rules, vocabulary words, pronunciation rules, etc. Start with Pronunciation The greatest challenge in learning a foreign language is the challenge of memory. So how do you do this? No Translations The moment you cut English completely out of your language studies is the moment you begin to think in your target language. Use Anki for Vocabulary and Grammar Choose your Vocabulary Efficiently Stage 1: Learn the correct pronunciation of the language. Stage 2: Vocab and grammar acquisition, no English allowed

Internships For Harriet is now looking for interns to work with our editor to maintain the site. For Harriet is a blog community for women of the African diaspora. We encourage women, through storytelling and journalism, to engage in candid, revelatory dialogue about the beauty and complexity of Black womanhood. We aspire to educate, inspire, and entertain. Interns will be reviewed quarterly. For Harriet interns will receive hands-on experience with online publishing for a rapidly growing blog community. These are unpaid positions. Interested applicants must submit a resume, two writing samples of at least 500 words and cover letter than answers the following questions: -What do you hope to learn from the internship? -How could you contribute to For Harriet's mission? -In what ways do you hope to improve the site? Editorial Internship Responsibilities -Interns will produce compelling, quality content for the blog. -Interns will review, proofread and copy edit submissions

IMAGE POWER The Nefarious Tactics Used To Disguise Truth & Distract Us From Remedy by Arthur & Fiona Cristian 24th January 2014 IMAGE POWER The Nefarious Tactics Used To Disguise Truth And Distract Us From Remedy By Arthur & Fiona Cristian Love For Life 24th January 2014 This post contains many recent Facebook comments and email replies which collectively provides a big picture into exposing the deception behind IMAGE POWER. Introduction Recently, we've been invited to join groups, actions, movements, protests, such as...... We have been invited to join thousands of such groups, whether protest, political, revolutionary, humanitarian, environmental, etc, since we started Love For Life March 2005 but we have not participated in any of them because we do not see them having any long-term effect on the status quo; the harm machine is still rolling along, unperturbed. It seems that as one generation grows up and weakens because they are having no effect, another comes along with more groups, more movements, more protests, more causes but nothing changes. We don't need any of these movements. Prelude to Image Power

Ordinary Vegan Shopping List Hi Katherine and welcome to the Ordinary Vegan community. I am excited that you are considering a plant-based diet. The most important advice I would have for you is to keep it simple. Stay away from a lot of processed foods like vegan cheese and oreos. If you need a little of that stuff to transition, thats ok but don’t overdo it. You can be an unhealthy vegan if you fill up on processed foods like Oreos even if they are vegan. I recommend that you have 2 tablespoons of ground flax seed, hemp seeds or chia seeds a day for yourOmega 3s. Whole grains are very important every day. Every meal should contain whole grains, vegetables, legumes, fruits and healthy fats. Nuts are a rich source of healthy fats. Sweet potatoes are one of the healthiest foods you can consume. I know it gets crazy in the morning but make sure you eat a big breakfast to start your day. Here are some easy, quick main meal lunch ideas: Peanut butter sandwich topped with sliced bananas and strawberries. 1. 2.

The Accidental Instructional Designer by Cammy Bean “You may have found your way into this field by accident, but it is what you’re doing in the here and now, so you might as well do it well and with great passion and delight.” When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? A doctor? A teacher? A firefighter? As a teenager and young adult, I set my sights on becoming a writer or a teacher. Let’s get personal How did I get here? From there I went to a “multimedia production” company that hired me as an instructional designer. What about you? So what’s your story? As eLearning continues to grow and expand as an industry, we see more and more people finding their way into the field by accident. Kicking it up a notch So what can you do – for yourself and for your internal teams – to start creating better eLearning that actually achieves real performance change? You can do lots of things, but let’s start at the beginning. What’s the fire in your belly? First and foremost: Get your passion on. Make connections Read books.

Meditation — Listen When You Know You Have Wandered | RiseEarth By Dr. Andrea Seiffertt, D.O. Recently I heard something from a student I had not heard since I started meditating: “I can’t meditate.” I said this, or a variation of it, to my teacher countless times at the beginning, my most common one being: “This must be bad for me, it feels terrible!” Not being disrespectful to my student and friend, the memory she triggered made me laugh! Now, that particular direct statement worked on me, as I was prone to masochism and wallowing in suffering at the time, but it was not going to work for this particular student. It seems no matter how many times I say “thoughts are good” and “thoughts are your experience of stress-habit-energy release,” it does not always make much of a dent in the idea some students have that meditation should be quiet and peaceful every time, or that certain clairvoyant or insightful experiences should happen consistently. For my student (and anyone else it may help!) Simply sit, and set a timer for 20 minutes.

Out Of Jail
