TEC-VARIETY by Curtis J. Bonk and Elaine Khoo
Tips for Gamifying Your Classroom
In the fall of 2012, during my first semester as a middle school language arts teacher, I taught my classes as a multi-player game (MPG). At the start of the year, I invited my students into a world I'd created and dubbed Veritas, and I asked them to take part in an adventure that would weave together tales from our literature study and narratives of their own making. I had a mountain of research to support my instructional choices, but truth be told, standing before them on that first day, I had absolutely no idea if it would work. Then they started asking questions. “I live on this island,” said one eighth grader, pointing to a tiny circular land mass on the map of Veritas. “What's it called?” “What's the mail system like? “My family is from those mountains up north. They may seem like simple questions, but they showed me something incredibly important. My answer to all their questions: “You live there. In the days and weeks that followed, my students added many points to the map.
Jeux sérieux gratuits
Vous voici devant la plus récente version de notre célèbre Répertoire des Jeux sérieux gratuits. Principales nouveautés : Octobre 2014 : 27 jeux nouveaux ! Les nouveautés se situent dans les catégories suivantes: Pour les tout-petits (+2), Administration - Finances – Marketing (+1), Arts visuels (+2), Biologie – Nature (+2), Entraide - Bénévolat – Citoyenneté (+2), Environnement - Développement durable (+1), Génie – Ingénierie (+2), Histoire - Archéologie -Anthropologie (+3), Informatique – Internet (+3), Musique (+1), Orientation professionnelle (+1), Physique (+2), Politique-Affaires publiques (+2), Psyché (+1), Santé - Hygiène – Prévention (+2). Pour vous éviter de parcourir une très longue liste, nous vous proposons de cliquer ci-dessous sur les sujets qui vous intéressent. Cela vous conduira directement au coeur de la catégorie voulue. Sommaire du répertoire N’hésitez pas à explorer les catégories que vous ne connaissez pas, vous y découvrirez certainement des merveilles ! Chimie
Computation of different effect sizes like d, f, r and transformation of different effect sizes: Psychometrica
Statistical significance specifies, if a result may not be the cause of random variations within the data. But not every significant result refers to an effect with a high impact, resp. it may even describe a phenomenon that is not really perceivable in everyday life. Statistical significance mainly depends on the sample size, the quality of the data and the power of the statistical procedures. If large data sets are at hand, as it is often the case f. e. in epidemiological studies or in large scale assessments, very small effects may reach statistical significance. In order to describe, if effects have a relevant magnitude, effect sizes are used to describe the strength of a phenomenon. Here you will find a number of online calculators for the computation of different effect sizes and an interpretation table at the bottom of this page. Intervention studies usually compare the development of at least two groups (in general an experimental group and a control group). Borenstein (2009).
What is gamification?
Gameplay has a lot to teach us about motivating participation through joy. ‘Gamification’ is a new term, coined in 2008, for adapting game mechanics into non-game setting — such as building online communities, education and outreach, marketing, or building educational apps. Here are some ideas for how to do it. Achievements Badges, trophies and points represent having accomplished something. Judd Antin, at Yahoo! Achievements can be easy, difficult, surprising, funny, accomplished alone or as a group. “This has already occurred in education for a long time with things such as merit certificates and awards,” says Australian science teacher Alice Leung, but “gamification is more than that “because the game guides learners towards those goals, and gives constant feedback.” It’s not about winners and losers, says Leung. Judd and his colleague Elizabeth Churchill outline five key psychological functions of badges: Other game mechanics Many other game dynamics can help engage your audience.
Connexion au jeu Imagana
Développé par Connexion au jeu Imagana Veuillez entrer votre clé d'accès ci-dessous : Questionnaire : votre avis nous intéresse
Word Counter: The Word Count Calculator
Ed Games Week Highlights the Emergence of Video Games in Education
Ed Games Week wrapped up with a 48-hour Education Game Jam that brought together over one hundred veteran and independent game developers, teachers, and students. (Photo credit: U.S. Department of Education) Games and play are a central part of childhood and can stimulate creativity and learning. Today, increasing numbers of teachers are incorporating games to supplement and enrich classroom instruction. Ed Games Week brought the discussion on educational games to Washington, D.C. The Ed Games Expo The Ed Games Expo showcased 25 newly developed learning games developed with funding from the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) programs at ED’s Institute of Education Sciences (ED/IES SBIR) and other federal programs. For more, check out the Office of Educational Technology YouTube channel: Ed Games Workshop The Ed Games Workshop brought together the Expo game developers and a team of federal experts. The White House Education Game Jam
The Farm : un jeu éducatif tourné vers l’environnement
Par Frédéric Bordage - 22/12/2010 A l’occasion des fêtes de fin d’année, Breek offre* deux jeux ludo éducatifs aux utilisateurs d’iPad, iPhone et iPod Touch. Un cadeau de Noël sympa et gratuit qui permettra aux grands comme aux plus petits de découvrir l’univers merveilleux des animaux de la ferme grâce à une approche ludique, interactive et stimulante. Proposés en 4 langues (français, anglais, espagnol et allemand), ces deux jeux ont été conçus par des parents pour leurs enfants, avec l’aide d’un professeur des écoles. L’occasion d’expliquer à vos enfants que les poissons ne sont pas carrés et de les sensibiliser aux défis écologiques qui les attendent ! Cerise sur le gâteau, les dessins ont été créés sur mesures par Rudy Spiessert, auteur talentueux édité par Dargaud, Dupuis et Quadrants. The Farm HD Imagier ludo éducatif en 4 langues, conçu par des parents pour leurs enfants. My Memory HD Découvrez les animaux de la ferme en vous amusant et faites travailler votre mémoire.