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About us | Companion Bakery BakeryBits - Artisan Bread Baking Equipment Orange Smoothies Recipes | Smoothie Recipes The bright, sunny orange is probably one of the most popular fruits around. So it is no surprise that you’d want to add this sweet fruit to your next smoothie! But oranges have been popular for a very long time, all around the globe. The orange was named for the Sanskrit word for “orange tree” and this has changed a bit over time as it has translated through different languages. Orange Nutrients Oranges, like any citrus fruit, are a well known source of vitamin C. Adding Orange to Your Smoothie This sweet and juicy fruit is a great addition to just about any smoothie. Oranges are also a great kid-friendly smoothie ingredient. Healthy Broccoli & Spinach Smoothie with Apple Advertisement - Scroll down for Smoothie Recipe (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Broccoli is one of the best foods that mother nature makes. Orange Melon Smoothie Recipe This smoothie has become one of my favorites! Jamba Juice Orange-A-Peel Smoothie Recipe Orange Creamsicle Smoothie Orange Julius
Norwich Sourdough Bread Recipe I love baking all kinds of bread, but a basic sourdough loaf is an essential staple at our house. Good with everything from blue cheese to blueberry jam, and quite possibly even better unadorned, we always feel something is missing if there isn’t a loaf resting on the cutting board, ready for a quick snack or a hearty sandwich. I first tried this recipe, adapted from the Vermont Sourdough in Jeffrey Hamelman’s Bread: A Baker’s Book of Techniques and Recipes, about a month ago. I loved it then, and have made it several more times since, to make sure the first time wasn’t just beginner’s luck. Nope; this one is a real winner. The original recipe calls for 125% hydration starter. Norwich Sourdough (adapted from Vermont Sourdough in Bread: A Baker’s Book of Techniques and Recipes by Jeffrey Hamelman) Yield: 2 kg (four or five small, or two large, loaves) Time: Desired dough temperature: 76F Ingredients: Method: Once the loaves are in the oven, turn the heat down to 450F.
The Bread Bakers Guild of America Food - Recipes : Naan bread Flour + Water = Starter Ah, summer… corn on the cob, lazy reading in the hammock, and… sourdough starter, of course! I’ve been taking advantage of this warm weather to try raising some starters from scratch. I had done it before in a week-long class (in fact, that’s the starter I’ve been using for months), but we were able to keep our cultures at a constant 80 degrees F, and we added extra malt to jump-start the process. I wanted to see how it worked with just flour and water, in the warm but fluctuating room temperatures of my non-air-conditioned house in these beautiful early summer weeks in northern California. Success! I did this a couple of times, once with rye and once with whole wheat flour. Ready to try it? Sourdough Starter from Scratch Ingredients: White flour (bread or all-purpose), preferably one that contains malted barley flour. Equipment: General process: Day 1 AM: Day 2 AM: Hopefully you will see signs of life. It is possible that you will see a large rise (50% or more) at this point. Day 2 PM:
Science of Bread: Bread Science 101 From Chinese baozi to Armenian lavash, bread comes in thousands of forms. What do they have in common? On the most basic level, they all involve cooking a mixture of milled grains and water. Imagine a continuum of breads, ranging from the thinnest flatbreads to the fluffiest brioche. Some are amazingly simple: Matzoh, for example, is nothing more than flour and water, baked until crisp. Raised breads, on the other hand, involve the complex interactions between flour and the leaveners that give them their porous, tender quality. Leaveners come in two main forms: baking powder or soda and yeast. Baking powder or baking soda work quickly, relying on chemical reactions between acidic and alkaline compounds to produce the carbon dioxide necessary to inflate dough or batter (more on this later). Yeast, on the other hand, is a live, single-celled fungus. But leavening agents would just be bubbling brews without something to contain them. For more about bread science, check out these links!
Sausage, Peppers, and Onions Recipe You can use different colored bell peppers, or just stick with green. This recipe uses a combination of sweet and hot sausages, but if you want a milder dish, use only the sweet sausages and reduce the amount of chili pepper flakes in the recipe. (Likewise if you want it hotter, use hot sausages and/or bump up the amount of chili pepper flakes.) Method Hide Photos 1 Brown the sausages: Heat the olive oil over medium heat in a large pan that has a lid. Cook for several minutes, turning them occasionally so they brown on all sides. 2 Sauté the onions, peppers, garlic: Increase the heat to high and add the onions and peppers. You want some blackening. 3 Deglaze pan with wine: Add the Marsala or red wine if you are using, and with a wooden spoon scrape the bottom of the pan to release all the browned and blackened bits. 4 Add tomatoes, seasoning, sausages, then simmer: Add the tomatoes, oregano and red pepper flakes (if using) and stir well to combine. Hello!
Maintaining a 100% Hydration White Flour Starter The following is a description of how I maintain my 100% hydration (1:1 flour:water by weight) starter. The term 100% hydration refers to the baker's percentage of water in the starter, i.e. the water in the starter is 100% of the weight of the flour in the starter. This maintenance regime assumes that your starter is already healthy, fresh, and active. This is not what I would do to "start a starter", but rather it is the maintenance regime I follow to store, revive, and use my starter over time. The following characteristics are for a 100% hydration starter. Characteristics of my 100% hydration white flour starter: The weight of flour and water in the starter are equal. Characteristics of a recently fed, fresh, active 100% hydration starter: It rises by double in about 4-5 hours at room temperature after a feeding of 1:2:2 (starter:flour:water by weight) It maintains a reasonably thick, elastic consistency after rising by double. Unpleasant odors a few hours after feeding. Feeding Storage