Kurkuma Das Rhizom ähnelt stark dem des Ingwers, ist jedoch intensiv gelb, das geschälte Rhizom wird frisch und getrocknet als Gewürz und Farbstoff verwendet. Es sind bis zu fünf Prozent typische ätherische Öle sowie bis zu drei Prozent des für die gelbe Färbung verantwortlichen Curcumins enthalten. Das Rhizom wirkt verdauungsanregend. Beschreibung[Bearbeiten] Kurkuma-Rhizom und Pulver Illustration aus Köhler–s Medizinal-Pflanzen. Habitus, Laubblätter und Blütenstand. Erscheinungsbild und Blatt[Bearbeiten] Blütenstand, Blüte und Frucht[Bearbeiten] In China liegt die Blütezeit meist im August. Die Kapselfrucht öffnet sich mit drei Fächern.[1] Verwendung als Gewürz[Bearbeiten] Kurkumapulver Frisch hat der Wurzelstock einen harzigen, leicht brennenden Geschmack, getrocknet schmeckt er mildwürzig und etwas bitter – er wird vor allem gemahlen wegen seiner Färbekraft verwendet, beispielsweise als wesentlicher Bestandteil von Currypulver. In Indien ist die Verwendung von Kurkuma seit 4000 Jahren belegt.
MRSA CURES Eliminate Sugar, Take Acidophilus [YEA] 04/10/2010: Kristi from San Diego, Ca: "I have had 2 cases of a MRSA infection where the doctors didnt know anything, gave me antiobiotics, and then cut and drained them. I haven't had one in 1.5 years after cutting out the majority of sugar from my diet. I take acidophilus in the morning, try to eat limited processed foods and as little as preservatives and sugars as possible. Replies 06/27/2011: Worried from Columbus, Usa replies: "Do you drink acidophilus as a probiotic capsule or drink as milk?" Garlic Garlic Treatment for MRSA Home Remedy Ingredients: Garlic - 1 Clove Eating a clove of raw garlic daily can help kill a staph infection from the inside. 08/04/2012: Aftermath431 from Mountain View, Mo: "Hi. 08/27/2012: Naomi from Chicago, Il replies: "Hi Aftermath, you've probably figured this out by now but it looks like a burn because it is a burn-(that is it's a type of chemical burn. How-To: 1. 2. 3. 4. Thanks to all that contribute to this site."
Turmeric | Curcumin and Turmeric Benefits - Mercola.com A frequently overlooked way to enhance and optimize health with organically grown food is to use herbs and spices – unprocessed and organic, of course. One profound benefit of these herbs lies in their nutritional content. They’re very low in calories, while being dense in vitamins and minerals. Many herbs and spices are thermogenic, meaning they naturally support your metabolism to help you burn calories. Plus you feel satisfied sooner, so you eat less. Studies show that consuming certain herbs and spices before each meal can potentially reduce your caloric intake. For best results, I recommend combining this with diet and exercise for a well-rounded strategy. Herbs and spices can powerfully support your health, courtesy of their high levels of antioxidants. What’s more, these antioxidants target your entire body, not just one or two parts. One particular spice, in my opinion, is the “granddaddy” of them all because its benefits are so exceptional and far-reaching. That’s not all...
How to use crutches How to use crutches If you ever break a bone in your leg or foot, have a surgical procedure on your lower limb or suffer a stroke, you may need to use crutches, a cane or a walker. In the beginning, everything you do may seem difficult, but with a few tips and some practice, you will gain confidence and learn to use your walking aid safely. Crutches If an injury or surgical procedure requires you to keep your weight off of your leg or foot, you may have to use crutches. Walking: Lean forward slightly and put your crutches about one foot ahead of you. Sitting: Back up to a sturdy chair. Stairs: To walk up and down stairs with crutches, you need to be both strong and flexible. Shop for Crutches at nwmedicalsolutions.com This information is for educational purposes only and should not be mistaken for medical advice or a substitution for seeking professional medical assistance.
Curcumin - In-Depth Scientific Supplement Information Table of Contents: Edit1. Sources and Structure 1.1. Sources Curcumin (chemically known as Diferuloylmethane) is the main active ingredient of the spice Turmeric (Curcuma Longa or JiangHuang) and is the main 'curcuminoid' compound (80% of curcuminoid weight is curcumin[1]) alongside the other three curcuminoids known as demethoxycurcumin, bisdemethoxycurcumin, and cyclocurcumin.[2][3] Curcuminoids in general are known to exist in the curcuma genus[4] (just in highest amounts in curcuma longa) although they are not exclusive to this plant. Curcumin is the main molecule in the curcuminoid class of molecules (similar to how Resveratrol is the main molecule in the stilbene class of molecules), and is most commonly associated with turmeric as that is its largest naturally occurring source Curcuminoids are known to exist in: 1.2. 1.3. Edit2. Curcumin is able to induce effects either directly (the first domino in a series) or downstream of the primary effect (subsequent dominoes). 2.1. 2.2. 2.3.
walking with forearm crutches - CareCure Forums Chris- What kind/style forearm crutches are you using? I just recently changed from the "euro" style with a wide open cuff to the more traditional style forearm crutches...I used to like the open cuff ones, but I've found that I'm MUCH MUCH more functional with the closed cuff ones b/c they stay on my arms when I go to pick things up, open doors, etc... Also, I've found that getting gel pads for my crutches have taken a lot of the pressure off of my hands and make them A LOT more comfortable & the gel pads around the arm cuffs make for a better fit around my arm, helping to keep them from falling off for instances like above... As far as toting things around?
Achtergrond en werking van het voedingssupplement Curcumine - Kurkuma dat bij zo goed als alle kankersoorten en naast chemo en bestraling een bewezen therapeutisch effect heeft juli 2007: Bron: Sprinfield: Meer informatie kunt u opvragen bij Springfield, zie hun website. Van Peter Hoogerhuis, directeur van Springfield kregen we het verzoek een wetenschappelijk artikel over curcumine - kurkuma dat al enkele jaren bij ons op de site stond te vervangen door onderstaand artikel geschreven door geschreven door apotheker Drs. Kiauw de Munck-Khoe en geplaatst in Arts & Apotheker nr. 3-2007, pag. 3237. We willen er nadrukkelijk op wijzen dat de informatie die ons is toegestuurd ongewijzigd hier wordt geplaatst maar voor volle verantwoordelijkheid van de auteur is. Hier de e-mail zoals Springfield ons verzocht dit artikel te plaatsen. Beste Kees, In onze immer voortdurende zoektochten naar betere supplementen, zijn we gestuit op een vorm van curcumine die duidelijk beter (tot 6 x beter) wordt opgenomen door het lichaam. Het artsenartikel is ook verschenen in Arts & Apotheker nr. 3-2007, pag. 3237. Het artikel is geschreven door Drs. VEILIGHEID Curcumine is zeer veilig.
Eye & Vision Board Index: bright spot in center of vision ... days and then becomes a blind spot. These spots have never gone away nor changed in anyway since I first had them, the first one almost 4 years ago. ... (42 replies) ... n to 4 or 5 Retinal specialists, and a couple regular ophthalmologists over the last 8 years or so. I still have good eye sight, the blind spots are not directly in the center of my vision, although I did have one very close, but it has healed. ... (28 replies) ... ... ... copy and paste the letter I will show yet another doctor tomorrow. ... spot in my left eye. ... ... this is rather scary to me . ... ... view. ... ... ... (6 replies) ... sparks when I look at the sky or bright lights. ... but they don't actualy form a spot and are not in only in the center. ... (9 replies)
FOODSUPPLEMENTS BV: medicinale kruiden Kurkuma Geelwortel Kurkuma geelwortel (Curcuma longa) of Turmeric in het Engels, is een plant van de gemberfamilie (zingiberacea) die het hele jaar door groeit. De plant is ook bekend onder de naam koenjit of haldi in sommige Aziatische landen. Kurkuma komt oorspronkelijk uit de regenwouden van Zuid-azië, en gedijt daarom het best in temperaturen tussen de 20 en 30°C, en bij regelmatige regenval. Kurkuma is een belangrijk ingrediënt in kruidenmengsels voor het maken van curry gerechten in India en Zuidoost Azië. Behalve curcumine (3%) bevat de plant een essentiële olie (max. 5%) met een aantal sesquiterpenen die uniek zijn voor deze soort. Het poeder van de plant staat erom bekend dat het altijd kleur blijft afgeven, maar de smaak langzaam wegebt. Introductie In veel talen heeft kurkuma een naam die simpelweg 'gele wortel' betekent, net als de bijnaam in het Nederlands: geelwortel. Van Kurkuma wordt wel gezegd dat het magische krachten heeft. Toepassing Medicinale werking Industriële toepassing Dosering
Osteomyelitis: Bone and Joint Infections Osteomyelitis is a bone infection usually caused by bacteria, mycobacteria, or fungi. Bacteria, mycobacteria, or fungi can infect bones by spreading through the bloodstream or, more often, by spreading from nearby infected tissue or a contaminated open wound. People have pain in one part of the bone, fever, and weight loss. Blood tests and imaging tests are done, and doctors remove a sample of bone for tests. Antibiotics are given for weeks, and surgery may be needed. Osteomyelitis occurs most commonly in young children and in older people, but all age groups are at risk. When a bone becomes infected, the soft, inner part (bone marrow) often swells.
» Dr. Hulda Clarks Erkenntnisse zur Heilung von vielen “unheilbaren Erkrankungen“ wie z.B. Krebs Was braucht es, um Ihren Körper zu heilen und den Krebs zu beseitigen? Die besten Chancen haben Sie natürlich, wenn Sie Ihren Körper in einer Art und Weise ernähren, so dass er in der Lage ist Abwehrkräfte gegen diese Erreger aufzubauen. Ihr Erfolg, unabhängig von der Behandlung Ihrer Wahl, hängt immer von Ihren selbstheilenden Kräften, sowie der Stärke des Immunsystems ab. Schulmedizinische Behandlungen sind nicht notwendiger Weise die Antwort. Wenn Sie alles tun was Sie können um gesund zu sein, dann und nur dann, lohnt es sich, sich auf die Beseitigung der Krebserkrankung selbst zu konzentrieren. Das betonen wir hier, weil so viele Behandlungen, die von der medizinischen Industrie empfohlen werden, Ihr Immunsystem weiter schwächen (z.B. Wieviele alternative Krebsbehandlungen gibt es? Wahrscheinlich Tausende. Diese Kommentare informieren uns über die Verwendung von Kräutern, sowohl historisch als auch zu heutiger Zeit, sowohl in schulmedizinischer als in der alternativen Medizin.
Osteomyelitis Bacteria Bone Infection Causes Bone Pain Symptoms for Antibiotic Treatment » Health Blurbs Osteomyelitis means bone infection. Usually caused by Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, but other bacterium or sometimes fungus can be a cause for an infection in bones. When osteomyelitis occurs in children, it is often affects the long bone in the acute form. For older adults, the spine and pelvis are more common bone infection points, and is either acute or chronic. Those experiencing osteomyelitis very often feel severe bone pain at the infection site. Your other symptoms might include some of following: Sometimes osteomyelitis causes no symptoms. Osteomylelitis arises from either an infection traveling around in your bloodstream, spreading from nearby infected tissue, a previous trauma to the infected bone itself or due to poor circulation. You have an increased risk for a bone infection if you suffer from these conditions or under these circumstances: You are also more vulnerable to a bacterial bone infection if you’ve had your spleen removed.
Curcumine [bewerken] Synthese Naast de extractie uit de plant, kan curcumine ook synthetisch bereid worden door de condensatiereactie van acetylaceton (2,4-pentaandion) met twee moleculen vanilline. Als katalysator gebruikt men een primair of secundair amine. [bewerken] Voeding [bewerken] Medisch De stof is een antioxidant, heeft een ontstekingsremmende werking en werkt mogelijk metastaseremmend.[3] Curcumine wordt beter opgenomen in combinatie met piperine uit zwarte peper.[4] In dieronderzoek zijn echter wel schadelijke effecten opgetreden als gevolg van piperine, namelijk reproductieve en foetale.[5] Studies in laboratoria en proeven bij dieren veronderstellen dat curcumine een werking heeft bij tumoren,[8][9] oxidatieve processen, hartritmestoornissen, de ziekte van Alzheimer en ontstekingen.[10] De eigenschappen die ontstekingen tegengaan lijken samen te hangen met de biosynthese van eicosanoïden. [bewerken] Cosmetica
Misdiagnosis of Bone symptoms - WrongDiagnosis.com What are the signs of bone problems? Bone symptoms include bone pain, lumps, and brittleness. Bone pain can result from cancer, problems with the circulatory system, infection, repetitive use, or injury. Common injuries that lead to bone pain include fractures and dislocations, which can be exacerbated by an underlying condition such as osteoporosis, a thinning and weakening of the bones. Bone lumps can arise from improper healing of a bone fracture or from a growth, such as a tumor. Treatment for bone symptoms depends on their cause and nature. Seek immediate medical care (call 911) for broken bones, especially those that break through the skin or are accompanied by heavy bleeding, or for severe bone pain. Seek prompt medical care if your bone symptoms are persistent or cause you concern. What causes bone symptoms? Common bone symptoms, such as breaks, are often caused by acute trauma or repetitive use.