15 Analytics-Tools für Web, Mobile und Social im Überblick Moderne Analytics-Tools aus der Cloud versetzen Unternehmen in die Lage, ihre Kundschaft besser verstehen und ihre Marketing-Initiativen effizienter planen und auswerten zu können. Im Folgenden eine Vorstellung professioneller Alternativen für die Analyse von Web-Auftritten, mobilen Apps und Social-Media-Profilen. Der Platzhirsch unter den Web-Analytics-Lösungen, Google Analytics, hat in letzter Zeit heftige Konkurrenz bekommen. So sind mit modernen Cloud-Tools wie Mixpanel, Kissmetrics und ChartBeat leistungsstarke Alternativen zum Google-Produkt auf den Markt gekommen, die es nicht nur ergänzen, sondern in einigen Fällen auch komplett ersetzen können. Mobile Analytics Neben klassischen Webanalyse-Werkzeugen spielt das Thema Mobile Analytics in der Post-PC-Ära eine zunehmend wichtigere Rolle. Social Media Analytics Ein weiterer Bereich, auf den sich viele Analytics-Anbieter fokussieren, ist Social Media. Mixpanel Mixpanel ist ein anspruchsvolles Analytics-Tool für Web- und Mobile-Apps.
Mindomo for iPad How To Create Your Own Religion In 10 Easy Steps - or - What's the point of living if you can't create your own God? Aside from my delusions of grandeur (and how much grander can they get than God-creation?) the main reason I'm doing this is so that I can have a God I can use without offending anyone while I'm writing here on www.aPath.org . And it's fun. While I originally wrote this for the above reason, it turned out to be a bit more comprehensive and insightful that I had anticipated. A properly created religion can give you personal control influence guidance over the wallets minds hearts of those who feel that being a Free-Thinking Individual is way too much work. Here we provide you with our simple format to take you through the basic steps, from creating your own Gods and Goddesses to creating a simple yet ambiguous framework for your followers to try to conform to. Here's how simple God-creation can be: 1) Create a God. In our example we will create "The Great God Lardicus". 5) Make it ambiguous. 7) Make cool symbols. Wow!
Tipps und Tools um den Social Media Alltag zu meistern ! Tools verschaffen enorme Erleichterung im Social Media Alltag! Dabei braucht man kein Social Media Manager zu sein, um mit ihnen arbeiten zu können. Besondere Fähigkeiten oder bestimmte Voraussetzungen benötigt man auch nicht. Ohne einen Social Media Redaktionsplan klappt es nicht! Die Aktivitäten in den sozialen Netzwerken sollte man nicht dem Bauchgefühl oder Zufall überlassen! Tipp Personalisierte Google News können beim Planen für den Social Media Redaktionsplan ebenfalls mit einfließen ;-) Sniply Der Linkverkürzer Snip.ly hat es echt in sich! Kostenloser Input: 20 Top-Präsentationen zum Thema #Facebook Marketing via @allfacebookde— Tina Gallinaro (@TinaGalli1) 12. In der unteren linken Ecke erscheint ein kleiner Call to action Button, den man vorher mit den entsprechenden Daten gefüttert hat. Das Beste an Sniply ist die Chrome Erweiterung, die vor dem Teilen eines Beitrages daran erinnert, ob man den Dienst in Anspruch nehmen möchte Friends+Me Nuzzel Twuffer
Free online mind mapping software | MAPMYself (Mapul) Ten rules for writing fiction Elmore Leonard: Using adverbs is a mortal sin 1 Never open a book with weather. If it's only to create atmosphere, and not a character's reaction to the weather, you don't want to go on too long. 2 Avoid prologues: they can be annoying, especially a prologue following an introduction that comes after a foreword. 3 Never use a verb other than "said" to carry dialogue. 4 Never use an adverb to modify the verb "said" ... he admonished gravely. 5 Keep your exclamation points under control. 6 Never use the words "suddenly" or "all hell broke loose". 7 Use regional dialect, patois, sparingly. 8 Avoid detailed descriptions of characters, which Steinbeck covered. 9 Don't go into great detail describing places and things, unless you're Margaret Atwood and can paint scenes with language. 10 Try to leave out the part that readers tend to skip. My most important rule is one that sums up the 10: if it sounds like writing, I rewrite it. Diana Athill Margaret Atwood 3 Take something to write on.
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Fürtábra készítése - Mind Mapping Internet Resources - Writers Resources - Writing Links & Writers Unsorted [/writers] James Patrick Kelly - Murder Your Darlings - "When time comes to make that final revision, however, you must harden your heart, sharpen the ax and murder your darlings." Greda Vaso - Determining the Readability of a Book - includes formulas for Gunning's Fog Index, Flesch Formula, Powers Sumner Kearl L. Kip Wheeler - Literary Terms and Definitions L. Style - Grammar - Errors in English [/writers]American Heritage - Book of English Usage - free download Band-Aid AP StylebookPaul Brians - Common Errors in EnglishCJ Cherryh - Writerisms and other Sins The Chicago Manual of Style FAQ Gary N.
26 Productivity and Social Media Marketing Tools to Spice Up Your Business 2.2K Flares Twitter 1.2K Facebook 575 LinkedIn 171 inShare171 Google+ 66 Pin It Share 97 Buffer 132 2.2K Flares × As the year draws to a close I sat down and reflected on a number of my “Favourite” Social Media Marketing Tools for 2014. These are the tools, books and resources that have transformed my business in 2014 and I hope they will help to shape your marketing and business in 2015. I included “Productivity Tools” in the heading because many of the things that made a difference in my business this year were not just Social Media Marketing Tools. These were the books, apps, programs, tools, people and podcasts that have had a massive impact on my productivity and overall business strategy. And they are not just one-hit-wonders. Because let’s face it, if I don’t, then the old procrastination-queen will come out …and she’s all kinds of awesome at avoiding the task at hand when not kept on track by these 26 little helpers! Productivity & Scheduling Tools 1 Momentum How? Let’s face it. 4 Slack
Gondolattérkép, a csodaeszköz Tíz weboldal... - 2014. február 15. Írta: Nádori Gergely Nem mindenkinek megy a szövegek értelmezése. Tíz weboldal... - 2014. február 15. Írta: Nádori Gergely Nem mindenkinek megy a szövegek értelmezése. Write a Book : 10 ridiculously simple steps | Jamie Smartkins Do you want to be a successful author/writer ? If the answer is yes, then I hope you will be benefitted from this post.Before getting recognition and fame, you need to be great writer and before you write something, you need to be a great thinker, ie you have to plan what you will write on paper. Publishing is the last hurdle which a novice author should not focus on. Every authors’ dream is to get publishing contract by big publishing companies. #1 Write a best selling content Everyone wants to be best selling author but never focus on the content . #2 Know your genre Not everyone is expert in all genres. #3 Planning Planning is very necessary before you write a book. #4 Title This is probably one of the biggest criteria to start your writing. #5 Plotline The most important thing in writing a book is plotline. #6 Define your characters #7 Write one chapter daily #8 Prepare a list of idiomatic phrases This is an important part which most authors forget to pen down. #9 Hook words #10 End part
15 of the Best Free Marketing Tools for Startups What tools do you use to get your online marketing work done? Can you do all the same work of a digital marketer, and do it for free? The list of tools you use—often referred to as a marketing stack—probably covers a variety of different uses and needs, everything from social media marketing to content to email and lots more. Is it possible to have all these great tools without paying a cent? It was a fun challenge to come up with a way to build a $0 marketing stack, to find free alternatives to popular paid tools and services. What’s in the stack? The $0 Marketing Stack: Free Alternatives to Paid Tools For a quick overview, here are the tools I found that seemed to be great, free options for some popular paid services. 1. Great, paid options if you can swing it: Sprout Social, MeetEdgar Perhaps our best time-saving tip for social media marketing is scheduling posts ahead of time for your social profiles. Also free: Hootsuite (free for your first 3 social profiles) 2. 3. Also free: 4. 5. Phew!