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The First 5s with iPads

The First 5s with iPads
Author's Note: This post expands on ideas that I originally shared last year on Edutopia. With the start of school approaching and the looming expectation of incorporating iPads into the curriculum becoming a reality, the big question many educators are asking is: "Where should I begin?" Last year, I wrote about 5 Steps for the First 5 Days. It can seem daunting to envision a year's worth of activities with iPads, but when taken in small chunks, it doesn't need to be intimidating. The First 5 Hours One of the great benefits of iPads is the immediate access to a camera and microphone. Take a picture of each student to use as a visual attendance sheet, to create avatars, or as an icebreaker. The pictures or videos captured during these initial activities could even be posted to a Padlet Wall to create a digital bulletin board. The First 5 Days The power of the iPad is how it can be used as a creation device. The First 5 Weeks Sample Organization of Notability Image credit: Beth Holland Related:  Blogs

Should Students be Allowed to use iPads at School? Should Students be Allowed to use iPads at School? (Photo credit: Wikipedia) There can really be no doubt about the fact that the face of education is rapidly changing. These changes are occurring at a fast and furious rate and in no area is there a greater transformation than in that of technology. iPads Should be Allowed at School: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. iPads Should Not be Allowed at School: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. There can be little doubt that there are many powerful arguments on both sides of this issue and there really is no easy answer. Please subscribe to my blog by signing up on the blue form at the side of the page. Sources: 1. 2. 3. 17 Pros and Cons of Using iPads in the Classroom. 4. iPads in the Classroom. 5. You May Also Enjoy: Daily Education and Technology News for Schools. 5 Ways to Make Your Classroom More Student Centered. 4 Top Trends in Education. 981 total views, 6 views today

Art Least 12 Characteristics Of An iPad-Ready Classroom - Implementing iPads isn’t exactly a just-add-water proposition. While they’re wondrous little devices capable of enchanting learners for hours, to get the learning results you’re likely after will take planning, design, and reflection. It can help to start out by asking yourself some important questions, such as “What can the iPad do that is not possible without it? Put another way, what problems does the iPad solve?” But the learning environment you’re starting with can make a big difference as well. Below are 4 distinct areas of instruction and instructional design that can help frame the concept of iPad integration. There is more to the conversation, but rather than overwhelm you (not that you couldn’t handle it), it seemed better to simply start your thinker.

Vol.#74: Ten EdTech Terms | Teaching Speaks Volumes I was looking at how Concurrent Sessions will be categorized at an upcoming EdTech conference and found myself googling a few terms just to make sure I knew the differences between them. Next thing I knew, I am researching the others I “already know”. Long story short, after honing the definitions a little further, I’d ended up with this little EdTech glossary list that I thought others may find interesting as well: 21st Century Learning Environment (n.) What EdTech terms, new or “old” (as old as EdTect terms get) should be added to this list? Turn Up the Volumes . . . Like this: Like Loading...

Change for the Better – 1:1 iPad Program | Learning Journey There is no question that our 1:1 iPad Program is making a significant difference to the learning experiences occurring in our classrooms. Change is everywhere. It is change enabled by simplicity. iPads are brilliantly simple and are at the same time powerful. This has made technology accessible to both students and teachers. Teachers One of the biggest shifts in our school has been the shift by teachers. Technical Support and Enablement .Provision of a Technology Coordinator: In our own experience having a teacher continuously available to assist, advise, arrange, support, respond has made the effective roll out possible. In the Classrooms – The StudentsManagement: it is really important to establish a code of conduct / behaviour around student use of iPads. Parents One of the great assets which schools sometimes underutilizes are parents. With many possibilities on the horizon e.g. Like this: Like Loading...

wizIQ blog 68 Flares Twitter 9 Facebook 44 Google+ 10 LinkedIn 5 inShare5 68 Flares × Welcome to issue two in our interview series where we explore the Secrets of leading Edupreneurs online. Most of you should know Drew Badger from English Anyone if you were following Jason R. Levine’s recent ELT MOOC. One look at his beautiful website will show you a professional who excels on multiple levels; from great teaching ideas and approaches, to smooth video making & a seamless website design that allows for open communication with its readers and subscribers. Drew’s latest initiative is very exciting. What strikes me most about his approach is his precise focus on confidence-building, something which I feel should be a priority in all learning programmes. My point was that how you FEEL about learning is more important than how you learn. Here’s a quote from his website: Drew asked me to read his fluency report a couple of months ago before it went public. ~ Sylvia Guinan Let the Tweet Chat begin: Humor!

How to lock iPAD / iPhone screen so kids stay within the app Since I posted How to Child-proof iPAD, I received so many questions asking how to lock iPAD screen or iPhone screen, so kids stay within the app you want them to play. Now we found the solution – Daisy Simpson, our new reviewer at iGameMom is going to share the trick with you. If you want to stay updated with iGameMom app recommendations and tech tips, please sign up for the free email updates . I am so happy to have discovered the new Guided Access feature on my iPhone/iPad. Has your child been in the middle of a game, only to touch the home button then get back to the home screen and suddenly all your apps are bouncing and ready to be deleted? My son loves to press the home button, over and over and over. 1. 2. 3. 4. Now if you have older kids this might not be the solution you are looking for, but also with older kids they are probably not constantly clicking the home button. 5. Tapping Accessibility at the top-left corner of the screen. 6. 7.

TEACHER IN RESIDENCE | Bart Verswijvel School on the cloud Less than one week after my visit to the Microsoft’s Global Forum in Barcelona I took again a plane to the sunny south of Europe. I was invited to represent European Schoolnet at the School on the Cloud project in Athens in Greece. School on the Cloud is a Europe funded project with more than 50 partners: schools, institutes and NGO’s. The aim of the project is to share expertise on organizing and implementing cloud based solutions. The 1st project summit took place in the very well-equipped Doukas school. In the morning I gave a keynote and told the audience about my experiences as a secondary school teacher. The condition of having the benefits of the cloud is that you need to fly. In my workshop in the afternoon we explored some cloud-based applications. I spent the morning of the next day in the city of Athens and I made a walk around Syntagma and Monasteraki. The Greek sun up in the air was as bright as could be. More pictures More information School on the cloud

11 Essential Tools For Better Project-Based Learning by Katre Laan from The rise of technology used in classrooms has made learning much more interactive. The emergence of iPads to browser-based tools in project-based learning, take teaching to a new level in the 21st century. Even the current trends in education include the use of new technology, from collaborative projects to blending traditional textbook teaching with innovative tools. For students, the core aim of project-based learning is to put theory into practice and gain new skills throughout the process. A major advantage of digital tools used is better engagement in the classroom. Browser-based tools and several apps used in education are especially useful for researching, storytelling and collaborative video making. Handy mobile devices allow students to be inspired when outside classroom by creating and sharing ideas and creations instantly. Here is a mini guide to some of the project based learning tools. 1) Mindmeister 2) Glogster 3) Myhistro 4) Pixton 5) Animoto
