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Curiosity Machine

Related:  CodingAll Ages7C Idea Resources 20162019-20 SCI | Resources Shared

GameMaker: Studio Last updated: 02/04/2019 We (meaning YoYo Games Limited, company number 05260718) use technologies on our website and mobile services (which we'll call the Services) to collect information that helps us improve your online experience. We refer to these technologies, which include cookies, collectively as “cookies.” This policy explains the different types of cookies used on the Services and how you can control them. We hope that this policy helps you understand and feel more confident about our use of cookies.

STEM All-Stars Posted on October 28th, 2015 by Mary Lord Who are top all-star “hitters” in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math? Spinning off the concept of baseball trading cards, DuPont celebrated the 25th anniversary of its student essay writing contest by creating a series of STEM collectible trading cards. The bench now include 25 women scientists and engineers who have made an impact through STEM research and education.

The Science Spot We started using GPS and GIS with our 5th-8th grade students during the 2005-2006 school year. I will post new lessons and activities as they are developed. If you have any ideas to share, please e-mail them to me. Need training in GPS & GIS technology? Visit the website to find a schedule of upcoming workshops. Google Science Journal & Vernier Sensor (2020) With Google Science Journal, your students can organize their ideas into projects, make predictions, take notes, collect data in multiple trials, and then annotate results. Simply connect a compatible Go Direct sensor to begin wirelessly streaming data to your Android™ device. Google Science Journal requires Graphical Analysis 4 installed to use Vernier Go Direct® sensors. Features

Why Kids Should Make the Video Games They Love to Play When educator Lynn Koresh hears from kids that they want a career doing something with computers, she asks, “To do what with computers?” Adults often encourage kids to pursue science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) skills, and computing classes are usually a first stop. But Koresh knows it’s the real-world applications of computational thinking and coding language skills that bring such knowledge to life. She reasoned that most middle school students are already playing video games and might respond well to a unit on how to design, create, test and promote video games. Along the way, she’s also teaching them about digital citizenship and entrepreneurship. “I wanted to give kids exposure to what it means to have a career using computers,” said Koresh, technology coordinator at Edgewood Campus School in Madison, Wisconsin.

Halloween STEM Activities for Kids Just in time for Halloween, we’ve rounded up some STEM (Science, Math, Engineering and Technology) activities for kids that are fun and educational too! Building with Candy Pumpkins Bring out their inner engineer while building endless structure possibilities with toothpicks and gummy pumpkins. Read more on this at Lemon Lime Adventures! Spooky Expanding Ghosts Mix vinegar and baking soda to create this super fun experiment! Read more at Bitz and Giggles. Candy Corn Experiment What will happen to candy corn when you put it in water, oil, vinegar and rubbing alcohol?

Blogfolios: The Glue that Can Hold it All Together in Learning Digital Portfolios are so much more than a digital versions of a paper portfolio, a folder sent home at the end of the week, semester or year or an online version of someone’s writing journal. In addition, I am talking about Blogfolios, which are digital portfolios on a blogging platform. These blogfolios are: not behind a password protected wall to encourage authentic feedback and a global audiencenot only sharing the “best” work of someone, but the process of learning that it took to get to the “best” work in this moment in timethe platform to allow open discussion to have one’s work be critiqued, influenced, re-mixed and built upon by others If I had to create a “pitch” for Blogfolios, I would say:

uHandy Microscope Review for Teachers (2019) UHandy can be powerful in a variety of settings. Individual kids can use this digital microscope to explore their own passions. Premade sample cards are provided already loaded with spices, a down feather, or glitter. Teaching Kids to Code Every era demands—and rewards—different skills. In different times and different places, we have taught our children to grow vegetables, build a house, forge a sword or blow a delicate glass, bake bread, create a soufflé, write a story or shoot hoops. Now we are teaching them to code. We are teaching them to code, however, not so much as an end in itself but because our world has morphed: so many of the things we once did with elements such as fire and iron, or tools such as pencil and paper, are now wrought in code. We are teaching coding to help our kids craft their future.

5 Jewelry Techniques to Use in the Art Room - The Art of Ed When people think about “conventional art,” most may envision wall décor or sculpture. As art teachers, we know this is far from the truth. Sometimes the best way to display artwork for all to see is by wearing it. Have you ever tie-dyed or created silkscreen t-shirts with your students? If you have, you’ll find your students wearing their art for months to come. Subjects - Extreme Weather No matter where you live in the world, weather is something that you are exposed to every single day. Even though weather occurs all around the world, the region you live in can have a different natural phenomenon than another geographical locations. For example, if you live in the Midwest of the United States, it isn't very likely that you'll get hurricanes but you may be very familiar with tornados.

UDL Science Notebook: Building Teacher Skills Project Name Project Description embedded teacher supports for instruction and student feedback, investigation samples, plans and activities; explanatory videos, and science concept and vocabulary supports a blended professional development and coaching model needs/readiness assessment rubric PLC guides will be created through an agile design based research process Timeline 01/01/2015 to 12/31/2020 Funded by

9 great free activities for Hour of Code Annual Hour of Code, during Computer Science Education Week, encourages educators and students to participate in one hour of coding Computer science skills have enjoyed more time in the spotlight as educators, policymakers and celebrities tout the importance of coding and programming skills. This year’s Hour of Code reinforces computer science’s growing importance.
