20 Signs You’ve Found Your Passion — ALO It’s often not until someone prompts us to think about the work that we do that we recognise how we truly feel about it. Sometimes, all it takes is the right question to make us look at our job in a whole new light. Today, I ask you this: How would you feel if you were to stay in your line of work forever? If, upon reading that last sentence, you were filled with warm fuzzy feelings – congratulations, you might just have found your passion. Here are 20 signs that let you know that you’ve found the passion that makes your heart sing! Could you relate to any of these? Image Source The Motivated Type & Rifle Paper Co
مقدمة عن HTML لتصميم صفحات الانترنت - عمر مضحي الحربي اخصائي مواقع الكترونية مقدمة عن HTML لتصميم صفحات الانترنت السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته. شكراً لزيارتك موقع عمر الحربي , درسنا اليوم احبتي سيتمحور حول HTML سنتعرف عليها ونأخذ مقدمة بسيطة عنها. ما هي لغة الـ HTML؟ إنها اللغة المستخدمة لإنشاء صفحات الإنترنت. هل الـ HTML لغة برمجة؟ لا يمكن اعتبار الـ HTML لغة برمجة ومقارنتها ب لغة #C مثلاً. كذلك فهي لا تحتاج إلى مترجم خاص بها (Compiler). كيف تنشئ ملف HTML؟ تكتب ملفات HTML في صورة ملفات نصية بسيطة (Plain Text)، تأخذ الإمتداد .html أو .htm وتكتب باستخدام أي برنامج تحرير نصوص بسيطة، كالمفكرة (Notepad […] 3 Tips To Caffeinate Teacher and Student Presentations -- THE Journal Presentation 3 Tips To Caffeinate Teacher and Student Presentations An award-winning teacher and author shares her secrets for transforming slide shows into interactive learning experiences. In a seminar I attended, media analyst Tad Simons once estimated that 30 million PowerPoint presentations are given every day. Multiply that by an average of 30 people in each presentation, and you are looking at 90 million people a day who are at best in a daze — at worst dying from boredom. On the education stage, the classic example of the talking-head syndrome is actor Ben Stein as the dorky high school economics teacher in the movie Ferris Bueller's Day Off. A big part of the problem for teachers and presenters in general is that there is a limit to the time humans can just "sit and get" (what deluded teachers have been calling for years "listen and learn"). Yup. Video Breaks Breaks might be used to show illustrative videos.
محرر CSS3 - معلم الويب | معلم الويب يوجد الكثير من الأدوات التي تساعدك في تحرير أكواد للغة CSS3، بحيث لا تحتاج منك إلى تذكر تلك الأكواد أو أن تصرف الكثير من الجهد والوقت في الحصول على النتيجة التي تبحث عنها. من الأدوات التي استخدمها دائما في بناء مواقع الويب الأداة css3generator حيث تتميز بالبساطة والسهولة في الإستخدام. أداة تحرير أكواد CSS يمكن من خلال هذه الأداة أن تختار من القائمة الخاصية التي تبحثها عنها. مثلا سنقوم باختيار الخاصية Border Radius من القائمة. تلاحظ أن الأداة تعطيك البيانات التي تحتاجها كل خاصية. تعليق
4 Ways Technology Can Help Empower Teachers And Students All too often, technology is treated as a silver bullet for perceived problems in education. This sometimes leads to knee-jerk investments, using scarce resources to invest in software or hardware without a clear notion of how either might actually empower learning. Instead of having more technology as a goal, we should have more human interaction, personalization, access, and content mastery as the goals, and then think about what tools can get us there. The 18th century Prussians were one of the first societies to think about truly public education—making (relatively) high-quality education available, for free, to most anyone. Horace Mann helped bring a similar model to the U.S. in the mid-1800s, and it provided similar benefits: public education for all. But the Prussian model had its tradeoffs. 1: Empowering teachers to provide more focused, personalized instruction 2: Providing space for social and emotional learning 3: Giving teachers a window into what’s working
How to Make / Create Your Own Website: The Beginner's A-Z Guide to Starting a Website (thesitewizard.com) The essential step by step guide on how to set up a website by Christopher Heng, thesitewizard.com This tutorial shows you how to make or create a website. It is intended for the beginner and layperson, taking you step by step through the whole process from the very beginning. It makes very few assumptions about what you know (other than the fact that you know how to surf the Internet, since you're already reading this article on the Internet). The Essential Step-by-Step Guide to Making Your Own Website Get Your Domain Name The first thing you need to do before anything else is to get yourself a domain name. Conclusion Naturally the above guide is not exhaustive. Copyright © 2006-2016 Christopher Heng. Do you find this article useful? This article is copyrighted. It will appear on your page as: How to Make / Create a Website: The Beginner's A-Z Guide Copyright © 2006-2016 Christopher Heng.
Pedagogy Before Technology? Has there ever been a more exciting time to be a teacher? There is certainly more choice and opportunity, with access to tools that were merely an idea a decade ago. Global interconnectivity through technology has transformed the world of work. Offices are paperless; conferences are virtual and information is shared instantly. This is the real world; the future for our students. However, we seem to be embroiled in a period of political meddling, which irrespective of motive, is a distraction and is causing disruption for teachers and students. ‘Pedagogy first’ is of course a truism that you would struggle to find a teacher disagreeing with. Consider terms like ‘flipped learning‘, ‘transformational feedback’ and ‘MOOCs‘. Let’s take ‘flipped learning’ as an example. The pedagogy behind ‘flipped learning’ is that the teacher will tailor a content based resource specific to their learners. We are all learners. Consider the ‘Feedback Loop‘. Image credit
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