Transferir imágenes con cinta adhesiva Con este tutorial aprenderás a transferir fácilmente imágenes de un soporte a otro. Puede que encuentres imágenes que te gusten y quieres decorar con ellas algún objeto, es fácil hacerlo con la técnica que a continuación os mostramos. Hay muchas otras técnicas para transferir imágenes, pero esta es muy sencilla y fácil de hacer. Es ideal para imágenes pequeñas ya que el material que usa para la transferencia es la cinta adhesiva de embalar. Vamos a ver cómo se hace. El material que necesitamos es el siguiente: Imágenes impresas con impresora láser.Cinta de embalaje transparente.Tijeras.Un recipiente con agua.Adhesivo en spray. Cortamos la cinta de embalaje en una tira un poco más larga que la imagen que deseamos transferir, para poder trabajar más cómodamente. Pasamos el mango de las tijeras o cualquier objeto duro sobre la cinta para conseguir que la cinta se adhiera perfectamente al papel que tiene la imagen impresa. Vía: lilblueboo
How To Be Mentally Strong - Infographic Do you feel like you lack mental strength? I know I could use some more! However, this infographic, published by James Altucher, showed me that I’m at least on the right track. I bet you are too! Even though you think you don’t know how to be mentally strong, I’m sure you’re doing at least a few of the 10 things James mentions right already. One of them is relationships. Honesty is another big part of being mentally strong. Being mentally strong also means not making yourself the center of the universe. James noticed he can ask any of his successful podcast guests what they’re reading lately and they all have immediate answers. It’s hard to be mentally strong when you’re sick in bed, so health is another key factor for mental resilience. Mentally strong people are always curious. Another part of mental strength is a strong memory. If you are mentally strong you will constantly come up with new ideas. Mentally strong people don’t beat themselves up. What could you do better at?
Workout Food, cooking and simple tricks to make workout snacks to replace processed bars and drinks | Burnt Bananas I am a three season running athlete so as you can imagine I have seen my fair share of sports drinks, granola bars, chocolate milk and protein shakes and everything in between. I, however have recently chosen to steer clear of these processed snacks as much as I can. obviously in situations when they are all that is available, I will eat them. I choose to eat real food, which means I usually make it myself. the snacks I make are usually quite simple and can be made ahead of time or on demand. For pre-workout power-up I recommend nothing more that a piece of fruit (apple, orange, mango slices, grapefruit), sliced veggies (carrots, cucumber) and that is it. you do not want to fill yourself up before a race or workout, but instead give your body a little substance. for post workout snacks it gets a little more complicated. after I get home from a workout or hard practice, I am always a little hungry. Nut pieces get coated in egg white. Spiced toasted nuts: ingredients: 2 egg whites To make:
25 Essential Books That Every College Student Should Read There is no college student who would like reading books, they say. Can you believe it? We hardly think so! Yes, reading is fashionable. books widen your vocabulary;books help students find new models for academic writing;books improve your cognitive skills;books expand your view of the world around;books let students remember grammar and punctuation rules autmatically;books help students learn a subject better;books help you avoid a social exclusion (according to this study of the Basic Skills Agency). Every college student has their own list of must-read, or at least must-check, books; but what if we tell you there are some writing masterpieces that are worth your attention and are essential for college students to read? 1. “You may be poor, but the one thing nobody can take away from you is the freedom to fuck up your life whatever way you want to.” This is a story about a relationship, a love triangle which subjects first met in college. 2. 3. “Don’t feel sorry for yourself. 5. 6. 7.
8 simple CSS3 transitions that will wow your users CSS3 has introduced countless possibilities for UX designers, and the best thing about them is that the coolest parts are really simple to implement. Just a couple of lines of code will give you an awesome transition effect that will excite your users, increase engagement and ultimately, when used well, increase your conversions. What’s more, these effects are hardware accelerated, and a progressive enhancement that you can use right now. Here are 8 really simple effects that will add life to your UI and smiles to your users’ faces. All of these effects (bar one) are controlled with the transition property. So we can see these effects working, we’ll set up a div in an HTML page: Having done so, set its width and height (so it has dimensions), its background color (so we can see it) and its transition property. Now all we need to do is change properties, and they’ll animate for us… If you’d like to follow along you can download the demo files here. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 3D shadow 7. 8.
How To Tie 12 Knots Knot tying is a skill that requires practice, patience and astute knowledge. Depending on the circumstance, a certain knot can be the difference between a secure boat, a taut tent, a safe climb — and the opposite. With this in mind, we recruited J. J. Jameson, Senior Instructor for the REI Outdoor School Tri-State, to walk us through making 12 different knots and when to use each. Bowline Knot If you want to take a piece of rope and tie it around something, in a very strong closed loop, you can tie a bowline knot. ●●○○ Tie in any situation to make a secure loop at the end of a rope. Water Knot Also known as the ring bend knot, this knot uses a piece of webbing to make a closed loop. ●●○○ This is a water knot to make a closed loop, which climbers can clip into. Girth Hitch “If you have a continuous loop of webbing and want to attach it to a carabiner,” says Jameson, “you can use a girth hitch.” Clove Hitch A clove hitch is easy to tie, and more adjustable than a girth hitch. Basket Hitch J.
Dieta na płaski brzuch Szczupłą talię także trzeba wyćwiczyć! Trenerka radzi, jak najszybciej ją ukształtować. Niski indeks glikemiczny na płaski brzuch Tkanka tłuszczowa w okolicy brzucha gromadzi się, kiedy w diecie jest dużo produktów o wysokim indeksie glikemicznym (IG). Jest to wskaźnik, według którego klasyfikowane są produkty spożywcze zawierające węglowodany np. produkty zbożowe, owoce, warzywa, słodycze, w zależności od tego jak zmienia się poziom glukozy we krwi po ich spożyciu. Wysoki IG ma: białe pieczywo, daktyle, arbuzy, bób, paluszki, popcorn, frytki, napoje słodzone. Najniższy IG ma: większość owoców i warzyw, pieczywo razowe, kasza jęczmienna, soczewica, soja, mleko oraz makaron pełnoziarnisty. Warto pamiętać, iż poziom IG potrawy zależy nie tylko od zawartości białka, tłuszczu czy węglowodanów, ponieważ równie ważny jest sposób przyrządzenia dania. Chcesz mieć płaski brzuch? Artykuł powstał we współpracy z Anetą Łańcuchowską z Poradni Dietetycznej „hälsa” (
25 Self-Improvement Books That Will Make You A Better Person These 25 self-improvement books will surprise you, make you think, and maybe even insult you. But more than anything, they will help you become a better person. 1. You Are Not So Smart: Why You Have Too Many Friends on Facebook, Why Your Memory Is Mostly Fiction, and 46 Other Ways You’re Deluding Yourself by David McRaney Read it “If you see lots of shark attacks in the news, you think, ‘Gosh, sharks are out of control.’ While the title may seem a bit insulting, this book is meant to celebrate our irrational nature, and explain human psych in an entertaining way. 2. by Dan Ariely Read it “Upton Sinclair once noted, “It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.” This is another read on human irrationality, again with a positive, explanatory spin. 3. by Malcolm Gladwell Read it “Emotion is contagious.” In the age of viral videos, content, and ideas, The Tipping Point explores a very relevant question: what makes something spread?
O artista Dran mostra a nossa indiferença Eu já ouvi isso mais de uma vez. Geralmente acontece quando alguém vê algo que não lhe agrada nem um pouco. Ao se deparar com um item aborrecedor, a pessoa torce o nariz e diz: “se lá no futuro, uma escavação descobrir isso, o que vão achar da nossa civilização?”. Pois bem. Mas, nesse caso mais complexo, eles provavelmente adorariam os desenhos, em detrimento ao que eles evidenciam: uma sociedade violenta, consumista e esgotista de recursos e relações, como se o nosso tempo fosse uma bocarra a sugar tudo com máxima intensidade até restar apenas os ossos. O chamam de “Banksy francês”, em alusão ao artista de rua inglês que — também — incomoda muita gente. E isso é bom. Assumir e reaprender a olhar é o primeiro passo.
Why Resolutions Don’t Work & How to Create Lasting Change “I can affect change by transforming the only thing that I ever had control over in the first place and that is myself.” ~Deepak Chopra As the New Year quickly approaches, many of us spend time in review and reflection of the past year’s events and initiate strategic planning for the upcoming year. We create and contemplate lists of resolutions, often featuring some of the same goals from the previous year. But we convince ourselves that this is going to be the year for change and transformation. So, on January 1st, we arise, excited and committed to our new or repeated goals of exercising regularly, eating healthy, waking up earlier, taking a new class, searching for a new job and career, saving money, releasing bad habits, and the list goes on and on. Yet, by Martin Luther King Jr. For several years, I was painfully stuck in my own life. I became increasingly dissatisfied with my life, constantly yearning for the things and people I thought would make me happy. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Białka, tłuszcze i węglowodany | Blog Dietetyka Często się słyszy, że produkty żywnościowe zawierają mało węglowodanów, są bogate w białko lub wolne od tłuszczu. Warto wrócić do postaw żywienia i przyjrzeć się tym trzem makroskładnikom, które są źródłem prawie wszystkich kalorii w pożywieniu. Żywność zawiera zazwyczaj w różnych proporcjach białka, tłuszcze i węglowodany. Białka Zbudowane są z 20 aminokwasów, z czego można wyróżnić 8, których organizm nie potrafi sam wytworzyć (aminokwasy niezbędne), w związku z czym muszą one zostać dostarczone wraz z pożywieniem. Białka są źródłem energii. 1 gram białka dostarcza 4 kcal. podstawowy składnik budulcowy wszystkich tkanek i związków biologicznie czynnych (enzymy, hormony)naprawa tkanek (gojenie ran)regulacja procesów przemiany materii przez działanie enzymówudział w procesach obronnych organizmu (produkcja przeciwciał)funkcja transportowaudział w procesach widzenia Tłuszcze Pomimo tego, że cieszą się nie najlepszą reputacją to są one niezbędnym składnikiem diety. Węglowodany
10 Epic Books Every Man Must Read What are the Top Must Read Books For Men? There are books that you read, and there are books that change your life. The list compiled below is an indication of some of the best books to read. From an infinite list of books, these 10 are ones that have defined generations and inspired countless authors. So Gentlemen, here is the Top 10 List Of Books To Read For Every Man: 1. The epic adventure of Edmond Dantès and how he spent 14 years in a dungeon for a crime he didn’t commit, will keep you hooked to the point where your friends and family will be concerned for your well-being. 2. The Screwtape Letters is an utterly original book by C. 3. A great book about the dangers of holding on to vanity and pride, The Picture of Dorian Grey is a remarkable book filled with moments of great self-reflection, we see Dorian Grey go on a sensual quest and the outcome of that is the final twist in the book. 4. 5. We Recommend the Amazon Kindle as the best e-book reader 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Homem usa criatividade para transformar garrafas PET em fios ultrarresistentes No Brasil, 6 em cada 10 garrafas PET são recicladas, índice que nos coloca à frente de países europeus e até mesmo dos Estados Unidos. Mesmo assim, 40% delas ainda vão parar nos lixões, comprometendo o meio ambiente e a qualidade de vida. Para aumentar a reutilização e reciclagem desse tipo de material, a criatividade é uma forte aliada. Basta ver como este russo criou uma forma de transformar as garrafas PET em um fio ultrarresistente. Utilizando um pedaço de metal, ele desenvolveu uma espécie de ralador de garrafa, que transforma o plástico em fios que vão de 1 mm a 1 cm de largura. Com um pouco de paciência e habilidade, você pode construir em casa o mecanismo que transforma PETs em fios. Parte 1 Parte 2
How to Take Free Courses from Top Universities It's back-to-school season and you can continue your education too with some amazing and free online resources available from top universities. These institutions offer many of their courses in the form of video lectures, audio transcripts and online quizzes. And, some universities give you access to the professor and let you interact with other students taking the class. Want to give these free online courses a try? Here are the online education offerings from the top U.S. universities that we think are worth checking out. Stanford Free Courses Stanford University, located in Stanford, California, offers an especially rich bounty of material for its amateur online learners. Webcast.Berkeley The University of California, Berkeley is one of America’s most esteemed public universities. MIT OpenCourseWare Looking to live out your Good Will Hunting fantasies? Duke University North Carolina’s Duke University offers a number of interactive, free online courses through the Coursera platform.