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FindMeByIP - what browser am I using, how modern is my web browser, and what's my IP address?

FindMeByIP - what browser am I using, how modern is my web browser, and what's my IP address?

Google Chrome Extensions The HTML5 test - How well does your browser support HTML5? 25 Websites To Have Fun With Your Photos | Web 2.0 Getting a little bored with how your photos are presented online? How about injecting some fun and humor into it? You don’t really need to be Photoshop literate to edit and add effects to your photos. The best part is – they are free, the output is shown immediately on the fly, and no installation of apps is required. 13 Sites to Create Cartoon Characters of Yourself 13 Sites to Create Cartoon Characters of Yourself Thanks to many free web services, you don't have to pay an artist for your cartoon illustrations. PhotoFunia One of the hottest site with tons of creative backgrounds to play around with. Photo505 We’d say, with Photo505 and Photofunia, you’ll be buzy for days. Loonapic Make funny photos by embedding your face from the photo into the various templates. PhotoWorks PhotoWorks transforms your not-so-perfect photos into masterpieces. Write On It Easily create your fake pictures, captions and fake magazines, and other funny jokes for you and your friends. Dumpr Anymaking PiZap Funny Photos

Une «classe conditionnelle» pour IE 6 et 7 - Alsacréations Les cancres du Web, Internet Explorer 6, 7 et parfois 8, nous mènent souvent la vie dure. Même quand on s’abaisse à leur niveau, il leur arrive de ne pas comprendre, ou d’y mettre de la mauvaise volonté. La solution classique (comprendre: à l’ancienne) est d’utiliser des hacks CSS. Ces derniers sont déconseillés car peu fiables; en effet, on ne sait jamais à l’avance quels seront les navigateurs sur le marché dans deux ou cinq ans, et comment ils comprendront ou pas nos hacks CSS. Nous allons voir dans cet article que l’utilisation habituelle des commentaires conditionnels a quelques inconvénients, et proposer une technique qui combine plusieurs avantages : les classes conditionnelles. Le problème des commentaires conditionnels Les commentaires conditionnels se présentent comme des instructions dotées d’une condition (if) et qui peuvent se placer à n’importe quel endroit du document (X)HTML. Au final, vous jonglerez avec au minimum trois feuilles de styles CSS : Une alternative ?

Performance Comparison of Major Web Browsers The latest versions of the five major most web browsers (Mozilla Firefox 3.5, Google Chrome 3.0, Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0, Opera 10.0, and Apple Safari 4.0) went head to head under six performance indicators: JavaScript speed, average CPU usage under stress, DOM selection, CSS rendering speed, page load time, and browser cache performance. Each web browser was tested three times under an unprimed cache (except for the browser cache performance), and their average value reported in the results. Click to enlarge: Download the Data If you’d like to download the raw data, you can grab them as a CSV below. web-browser-performance-data.csv (CSV, 2.0KB) Benchmarking Tools Acknowledgement: Thanks to Sean Hurley of 96Robots for inspiring this study. Related Content About the Author Jacob Gube is the Founder and Chief Editor of Six Revisions.

Exécuter plusieurs versions de Firefox simultanément sous Mac OS | Epershand Pré-requis pour cette astuce Firefox Mac OS X Léopard (j’ai pu testé ça que sous Léopard désolé ) Développer cross-browser, cross-platform, cross-universe… Vous me l’accorderez volontiers, de nos jours, pour développer un site qui fonctionne quelque soit le navigateur web, le système d’exploitation, la résolution, etc. c’est une véritable panacée. Etape 1 : Installer Firefox Tout d’abord commencez par quitter complètement Firefox… Si si… Bah quoi ? Ensuite téléchargez les versions de Firefox que vous souhaitez tester. Lancez l’installation et veillez à installer dans un répertoire différent de celui où se trouve votre version actuelle de Firefox. N’exécuter surtout pas Firefox à la fin de l’installation ! Etape 2 : Configurer les profils Le secret de la manœuvre que nous allons réaliser ici est de jouer sur les profils utilisateurs pour permettre d’exécuter plusieurs fois la même application. Ouvrez donc l’invite de commande puis tapez : Etape 3 : Exécuter Firefox avec le profil adéquat

70 Free Useful Portable Applications You Should Know | Tools Editor’s note: This post has been updated. More apps are added and error links are fixed. Portable apps are the software requiring no installation unlike usual executable apps yet recall your history and configuration options unlike zipped apps. In this post, we’re showcasing the top 100 useful portable apps that you can carry in a pen drive or your phone’s storage or SD card. Portable apps for Windows platform lets you carry your favorite apps along with you on the go – with all the data and settings, ready to be launched at a click on any computer running Windows XP or above. Read Also: 30 Must-Have Free Windows Tools Development Apps Geany Portable. Notepad++ Portable. Database Browser Portable. Cppcheck Portable. NSIS Portable. Sqliteman Portable. XAMPP. Education Apps Artha Portable. Marble Portable. Stellarium Portable. TIPP10 Portable. Graphics and Pictures Apps AniFX Portable. Blender Portable. Caesium Portable. FotoSketcher Portable. GIMP Portable. IcoFX Portable. PicPick Portable.

IE 6 Blocker Script Fed up with supporting IE 6? Ready to just cut it off? I don't blame you. I generally feel that most problems people have with IE 6 are pretty easy to work around with practice, but that is not always the case, and I feel like the JavaScript support is even more problematic for developers. Many times it just comes down to how best to spend your time. But then the question arises as to just HOW you are going to stop supporting IE 6. Enter the IE 6 Blocker Script. View Demo Download Files Below we'll detail a how it works and how to use it. Includes and Browser Detection In the <head> section of the site, we'll need to include both jQuery and the script file. ... The ie6blocker.js script does the browser detection on its first line: var IE6 = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE 6")>=0) ? Alternatively, we could have done our browser detection right within the HTML file with a conditional comments statement: The jQuery Two div's will be needed. Here is the overlay: Here is the message box: Share On
