C3DBenelux browser-how-to-guide.pdf (application/pdf Object) SolarWinds Firewall Security Manager (FSM) delivers the advanced firewall management capabilities required by today’s ever-evolving security and compliance mandates and increasingly complex rulesets. Remember, security and compliance are not one-time projects, but ongoing processes that must be maintained, which is why having the right management tool is vital! With FSM, you get an all-in-one tool to simplify firewall configuration, change management, and troubleshooting—all with an intuitive, point-and-click interface. You can discover high-risk firewalls in minutes, isolate dangerous rules and security gaps, and remediate threats to ensure the safety of your network’s valuable resources. FSM Highlights:Automate security audits and compliance checksAnalyze and optimize complex firewall configurationsExpose hidden network vulnerabilitiesClean up redundant, conflicting, and unused rulesModel rule change impact without touching production Don’t take chances with your network’s security!
Using Unicode You can insert a number of special symbols into Mtext. In the Mtext editor select the symbol icon "@" on the formatting toolbar to get the symbols menu. But what if you want to insert a symbol not in this list? There are a number of characters in most fonts that can be inserted with some good old fashioned arcane syntax. Let's say you wanted to use the less than or equal to symbol. In Character Map select the True Type equivalent of the AutoCAD font you're using in your drawing. In the Mtext Editor type this Unicode value where you wish to insert the symbol. Science Can Neither Explain Nor Deny the Awesomeness of This Sledding Crow - Alexis Madrigal - Technology Before we talk, you need to watch the video above. It's just one minute and 24 seconds. You'll observe a crow (probably a 'hooded crow') pick up the lid to a jar, set it down on the apex of a snow-mottled roof and slide down one side, carefully keeping its feet on the lid until it gets to the bottom. Then it picks up the lid, flies back to the apex, tests out another face of the roof, finds it lacking, returns to the original position, and slides down again. It is a remarkable demonstration of the intelligence of the crow, which sits on a smart branch in the animal tree within the family Corvidae. I wanted to know if there was a greater significance to this video and this amazing bird. Across the phone line, I heard Kamil gamely open his email and begin to watch the video. Then I started my questioning. Kamil demurred. "It is in keeping with the general reputation of corvids," Kamil told me. There are two problems with making much of the video.
Google’s Web Book – “20 Things I Learned About Browsers and the Web” In an attempt to teach the average person about the fundamental of browsers and the web, Google has released an interactive online book called ” 20 Things I Learned About Browsers and the Web” This short book, 20 Things I Learned About Browsers and the Web, is a step-by-step explanation of the web and how it works. It covers 19 different topics. Starting with “What Is the Internet?” and then dives into Cloud computing, Web Apps, and more. Table of Content This is created by the Google Chrome team using HTML5 and also featuring a lot of clever illustrations by award-winning German illustrator and children’s author Christoph Niemann. Read & Download You can read the Book here : 20 Things I Learned About Browsers and the Web. Comments What do you think of Google’s new Internet book?
20 Snippets You should be using from Html5 Boilerplate I recently, as many web designers and developers will have, became aware of a fantastic resource put together by web developer, Paul Irish, and Divya Manian. Html5 Boilerplate, as they have named it, is a powerful starting off point for any website or web application. As Paul Irish describes it; “It’s essentially a good starting template of html and css and a folder structure that works., but baked into it is years of best practices from front-end development professionals.” It is absolutely packed full of fantastic snippets of code that are still very much worth using even if you don’t want to start using html5 boilerplate as your base template. Html We will start off by checking out some of the html snippets used in the resource. Favicon and Apple icons The favicon is pretty much normality these day. the interesting bit here is the apple-touch-icon which is used if you save a bookmark to your home screen on an apple touch device such as an iPad or iPhone. Faster page load hack Css
Google Builds Developer Tool to Flag Web App Vulnerabilities Google has released an experimental extension for its Chrome browser that developers can use to scan their Web applications and flag code that could make them vulnerable to malware attacks. The free tool, called DOM Snitch, is designed to sniff out potential security holes in Web applications' client-side code that could be exploited by attacks such as client-side scripting, Google said on Tuesday. "To do this, we have adopted several approaches to intercepting JavaScript calls to key and potentially dangerous browser infrastructure such as document.write or HTMLElement.innerHTML," Google official Radoslav Vasilev wrote in a blog post. In addition to developers, DOM Snitch is also aimed at code testers and security researchers, the company said. The tool displays DOM (document object model) modifications in real time so developers don't have to pause the application to run a debugging tool, according to Google.
Data Tables In Modern Web Design Dec 28 2009 By Matt Cronin Being able to organize data and information is a skill not to be overlooked. Data tables have been in use since the beginning of Web development. Common Uses Of Data Tables Tables make organizing information in a clean and readable way very easy. Because of the chart-like layout of tables, they are extremely useful for making comparisons. The table below on Apple’s website compares all of the MacBooks. Data tables are often used to compare pricing plans. Finally, tables often appear on TV network websites to shows schedules. Components Of A Useful Data Table Although almost every user knows how to make sense of a table, you can still do a few things to take yours to the next level of usability. Titles + Labels + Data = Data Table Obviously, a data table consists of columns titles, rows labels and the actual data in the cells. When adding color, you should make the cells contrast with labels and titles. Working With Larger And More Complex Data Tables Joomla! (al)
LearningXL | 100 Amazing Web Tools for Hobbyist Scholars Art & Design A student attending a school of art and design must learn how to communicate ideas through visual language. They study contemporary and classic artists, and learn traditional and modern methods of creating art, covering media like paint, sculpture, textiles, or digital design. With solid foundations in drawing, developed discipline and knowledge, students may pursue a variety of careers in graphic design, product design, conceptual art, illustration, and other fields. Read More About Art & Design Subjects -Select a Subject- Business & Commerce Leading business and commerce schools train students for a globalized economy and provide a number of degree programs, including corporate finance, accounting, business administration, e-commerce, international business, or marketing. Read More About Business & Commerce Subjects Education & Teaching Read More About Education & Teaching Subjects Health Sciences Read More About Health Sciences Subjects Hospitality & Culinary Law & Legal Studies