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Yet Another Related Posts Plugin

Yet Another Related Posts Plugin
Yet Another Related Posts Plugin (YARPP) displays pages, posts, and custom post types related to the current entry, introducing your readers to other relevant content on your site. Now you can mix and match YARPP Basic and YARPP Pro to get the best of both features, beneath articles or in the sidebar! Use the combination that works best for you. YARPP Pro for Sponsored ContentCreate a variety of native units, including Content Recommendation or In Feed displayMake money by displaying sponsored content, at the bottom of your posts, in the sidebar, or both.Easily promote your product or service on thousands of blogs and websites.Advertisers are now able to bid by CPC and/or CPMSupport for more granular advertiser targeting such as IAB category and geo-targeting by DMA Learn more about the new YARPP Pro enhancements! This plugin requires PHP 5, MySQL 4.1, and WordPress 3.3 or greater.

5 Best WordPress Plugins To Improve The Loading Speed Of a Blog In this article we are going to deal with 5 WordPress Plugins that which Improves the Loading Speed of a Blog. Do you think that your traffic is continuously decreasing for the past few months ? If yes then it may be due to more loading time of your blog. More the time, a blog takes to load, Less are the chances of it to be in Google SERP. Reason may be any but you should optimize your blog. #1. WP Database optimizer is the plugin that let you optimize your WordPress database.Whenever you create or delete a lot of posts or do experiments with the plugins, a small fragments of these are left behind that should be cleared out routinely.This plugin allows you to have your WordPress tables to be optimized on a schedule. Link: Download WP Database Optimizer #2. WP Minify reduces the loading speed of your blog by combining multiple CSS or JavaScript files on your blog and removing unnecessary white space and comments, and serves them with gzip encoding and optimal client-side cache headers.

Redirection - Manage 301 redirections without modifying Apache Redirection is a WordPress plugin to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and generally tidy up any loose ends your site may have. This is particularly useful if you are migrating pages from an old website, or are changing the directory of your WordPress installation. Features include: Supports both WordPress-based and Apache-based redirections404 error monitoring – captures a log of 404 errors and allows you to easily map these to 301 redirectsRSS feed for 404 errorsCustom ‘pass-through’ redirections allowing you to pass a URL through to another page, file, or website.Full logs for all redirected URLsCreate redirections based upon a URL, browser, referring site, or login statusAutomatically add a 301 redirection when a post’s URL changesFull regular expression supportFully localizedExport all redirections to CSV, XML, or Apache .htaccess filesImport Apache .htacces files Redirection is available in the following languages: Installation Core Concepts ModulesGroupsRedirects

Customizing the Read More Customizing the Read More Languages: English • 日本語 • Português do Brasil • (Add your language) If you have set your WordPress site to display post excerpts on the front or home page, you will want visitors to click on the title or a link to encourage them to continue reading your post or article, right? The Excerpt Basics Excerpts (teasers) can be shown on WordPress through two methods: The first, keeping the the_content() template tag and inserting a quicktag called more at your desired "cut-off" point when editing the post. In both cases, if you have set anything in the Excerpt meta box on the post editor screen, that text will be used. The most commonly used method is the first one, because the user editing the post can choose between showing the whole content or just the excerpt, individually for each post. It will insert a code at that point that looks like this: and I told him that he should get moving or I'd be on him like a limpet. Read More Techniques To remove the teaser: Include <!

Google XML Sitemaps Use this plugin to greatly improve SEO to create special XML sitemaps which will help search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo and to better index your site. With such a sitemap, it’s much easier for the crawlers to see the complete structure of your site and retrieve it more efficiently. The plugin supports all kinds of WordPress generated pages as well as custom URLs. Supported since over 9 years and rated as the best WordPress plugin, it will do exactly what it’s supposed to do – providing a complete XML sitemap for search engines. If you like the plugin, feel free to rate it (on the right side of this page)! Related Links: License Good news, this plugin is free for everyone! Translations The plugin comes with various translations, please refer to the WordPress Codex for more information about activating the translation. Along with other things this plugin alone makes a huge difference with google. Read all 2,059 reviews “Google XML Sitemaps” is open source software.

How To Speed Up WordPress Load Times I’ll admit it: I’m addicted to speed. No, not the psychostimulant; I’m talking about website speed. I’m not alone, either. Google recently announced that they consider website speed when determining search engine rankings. Oh, did I mention that a slow website can literally kill your revenue stream? Check out what the experts at have to say about the topic: Google found that moving from a 10-result page loading in 0.4 seconds to a 30-result page loading in 0.9 seconds decreased traffic and ad revenues by 20% (Linden 2006). It’s quite clear. What Determines Website Page Speed? The Yahoo! So, I’ll break down the top performance recommendations and show you you can apply them to your website. Let’s do it. 1. Translation: Limit the number of files required to display your website When someone visits your website, the corresponding files must be sent to that person’s browser. As expected, every file you use to enhance your design detracts from its performance. 2. 3. 4. What?

5 WordPress Plugin per dotare il blog di un’area riservata - WordPress Mania.Trucchi, notizie, plugin, temi I 5 plugin WordPress che vi presento oggi sono parti di una “suite”, Social Privacy, che vi permette di creare aree riservate, di membership, nel vostro blog e di integrare un sistema di notifica via email agli utenti registrati. A chi può servire? Ci possono essere infiniti usi per questi plugin, per esempio per dedicare un’area del vostro blog alla pubblicazione delle vostre foto, ma riservata ad amici e familiari, oppure in senso commerciale per consentire solo a clienti specifici l’accesso a materiali riservati, oppure perchè no, consentire alla vostra rete vendita di accedere ai listini e ai materiali promozionali sempre aggiornati. Insomma il solo limite è la fantasia (e la necessità, che notoriamente aguzza l’ingegno) Abbiamo già passato in rassegna altre volte plugin WordPress per Community e Membership, cosa offre di diverso Social Privacy? Quali post posssono essere riservati? singoli postintere categorie (con supporto per categorie multiple) A chi possono essere resi disponibili?

Créer une page statique comme page d’accueil de votre blog Wordp Grosse prise de tête cet après-midi pour trouver un moyen simple et efficace qui permettrait de créer une page d’accueil différente du blog. En fait, c’est un commentaire de Fly06 qui m’a fait réagir. En effet, pour avoir une page d’accueil, un moyen simple est de créer un template home.php et l’affaire est faite ! Pas si simple que ça… La page d’accueil va prendre la place de l’index à la racine de votre site. En tapant l’URL de votre blog, vous allez attérir sur la page d’accueil et non plus sur les derniers billets. Le thème k2 a un onglet dans le menu de navigation qui permet d’arriver sur le blog. Alors, jusqu’à il y a peu, il y avait différentes manières de s’en sortir. Depuis l’arrivée de la version 2.1 de WordPress, les choses se sont considérablement améliorées puisque la plateforme vous propose de le faire pour vous (Options -> Lecture): Cependant, ce n’est pas clair et les explications du codex wordpress sont assez simplifiées. Maintenant, allez sur votre site. Bon week-end

All in One SEO Pack The original WordPress SEO plugin, downloaded over 50,000,000 times since 2007. Use All in One SEO Pack to optimize your WordPress site for SEO. It’s easy and works out of the box for beginners, and has advanced features and an API for developers. Upgrade to Pro Version Premium Support First created in 2007, see why AIOSEO is one of the all time most downloaded plugins for WordPress. Follow me on Twitter to keep up with the latest updates Michael Torbert I'm using only this one seo pack for every of my wp site. All-in-One-SEO (AIOSEO) is a bit more technical compared to some of its competitors. I use AIOSEO for all of my web development clients. This plugin is working just great and I never had any issues. Even the FREE version of All In One SEO is better than most of the payable versions of other plugins out there. Read all 433 reviews

Speeding Up Your WordPress Website: 11 Ways to Improve Your Load Time For the past few weeks I’ve been working on my WordPress site in an attempt to reach 95+ on Google PageSpeed Insights. I thought it would be easy. “All I need to do is make a few tweaks here and a few optimizations there,” I told myself. “Smush my images and set expire headers; install W3 Total Cache and all will be sweet. How wrong was I. The closest I got was 91. Still, 91 ain’t so bad, right? In this post I’ll go through the various measures I put in place on my test sites to achieve a score of 91/100 on PageSpeed Insights. With our Hummingbird performance optimization plugin, you can scan your websites, get detailed recommendations, and watch while your sites are automagically optimized for super speed.Find out more The Results Before we get started, let’s go through the results. After experimenting with various web hosts, themes, plugins and code, I achieved my highest score with WP Engine using the Frank theme. Unfortunately, I was only able to reach 79/100 for mobile. Use a CDN

Surf facebook everywhere BuddyPress, le réseau social selon WordPress Advanced Sitemap Generator This plugin is the most powerfull plugin which easily display your post and page through shortcode on front end.You just need to put shortcode([sitemap]) on your page/post. If you want to exclude pages then put ([sitemap excludepage="1,4"]) where 1,4 are the page id seperated by the comma's. If you want to exclude post from a specific categories then put ([sitemap excludepage="1,4" excludecat="6,3"]) where 6,3 are the category id seperated by the comma's. If you want to exclude specific posts then put ([sitemap excludepage="1,4" excludecat="6,3" excludepost="1,183"]) where 1,183 are the post id seperated by the comma's. If you want to show custom link "home" then put ([sitemap excludepage="1,4" excludecat="6,3" excludepost="1,183" home="yes"]) If you want to show specific number of post then put ([sitemap excludepage="1,4" excludecat="6,3" excludepost="1,183" home="yes" postcount="4"]) where 4 is the number of post to show

How To Get the RSS Feed Of A Facebook Fan Page Most people tend to keep track of their favorite blogs by means of subscribing to the blog’s RSS feed and then viewing the content via an RSS reader, such as Google Reader. These days almost every business and group also runs a Facebook Fan Page. The question is: how do we subscribe to this content via RSS? Facebook have purposefully made it difficult for people to do so. Being able to subscribe the RSS feed of a Facebook page is a simple process, which only requires four steps. 1 – Get the URL of the Facebook fan page Open a web browser and go to the Facebook fan page which you are interested in tracking via RSS. For example, Tech-Informer’s Facebook fan page can be found at: Copy this URL to your clipboard. 2 – Get the page ID of the Facebook fan page Getting the page ID of the Facebook fan page can be either done with a free web service, or can also be done manually. Once you have the page ID, you can move on to step 3.

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