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Photoshop Masking & Compositing: Advanced Blending In this exercise, I'll explain the difference between the two numerical blending options here inside the Layers panel, the first of which goes by the name Opacity and the second of which is called Fill, short for Fill Opacity. I'm working inside a file called Sample type.psd found inside the 01_intro folder. And notice that we have two identical words set in the font Myriad Pro, both of which are located on independent layers. I'm going to start things off by making the top layer active, then I'll click on the word Opacity in order to highlight its value there in the Layers panel, and I'll change the value to 25%. Then I'll click on Sample #2 in order to make it active, click on the Fill this time in order to make its value active, and change it to 25%. Where they start to become different than each other is when we have layer effects. Compare that to what happens when I select the second text layer, click on its Fill value and change it to 25%.
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Photoshop Masking & Compositing: Fundamentals In this exercise, I'm going to introduce you to the Channels panel and explain how it compares to the Masks panel just so that you have a sense of where you stand right from the start where masking is concerned inside Photoshop. I'm working inside an image called Toucan with swatches.psd and it's based on a photograph from the Fotolia Image Library, about which you can learn more at fotolia.com/deke. But, I've made a few modifications to the image. If you go to the Layers panel and Alt+ Click or Option+Click on the eyeball in front of the Background layer, you will see the original photographic image. Now, it's a very colorful image indeed. Now, I mentioned this just so that you have a sense of how this composition is put together. I also have a Vector Mask associated with the Swatches layer. I'm going to go ahead and collapse the Color panel, so I have a little more room to work. You can do those things specifically to layer Masks and Vector Masks as well.
stereomood – emotional internet radio - music for my mood and activities - StumbleUpon Mon Top 10 des films d’animations Je me prête à mon tour au petit top 10 qui circulent chez les bloggeurs ciné suite à l’initiative d’Alexandre Mathis de Plan-c (alias Plan Cul) qui verra surement son classement wikio monté début mai à la suite de tout ces link vers lui (mais il le mérite avouons le ). Pour ce petit Top 10, il ne faudra pas oublier que je ne regarde un film que si graphiquement il me plait (oui je suis sectaire de l’animation) en conséquence, pas de persépolis, pas de triplettes (bien que j’aimerai le voir celui ci) et pas de kirikou. Je pense fortement que Mary & Max aurait été dans mon Top si je l’avais vu, or il est encore dans ma liste d’attente. 10 – Gosth In The Shell Le seul film SF de ce classement mais quel film (Akira aurait pu avoir sa place également), Cyborg, humain, soldat, guerre. 9 -L’etrange noel de monsieur Jack Faut il vraiment le présenter, ce film représente Burton à la perfection, on y suit l’histoire de Jack et de ses compagnons, tentant de prendre possession de la fête de Noël.
Photoshop Masking & Compositing: Fundamentals In this exercise I'll show you how to create, save, and modify a very basic mask inside Photoshop. I have open an image called toolman.jpg. It features this guy with these opaque goggles and what I am hoping is an unlit cigarette, because as we all know lit cigarettes are very dangerous for you. We are however going to line up the scene by adding some lasers blasting out of this guy's eyes and ultimately heating up this wrench, and to do so we need to create some selections. Now as we'll be discussing in a future chapter the Quick Selection tool is rarely the most efficient selection feature inside Photoshop, but in the case of these goggles it performs admirably. But you wouldn't know it from these animated outlines that we see on screen now; better known as the marching ants. But for now go up to the Select menu and choose to Save Selection command. Then we can go ahead and name that new channel as well.