Bildung stärkt Menschen - Lektüreverzeichnis Deutsch
Gymnasium, Klasse keine, Deutsch , mit Unterrichtsbezug Inhalt - Ein Lektüreverzeichnis für das Fach Deutsch an allen Gymnasien strukturiert nach Epochen (Mittelalter, Barock, Aufklärung, Klassik/Romantik, 19. Jahrhundert und 20. - Auch nicht deutschsprachige Literatur in deutscher Übersetzung ist aufgeführt. Bezug zu den Bildungsstandards: Umgang mit literarischen (und nicht literarischen) Texten Dateien Lektüreverzeichnis Deutsch (137 kB)
German Reading Material, Girls and Boys: 10 Graspable Books for Emerging German Readers
The German language may sometimes appear more impenetrable than the Berlin Wall. But hey, even that’s history! If you think you need to master every complicated grammar rule before you can enjoy the language, think again. If you think you need to have the dative, the accusative and all those neverending compound words down before you can start reading real German books, I’m here to tell you differently. And I’m not just talking about children’s books, though those can be a big help, too. Even some of the greatest German language writers, like Kafka and Max Frisch, have produced accessible works that’ll keep you hooked and boost your Deutsch skills in record time! The Benefits of Reading German Books Sooner Rather Than Later If you’re a beginner or intermediate learner who’s been putting off reading books in German, you’re probably doing yourself more harm than good. Books allow you to experience real-life language, as opposed to classroom language. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Deutsch-Wagen-Tour – Deutsch lernen in Polen - Spiele - Goethe-Institut
Spiel 22: Auf dem Fußballplatz Hier findest du einige Situationen auf dem Fußballplatz. Bist du sicher, wie sie heißen? Spiel 21: Umweltspiel Energie sparen, Müll trennen... Spiel 20: Smartphonespiel Simsen kann ziemlich gefährlich sein. Spiel 19: Zutatenspiel Gleich kommen deine Gäste und der Obstsalat ist noch nicht fertig. Spiel 18: Kofferpacken Wir fahren in den Urlaub ans Meer und packen den Koffer. Spiel 17: Ratespiel Stell dir vor, du bist der Koch, aber dein Kater Momo hat einen genauso großen Hunger wie du auf die leckeren Hähnchenschenkel. Wie heißen die Ostseeländer und ihre Hauptstädte? Weihnachtszeit - Ruhezeit. Welche Sehenswürdigkeiten Deutschlands kennst du? Spiel 13: Kreuzworträtsel Klicke das Eingabefeld auf dem Gitter an und finde heraus, was du schon alles über das Projekt Deutsch-Wagen-Tour weißt. In welcher Stimmung bist du nach den Sommerferien? Was kosten einzelne Einrichtungsgegenstände? Spiel 09: Himmelsrichtungen Wo waren unsere Deutsch-Wagen bereits?
10 Must-see German Animated Movies You'll Absolutely Love
Cancel your Friday night plans! Set down those flashcards and go restock your popcorn supply. Give your conversation practice a little rest and start putting holds on some of your library’s German movies. Not just any movies, though—we’re talking animation today. Oh yes, you’ll be adding some truly fascinating stories to your shelf, alongside “Toy Story” and “Frozen.” Even if you thought you were way past your animated movie phase, it’s time to rewind the clock and get settled in for some refreshing cartoon time. Why Watch Animated German Movies? There are plenty of reasons why watching German animated movies will help your language. Discover the wondrous German film industry. How to Learn German with Animated Movies It can be easy to get lost in all the fun of the story and forget you actually wanted to use the movie as a language tool. If you hear a word, but aren’t 100% on the meaning, you should quickly jot it down (or hit pause and write it down). All right, now let’s get to the films! 1.
Art History News: The Robbers: German Art in a Time of Crisis
In February 2018, the Portland Museum of Art will open The Robbers: German Art in a Time of Crisis in the Palladian Gallery. The exhibition of approximately thirty German prints executed between the World Wars will highlight the complete portfolio of George Grosz’s 1922 The Robbers. Grosz based his lithographic suite on Friedrich Schiller iconic 1781 play of the same name, yet when Grosz depicted the canonical story he situated the action in the tumultuous climate of early 1920s Berlin. With figures culled from the modern era, Grosz’s imagery suggests the vast social discord where the traumatic effects of the mechanized war, greed, industry, and poverty intersected to undermine national stability in the young Weimar Republic. Georg Grosz, "I will root up from my path whatever obstructs my progress towards becoming the master" Act 1 Scene 2; From The Robbers by Friedrich Schiller, ... More images
Learn German Through TV: 8 Great Shows for German Learners
You’ve already read the must-read German classics. Next you turned to music, and continued learning German with some great modern songs that still get stuck in your head from time to time. And then you began watching German movies to take your German skills to the next level. The movies have been great so far! The answer: TELEVISION Yes, forget what your parents told you about watching too much TV. Not only can you learn tons of new slang from TV, but you can also gain great insight into contemporary German culture. In addition, unscripted shows—like reality shows—can expose you to off-the-cuff German, which can drastically improve your listening comprehension. Need a quick break from your German vocabulary flashcards? If you discover that you love learning German through authentic video content like these awesome shows, then you’ll have to check out FluentU. That’s what we’re all about. Now, let’s get on with the show! 1. 2. Drama, drama, drama! 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Ausmalbilder Ostern Osterhase Ostereier - Kinder Malvorlagen
Ob Osterhasen, Ostereier oder ganze Osterszenen, auf dieser Seite findest du alles zum Ausmalen rund ums Osterfest. Wir haben einfache Vorlagen für kleine Kinder, ebenso wie auch kompliziertere Osterbilder. Was natürlich nicht fehlen darf, sind Ostereier mit verschiedenen Mustern drauf. Aber auch simple Eier ohne Verziehrung, die du ganz nach deinen eigenen Ideen ausmalen und gestalten kannst. Vielleicht interessieren dich auch unsere lustigen Osterrätsel oder unsere Osterkarten/Osterbriefpapier. Bis Ostern am Sonntag, 1. Oster-Szenen Osterhasen Ostereier Osterküken Osterkörbe Oster-Collagen Weitere Seiten, die gut zum Osterfest passen:Osterrätsel | Blumen | FrühlingArtikel: Clevere Ostergeschenke für Kids In der Vorlagen-Kategorie "Ostern Ostereier Osterhasen " sind im Moment 106 Oster-Ausmalbilder vorhanden.
Learn German with Movies: 10 Great Movies for Learning Real German
Struggling to understand your friend from Basel? Not sure why that Viennese man told you to “greet God”? Recognizing regional dialects and slang are key to understanding the German language. One way to acquire an ear for these everyday regionalisms is to learn German through music. But my favorite way to learn real German is German films. Why Learn German with Movies? It’s simple, really. Movies are just fun and entertaining. So drop that Hochdeutsch textbook for now and start streaming one of the following German-language films! Tips on Learning German through Movies To learn German as effectively as possible, it isn’t enough to just watch the movies and expect to soak up the vocabulary. This all takes time and energy, and there’s still a lot of pain involved when you encounter unknown words. FluentU helps you learn German through movie trailers, commercials, news, and music videos. Learn German with Movies: 10 Great Movies for Learning Real German 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.