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Plate-forme de jeux pour développeurs

Plate-forme de jeux pour développeurs

Aller à la médiathèque pour apprendre à programmer ? – L@ppli Par Nicolas Poinsot L’informatique est partout. Depuis une quarantaine d’années, nous entendons dans les médias que la programmation devient un savoir fondamental au même titre que l’écriture ou le calcul. Inspiration design d'interfaces utilisateurs - Awwwards Elements such as full screen images or videos, parallax scrolling, hamburger menu icons, boostrap templates or "Google Design Material"... are everywhere! The saturation of these techniques and resources has led to a rather boring, generic web experiences. Responsive Web Design created a platform for safe design patterns which safeguard usability and multi-device adaptation. At this point in time, questions are being asked about the over-reliance on patterns and design materials; achieving visually creative and original user experiences appears to be the cause of much head scratching to some within the industry.

jQuery Unveil - A very lightweight plugin to lazy load images Most of us are familiar with the Lazy Load plugin by Mika Tuupola. This plugin is very useful and it boosts performance delaying loading of images in long web pages because images outside of viewport (visible part of web page) won't be loaded until the user scrolls to them. Lazy Load has some cool options such as custom effects, container, events or data attribute. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python! — The Hitchhiker's Guide to Python Greetings, Earthling! Welcome to The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python. This is a living, breathing guide. If you’d like to contribute, fork us on GitHub! This handcrafted guide exists to provide both novice and expert Python developers a best practice handbook to the installation, configuration, and usage of Python on a daily basis.

Tutoriel Lua 1-a. Introduction▲ Ce tutoriel, qui s'adresse plus spécialement aux débutants, explique la façon d'écrire du code avec le langage de script Lua, dans le cadre d'une utilisation sous Windows. Techniques de ninja en CSS - CSS Tricks Me, for the last year or so: "rem's are so cool! I'm gonna size everything with them, that way I can adjust the font-size on the root element and everything will scale with it!" It was a nice dream.

Selz/plyr BeginnersGuide/NonProgrammers - Python Wiki Python for Non-Programmers If you've never programmed before, the tutorials on this page are recommended for you; they don't assume that you have previous experience. If you have programming experience, also check out the BeginnersGuide/Programmers page. Books Each of these books can be purchased online but is also available as free textual, website, or video content. Automate the Boring Stuff with Python - Practical Programming for Total Beginners by Al Sweigart is "written for office workers, students, administrators, and anyone who uses a computer to learn how to code small, practical programs to automate tasks on their computer."

RobotProg Logiciel ludique d'apprentissage de la programmation Programmez un robot virtuel à l’aide d’un organigramme : dessinez l’organigramme, lancez l’exécution et vous voyez le robot exécuter le programme. RobotProg permet un apprentissage progressif de la programmation par niveaux successifs. Le dernier niveau permet de programmer plusieurs robots et d'exécuter leurs programmes en même temps sur le même terrain. Progresser via une communauté de codeurs - highlight.js Formation informatique - VidéoNoob PlugIns jQuery - jQuery UI
