Progresser via une communauté de codeurs - Web design training: the top 20 online resources | Web design Web design can be daunting. Just the sheer amount of new techniques and acronyms appearing every day can make it seem scary and confusing, even if you're a professional web designer, let alone a beginner. But don't worry - help is at hand in the form of easy-to-understand web design training resources on the web. There are many approaches to web design training - some paid, some free; some interactive, some not; some based on text, others on video. Don't miss this! To make things easier for you, we've gathered the best 22 web design training resources on the web. 01. While many web training sites look colourful, attractive, and welcoming, with video and colourful graphics, W3Schools looks a bit flat and boring at first glance. Yes, yes, we know: there's been some criticism of the site, which has pointed out some technical errors in some of its lessons. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. No, we haven't added a rogue Harry Potter game in the list. 08. net magazine on Creative Bloq 09. 10. 11. 12. 13.
Rosetta Code Codeforces PlugIns jQuery - jQuery UI Teach Coding in the Classroom: Resources from ISTE '14 I was super excited to attend Hack Education (originally called “EdubloggerCon”), an all-day unconference held the Friday before the formal start of ISTE 2014. This interactive day of learning, now in its eighth year, was touted to me as the event to attend in Atlanta, and it did not disappoint. The informal, small-group conversations were inclusive and welcoming. The "rule of two feet" meant that if you needed to move, you were encouraged. In an attempt to heed Dave Guymon’s call to share the ISTE learning (see his blog post on Getting Smart, "Don’t Leave Your Learning Behind: What To Do Now That #ISTE2014 Is Over"), here are some resources discussed by a group of elementary and secondary educators during a morning session on coding in the classroom. Coding Curriculum, Activities, and Projects If you didn’t have a chance to participate in “Hour of Code” this year during Computer Science Education Week, consider participating with your class next year. Some Final Notes
Bill the Lizard: Programming and Logic Puzzles We all know that the daily grind of programming for a living can get a little tedious at times. Joanna: So, where do you work, Peter?Peter: Initech.Joanna: In... yeah, what do you do there?Peter: I sit in a cubicle and I update bank software for the 2000 switch.Joanna: What's that?Peter: Well see, they wrote all this bank software, and, uh, to save space, they used two digits for the date instead of four. Okay, so it's not that dreary at my office, but I still like to give my brain something a little bit more stimulating than work once in a while. Project Euler - Heavily mathematical programming challenges that can be solved in any language you choose. The Python Challenge - A series of programming challenges designed specifically to teach the Python programming language. Ruby Quiz - A collection of challenging programming problems that can be done in any language, but if you want to submit them for evaluation, they should naturally be solved in Ruby. What am I missing?
mysqlgame Inspiration design d'interfaces utilisateurs - Awwwards Elements such as full screen images or videos, parallax scrolling, hamburger menu icons, boostrap templates or "Google Design Material"... are everywhere! The saturation of these techniques and resources has led to a rather boring, generic web experiences. Responsive Web Design created a platform for safe design patterns which safeguard usability and multi-device adaptation. At this point in time, questions are being asked about the over-reliance on patterns and design materials; achieving visually creative and original user experiences appears to be the cause of much head scratching to some within the industry. Despite this rationalization of design, we can find original and creative examples which take the risk and look beyond flat design. Mobile UI examples are pretty commonly used to illustrate this point. By Michael Oh By Michael Martinho By Michael Martinho By Anke Mackenthun By Javier Perez By Ehsan Rahimi By Patrick Monkel By Ehsan Rahimi Elegant Seagulls Maan Ali JJ Lee Liz Wells Bytte
New to Web Design? Start Here. Welcome to Webdesigntuts+, an online resource dedicated to teaching and encouraging web designers of all skill levels and experience. Whether this is your first time here, you've found yourself dipping into our content in the past, or you're a regular visitor, this post will help you find the best of our content. Contents Here's a quick breakdown of what you'll find on this page.. Designing Your First Website Getting to grips with designing a website is about understanding what you're aiming to achieve and how you can solve problems through design. Beyond creativity comes the actual designing. And if you're a developer, coming to web design from a coding background? Coding Your First Website Planning, sketching, wireframing and mocking-up visuals are all important aspects of web design, but what about actually realising those designs for the browser? With a fundamental understanding of HTML and CSS you can now start to translate your static visuals into living, breathing web pages. Emmet
Первые шаги в Robocode Я пишу эту статью по просьбам в комментариях к статье “Как я стал чемпионом Robocode” и продолжая начатое в ней дело по привлечению внимания к Robocode русскоговорящих разработчиков. Robocode — это игра для программистов, в которой задача заключается в разработке системы управления танком. Для затравки приведу несколько роликов, чтобы показать о чём вообще пойдёт разговор: Введение В этой статье я подразумеваю, что читатель знаком с общими принципами алгоритмики и объектно-ориентированного программирования, а так же знаком с языком Java, либо способен спроецировать свои знания других языков на него. В Robocode есть 4 официальных турнира: Подготовка Физика игры Т.к. вместе с этим разделом статья получается слишком уж большой, а раздел является достаточно продвинутым и не должен быть прочитан и понят для того чтобы сделать первые шаги, я его вынес в отдельную статью, которую опубликую в скором времени. UPD: опубликовал статью о физике Подготовка сборки <? P.S.
Techniques de ninja en CSS - CSS Tricks Me, for the last year or so: "rem's are so cool! I'm gonna size everything with them, that way I can adjust the font-size on the root element and everything will scale with it!" It was a nice dream. And it wasn't a disaster. That comes from essentially: I admit that I like that simplicity, but I'm starting to think it's a little too dreamy for all but the simplest of sites. If any of those things happen, then you're making @media query specific adjustments which not only gets confusing but isn't very efficient (adjusting size just to adjust it again to fix it). So here's my idea: you still keep px size adjustments at the document level so you can make easy/efficient sweeping size changes. This way you can adjust font-size at a module level, which is pretty easy. You can play around with the idea here by adjusting the sliders: See the Pen Em AND Rem by Chris Coyier (@chriscoyier) on CodePen. At a certain medium size, everything looks fine. This is how it would go down:
iPads in schools! They just play games! | IPAD 4 SCHOOLS 20th Century pedagogy + iPads = Gaming So, you’re in your classroom and annoyed that the kids are playing games on the iPads. You have devised a strategy and at random intervals, you ask them to double-click the ‘Home’ button to see the last apps used. Great! writing their notes;Reading their e-textbook;completing their essay or‘Researching’ on the Internet. The only step forward you’ve really seen is the ability to use that Shakespeare app or Dissecting Frog app. The parents too, have complained that all they seem to see is game playing and maybe your school is considering limiting the apps allowed on the devices. Well done on introducing iPads. Now you have introduced a radically new and powerful learning device, you need to update your pedagogy to match it. Why are these issues the most important? Like the iPad, learning is personal This is not what the iPad was designed for. Solution: Stop asking the class to do the same thing and you’ll (nearly) remove all gaming. Like this: Related . 1.