Excellence Gateway Pay advice Advice helping schools decide how to pay their teachers is today published by the Department for Education. The advice is being sent to all schools in England, alongside a revised version of the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document that reflects reforms to teachers’ pay. Schools will, from 1 September 2013, be able to link teachers’ pay to performance allowing them to pay good teachers more. This follows recommendations from the independent School Teachers’ Review Body, which last year called on the government to link teachers’ pay more closely to their performance. By this September every school will need to have revised its pay and appraisal policies setting out how pay progression will in future be linked to a teacher’s performance. The new arrangements provide increased flexibility for schools to develop pay policies tailored to their particular needs. Evidence shows that improving the quality of teaching is essential to raising standards in schools. Background Examples
Home | NYASNYAS Teachers TV | Free education videos and resources for professional development preparing for an OFSTED inspection I have been a Headteacher for 9 years and, at the age of 48, this much I know about preparing from an OFSTED inspection. In March 2012 I received a letter from OFSTED saying that the earliest we could be inspected was the summer term 2013, which begins tomorrow… Don’t be naïve about OFSTED Inspections. A good report frees you for five years to develop your school; a bad report can, as Robbie Burns once wrote, Leave us nothing but grief and pain,/For promised joy! A clear, intense and highly effective focus upon improving the quality of teaching is the only preparation for OFSTED that really matters, because the quality of teaching is the only thing that really matters in a school. You can have great data but if the teaching observed is ordinary you can be in trouble; you can have mediocre data but if the teaching observed is outstanding you can get a Good judgement; it’s true, I’ve read the reports. Preparing for OFSTED booklet 2013 OFSTED Training Day 25-02-13 Wilshaw final version
The Children's Commissioner for England FE News - Further Education, Employability, Skills News and Video - FENews.co.uk Can you feel the force? A leadership model Did I invent this? Unlikely .. but it makes a lot of sense to me and I don’t know where it comes from: In explaining my perception of how organisations work and what the role of leadership is, I’ve been using this model a lot recently. The magnetic forcefield analogy. An organisation is a group of individuals. In the absence of a force field, we tend to drift around; there is no automatic direction and our alignment to each other becomes weak and randomised over time. What does the leader do? 1. For me, the model is useful because it reminds me that a) everyone is an individual with perfectly legitimate personal and professional goals of their own. b) I need to work continually to make sure there is direction; there is an overarching vision. c) I can never take it for granted that the field is in place, in tact, and strong enough to achieve our goals. d) the best way to do this is to continually involve people in the process. Can you feel the force!!?? (PS I made this picture myself.
Geoff Petty - Teaching Today - Home page Learning Matters Online Welcome to Learning Matters, now part of SAGE Learning Matters books are now available to buy or inspect through the SAGE website. This dedicated Learning Matters’ page replaces the Learning Matters’ website and has been developed to help you find your way around the SAGE website. You can find Learning Matters titles of interest to you by browsing using the left navigation side bar. If you are a lecturer wishing to inspect a book, click on how to request an inspection copy on the left navigation side bar. All Learning Matters resources, including Education online subject audits, are now available. Happy browsing. About Learning Matters Founded in 1999, Learning Matters has rapidly become one of the UK’s leading independent higher education publishers, and joined SAGE in the summer of 2011. More We publish books and ebooks for professional and vocational courses studied at universities and colleges.
Prezi vs Powerpoint « Classroom201X Best way to give a spectacular presentation? This was the first post I wrote about Prezi and it has remained popular. I’ve also written a post asking for suggestions using the tool, which you can find here. If you want to see some example Prezis I have embedded them into these posts: creativity, planning, any ideas? Flavour of the month (well, year) in terms of presentations, has been Prezi – an online presentation tool being held up as a being something that you can use to end the infamous “Death by Powerpoint”. Text or Graphics? I think that the key thing to remember is that these are very much different tools, and they have different strengths and weaknesses. Non-linear approaches So, the biggest difference is probably the much-hailed non-linear nature of Prezi against the linear structure of Powerpoint. Over to you…. Those are the ideas that I’ve been thinking about… but I’d love to hear your ideas – please comment below on your (positive or negative) experiences with Prezi… Discussion