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Teen Beginners
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FLIPPED LEARNING IN FINLAND: Research for flipped learning Flipped learning in mathematics has recently attracted considerable interest around the world. Even though the manner in which each teacher actually flips the teaching and learning process of mathematics in his or her own classes varies, flipped learning does require the teacher to reassess his or her pedagogical habits and beliefs. Flipped learning raises the question of whether humanist perspectives, such as freedom, dignity, and potential of humans, should have a higher profile in teaching and students’ learning in mathematics. The main aim of this blog and articles published here is to elicit fresh understandings about the culture of flipped learning and to consider it as a pedagogical approach in mathematics via general theoretical point of view offered by the learning and motivation theories. To meet the aim of this big research project I am concentrating on teachers who regularly use flipped learning in their class.

Mystery Skype – Who Could it Be? | The Avery Bunch Today we had a chance to Mystery Skype! The students had no idea what class we were skyping with. Their goal was to cooperate as a team to try to figure out the location of that class. There were a few rules to the Mystery Skype. In order to be as efficient as we possibly could, students chose different roles for the afternoon. We also had two question keepers. Once our inquirers got answers to their questions, we had three Google Mappers who used online maps to search based upon the clues. Our runner was quite the multi-tasker. Our last two jobs were our logical reasoners and clue keepers. So many great questions were asked on each side. The next step was to try to figure out whose class we were skyping with. We want to thank Mrs. *What clue helped you figure out they lived in Los Angeles? *What was your favorite part about mystery skyping? *If we mystery skyped again, what job would you like to have?

These Are The 4 Concepts Shaping 21st Century Learning December, 2014 Today's learning landscape is enriched with a variety of new concepts that were to the recent past foreign to many. Of course learning is a dynamic field and it will always keep developing as human knowledge progresses. But the last two to three decades in particular have witnessed the outburst of several new conceptions and theoretical frameworks that, among other things, attempt to capture the latest developments in learning . This cheat sheet features a number of these concepts. I am also sharing with you the visual below which highlights three more concepts shaping the 21st century learning. To these I added the concept of Andragogy. 1- Andragogy Andragogy is a teaching strategy developed for adult learners. Related : Pedagogy Vs Andragogy 2-HeutagogyHeutagogy is the study of self-directed learning and self- determined learning. Check out this post to learn more about Peeragogy.

This Is What A World Map Looks Like When Scaled According To Population Size Where in the world did Australia go?! A new cartogram by Redditer TeaDranks rescales the world’s countries according to population size instead of geographic area. Reconstructing maps based on different variables can be a powerful tool for understanding the world we live in. In this case, certain regions almost disappear from the map while others expand considerably; Canada transforms into a thin, jagged line while India now takes up a massive amount of space. Other interesting tidbits: North Korea has a larger population than Australia, with 25.1 million people compared to 23.7 million, respectively. “I was inspired by this map which is now ten years old,” said TeaDranks. It is important to note that even modern world maps distort the Earth. To check out a high-resolution version of the map, click here. Credit: TeaDranks / Reddit Read this next: Improved Anti-HIV Antibodies Created Through Genetic Engineering

33 Websites That Will Make You a Genius — Personal Growth The web is increasingly becoming a powerful resource that can easily help you learn something new everyday. These awesome sites are just what you need. “I have no special talent, I am only passionately curious.” – Albert Einstein There is a good chance you’ll be able to put at least one of these learning tools to good use and come out as a better person than you were last year. These are some of the best websites that will make you smarter every day. BBC — Future — Making you smarter, every day. 2. 99U (YouTube) — Actionable insights on productivity, organization, and leadership to help creative people push ideas forward. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. iTunes U — Learning on the go, from some of the world’s top universities. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Brain Pickings — Insightful long form posts on life, art, science, design, history, philosophy, and more. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. edX — Take online courses from the world’s best universities. 31. 32. 33.

Advent Calendars Available Teaching Matters We hear you! When others on Social Media start publishing Advent Calendar from last year, we realise there is no time to wait until Black Friday. presents no less than four Advent Calendars this year. They are placed on December 1st in Teach by Calendar, and here are the direct links:Advent Calendar 1-3Advent Calendar 4-5Advent Calendar 6-7Advent Calendar 8-9 Paulaharjun yhteisöllinen verkkolehti | Lukkari 2.0 Suurin eroavaisuus perinteiseen alaluokkien lukkariin on se, että perinteinen on tehty luokka- ja opettajakohtaisesti. Tässä se on tehty solu- tai luokka-aste kohtaisesti. Silloin oppilas voi valita useamman opettajan tai opetustyylin tarjoamasta valikoimasta itselleen sopivimman. Ohessa ensimmäisen vanha visualisoitu kiteytysversio alaluokkien Lukkarista Thinglinkillä. Keltainen= Matemaatiikka ja luonnontieteet Oranssi= Kielet ja sivistysaineet Vihreä= taito- ja taideaineet Tummansininen= Valittu painotus joko oman kiinnostuksen tai yhteisesti sovitun tuetun näkökulmasta tuntikehysaineista Vaaleansinen= Valittu painotus kerhotunnin omaisesti vapaista teemoista kuten koodaus, draama tai yrittäjyys. Perjantain integroitu teemapäivä vastaa uuden opsin ilmiöopetuspainotukseen. Taito- ja taideaineissa voi olla haasteenaa erikoisluokkien varaus. Pieniä huomautuksia: väripalkkeihin ei ole otettu orjallisesti kaikkia olemassaolevia aineita.

Adventstips: Så här slipper du rätta! - Sara Bruun I dessa stressiga tider är det skönt att ha hittat ett sätt som optimerar min och elevernas tid. Mitt mål denna termin var att lära mig hur jag skulle kunna jobba smartare och samtidigt kunna ge mina elever individuell och snabb feedback. Jag har valt att arbeta med Google formulär och tillägget Flubaroo. Med detta tillägg slipper du rätta. Datorn gör jobbet åt dig! Samtidigt kan du välja att eleven ska få direkt feedback till sin e-post. Vi jobbar mycket så här i mitt klassrum. Jag kan också innan lektionen få en snabb överblick över vilka som gjort uppgiften och vad jag behöver undervisa mer om. Här nedan har jag gjort en instruktionsfilm om hur det går till. Om du själv vill prova att göra samma quiz som jag visar i filmen kan du prova det här: Sara Bruuns Klassrum Har du fyllt i din mailadress korrekt så får du ett mail från Flubaroo Grader inom några minuter. Tänk dock på att eleverna måste svara som du gjort i “facit” för att det ska fungera. Jobbar du med yngre barn? Lycka till!

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