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Print Friendly & PDF Massive open online courses: Mooc's, Issues with moocs, ESP and Mooc's, Pedagogical Implications | Aysha Sharif ,eedbac8 an essential part in lanuae teachin and learnin$ has become one o* the most controversial issues and potential challenes in MOOCs <eer to peer assessment seems to be the s#stem most plat*orms rel# on 1one o* the ma"or MOOC providers have hired an#one trained in instructional desin$ the learnin sciences$ educational technolo#$ course desin$ or other educational specialties to help with the desin o* their courses In reard to the courses$ all the @students! in a MOOC learn the same topic at the same time (s#nchronous learnin) which appears to be a common denin characteristic o* all MOOCs The# have sinle and unchanin instructor which ma8es the course borin and uninterestin sometimes The courses are dened which have a nite beinnin and an end which restricts the thin8in o* the students and leaves no scope *or the students to ponder on the topic B research on

TodaysMeet - Give everyone a voice The Parent's Guide To Installing Minecraft Mods • MineMum Are your kids desperate to get into mods but you don't know where to start? Well this is the guide for you. Installing mods can be tricky and frustrating, but hopefully this will make it a little easier to understand. Important safety tips! Before you get started, make sure you understand what mods are and you've read the safety tips for downloading them. If you're looking for some good ones to try out, check out this list or this list for some recommendations that you can use to get your feet wet. And most importantly of all, make a backup copy of any worlds that you already have that you want to keep. How do you install a mod? There's really no standard way to install a Minecraft mod because each is created by a different person using different methods. The easiest way to do all this is by using a mod called Minecraft Forge, but sometimes for whatever reason Forge doesn't load properly or the mods you want to run aren't compatible with it. OPTION A: Installing mods with Forge Step 1.

Cisco WebEx Web Conferencing, Online Meetings, Desktop Sharing, Video Conferencing Transl8it! - understand SMS text message slang & chat lingo shorthand Bounce – A fun and easy way to share ideas on a webpage Building a Raspberry Pi Robot and Controlling it with Scratch Happy New Year everyone! Things have been a bit quiet on this blog due to the Christmas rush, and the fact that we’ve been spending time on product development (more on that in a future post). But here at last is the 3rd and final post in our series on the Raspberry Pi robot we […] Welcome to the second part of our series of posts, describing the workshop we ran at the recent Digimakers event at @Bristol. Last weekend we ran a workshop at the Digimakers event at @Bristol where we taught people how to program a Raspberry Pi robot with the Scratch programming language. We had a great response to a recent blog post we wrote, describing how to build a Raspberry Pi robot that you can drive around using a tablet, smartphone or PC. A Raspberry Pi with a camera, gives you a small, low cost, embedded vision system, but it’s not very mobile. Update: This post is now out of date as we’ve released a new version of the software.

Garbology Featured Activity: Waste-Less Lunch Lead your students in learning about natural resources used in common packaging materials. Challenge your students to conserve natural resources through their lunch choices. Check out this and other Garbology lessons for the classroom » Featured Activity: Conduct a Waste Assessment Do you know how much waste your school puts in landfills each week? Learn how and check out other Garbology activities » Featured Activity: Composting With the FBI The FBI turn waste into healthy soil. Bring Garbology home »
