Import or aggregate data as nodes, users, taxonomy terms or simple database records. One-off imports and periodic aggregation of contentImport or aggregate RSS/Atom feedsImport or aggregate CSV filesImport or aggregate OPML filesPubSubHubbub supportCreate nodes, users, taxonomy terms or simple database records from importExtensible to import any other kind of contentGranular mapping of input elements to Drupal content elementsExportable configurationsBatched import for large files Installation For requirements and installation instructions, refer to the included README.txt file. Documentation For a guide to using Feeds in site builds or how to develop for Feeds, see the Feeds documentation. 8.x It's not ready yet. Addendum: There's 500 people using 8.x. 7.x This should be very stable. 6.x We (me twistor) have closed out all of the 6.x issues. Feeds powers the news tracker Managing News.
Tattler (app) is a Drupal Distribution, an open source topic monitoring tool for today's Web. Tattler finds and aggregates content from the Web on topics you ask it to monitor. Using semantic Web technologies, Tattler mines news, websites, blogs, multimedia sites, and other social media like Twitter, to find mentions of the issues most relevant to your organization. Download Visit the Tattler website to read about its features, see a demo, and download it. Sub-Projects Default Tattler ThemeCore UI ModuleCore Engine Module Credits Originally developed by: Phase2 Technology Supporting organizations: Downloads View all releases
A suite of modules containing fun for module developers and themers ... Devel Helper functions for Drupal developers and inquisitive admins. This module can print a summary of all database queries for each page request at the bottom of each page. The summary includes how many times each query was executed on a page (shouldn't run same query multiple times), and how long each query took (short is good - use cache for complex queries).Also a dprint_r($array) function is provided, which pretty prints arrays. Useful during development. Generate content Accelerate development of your site or module by quickly generating nodes, comments, terms, users, and more. Devel Node Access (DNA) View the node access entries for the node(s) that are shown on a page.
The migrate module provides a flexible framework for migrating content into Drupal from other sources (e.g., when converting a web site from another CMS to Drupal). Out-of-the-box, support for creating core Drupal objects such as nodes, users, files, terms, and comments are included - it can easily be extended for migrating other kinds of content. Content is imported and rolled back using a bundled web interface (Migrate UI module) or included Drush commands (strongly recommended). Status I'm afraid I've been very busy with project work and the Migrate in 8 effort and haven't been able to put Migrate 2.6 to bed yet. Migrate 2.6 Release Candidate 1 is available. The most significant changes in Migrate 2.6: For a more complete list of changes, see the issues tagged as Migrate 2.6. Besides the UI changes, there are significant changes around migration registration and construction that are somewhat risky - before upgrading to the latest -dev or git code, be sure you backup your database.
stickynote | drupal.org - (Private Browsing)
This module is meant to be a utility module for content admins. It could be useful for content authors/admins to communicate with one another about their content or keep a todo list on pages, thus the name stickynote. How it works This module simply creates a block with the ability to add, delete, and edit notes (ajaxified). Notes are stored on a per path basis and the block can be made visible to certain roles/paths etc... like any other block. All of the notes, site-wide, can be viewed from the manage page at admin/structure/stickynote/manage. Demo Try out the stickynote module now at the demo site. Differences from sticky_notes module: This module creates a block and allows adding/editing/deleting in the block rather than using the modal frame api and jquery ui to display the note. Please see the sticky_notes module (d6 only) to decide which solution meets your needs as they are very different approaches. Future plans: Drupal 8 can do this in core! Views + Content + Edit = Stickynotes!