Henning Wagenbreth
![Henning Wagenbreth](http://cdn.pearltrees.com/s/pic/sq/henning-wagenbreth-935089)
leonardo sonnoli
2001, 98 x 68, two side, offset. Poster-tribute to Gianfranco Grignani one of the most influential italian graphic designer of the post war, made in occasion of a lecture on his work. He was the author of the pure wool mark, and was deeply interested in visual perception. 2002, 98 x 68, two side, offset. Poster-tribute to albe steiner made in occasion of the exhibition in bolzano. 2005, 98 x 68, offset, 3 colors front and back. poster printed front and back for a lecture in Ljubljana (Slovenia) on history and letters as method to design. 2004, 68×98, series of 3+1, offset + kraft paper putted up. series of three posters for an exhibition on the italian architect Lina Bo Bardi in Venice. 2004, Offset + varnish + dry cutted letters. “a letter takes on the meaning of the word it composes and the content it relays. typography without content is not even an exercise in style; it is simply an “unaesthetic” exercise. Art direction, design, type design by Leonardo Sonnoli. 2003, 96×98, offset.
small stakes
500 × 331 - design-milk.com 588 × 379 - mintmagazine.co.uk 470 × 551 - grainedit.com 300 × 395 - coolhunting.com 470 × 618 - indiemusicfilter.com 356 × 475 - postercabaret.com 500 × 327 - design-milk.com 300 × 428 - coolhunting.com 1600 × 789 - blackwhiteyellow.blogspot.com 510 × 510 - cinnobershop.dk 600 × 400 - fabricsound.blogspot.com 450 × 600 - omgposters.com 583 × 382 - mintmagazine.co.uk 300 × 396 - coolhunting.com 300 × 400 - designsponge.com 600 × 402 - californiahomedesign.com
VSA Partners | Chicago Creative Agency
intégral Ruedi Baur Paris
Atelier ter Bekke & Behage | Graphisme de création
Michal Batory
Jenue – 3d Illustrations + Typography Images
Shaz Madani