Associazione Italiana Dislessia | AID Associazione Italiana Dislessia Epilepsy Action | Epilepsy information and advice Settimana Europea della Dislessia 2017 | DSA TRENTINO Department for Education SEND Newsletters | Council For Disabled Children The Department for Education's 0-25 Special Education Needs and Disability Unit publishes a newsletter for anyone working in special educational needs and disabilities – statutory and voluntary agencies across education, health and social care; and users of the system, such as children, young people and parents. See below for previous issues: October 2014 This issue looks at what's covered in a local authority's Local Transition Plan, transfer review processes and a collection of top resources on a range of topics based on the SEND reforms. February 2015 Contained in this edition is information on the review of arrangements for disagreement resolution, future support for local authorities implementation of the reforms and information on changes to dedicated school grants for 19-25 year olds with EHC plans. June 2015 This edition looks at the Implementation of the SEND system and goes into detail on transition planning, the Local Offer and co-production. July 2015 February 2016 July 2016
SEN Teacher Home Page ⋆ Special Educational Needs I am Dyslexic - About Dyslexia DSA: le novità dalla Settimana nazionale della Dislessia - Mamamò Dal 2 all’8 di ottobre si è svolta la seconda edizione della Settimana Nazionale della Dislessia, organizzata dall’Associazione Italiana Dislessia, in concomitanza con la European Dyslexia Awareness Week, promossa dalla European Dyslexia Association (EDA). Molte le novità sui DSA anche in ambito tecnologico. DSA? Diverse strategie di apprendimento Il titolo della manifestazione ha voluto mettere l’accento sulle potenzialità di questi bambini e ragazzi: “DSA? È per questo che, nella Settimana Nazionale della Dislessia, sono stati i ragazzi i veri protagonisti dell’evento, attraverso iniziative rivolte a loro e alle loro famiglie: attività ludico-laboratoriali, testimonianze di giovani dislessici e sperimentazione, da parte dei genitori, di strategie didattiche e compensative. Dislessia 2.0: la piattaforma di supporto a genitori e insegnanti Numerose le novità presentate anche dal punto di vista tecnologico. Dal portale Dislessia 2.0 si può accedere a tre strumenti utili: Sito di Supporto allo studio per Bambini e Ragazzi con DSA e non SERI - Special Education Resources on the Internet BATOD This page gives a brief description of the work that Teachers of the Deaf do, then describes the qualifications needed and how to obtain them. Any degree of deafness may cause significant educational and social problems. Children who are born severely or profoundly deaf need skilled teaching to develop language and communication skills (including speech and sign language as appropriate). Many children whose deafness is less severe also need special support. Teaching deaf children is stimulating and rewarding, and is made more so by continuing developments: earlier and more accurate detection of hearing loss greater understanding of language developmentchanging attitudes to the use of sign language provision of more advanced hearing aids and cochlear implants more informative and detailed assessment procedures. Teaching deaf children offers a wide range of work opportunities in a number of different types of educational setting. Where are deaf children educated? How to qualify Deaf teachers
BATOD Every Local Authority must make adequate provision for the range of needs within its education service. This document is written to inform Children’s Services, Teachers and their line managers, potential Teachers of the Deaf (ToDs) of the range of tasks and skills that are part of the competences required by the DCSF to meet the specialist qualification as a Teacher of the Deaf. It is important to identify the role of the Teacher of the Deaf and what it brings to the individual deaf learner and to the educational provision for that learner. This is not an exhaustive list – some ToDs will not be involved in every item and there may be other situations where the ToD is expected to be active. Throughout this document the term 'deaf' is used to cover the whole range of hearing loss. Who is a Teacher of Deaf? What does the Teacher of Deaf do? Here are some case studies of different Teacher of the Deaf roles