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Oh Happy Day! In Pieces - 30 Endangered Species, 30 Pieces. Skapligt Enkelt New Ethereal Watercolor and Black Ink Cats That Fade into the Canvas by Endre Penovác We continue to be awed by Serbian artist Endre Penovác's ability to somehow control the unforgiving nature of water on paper to produce ghostly paintings of felines. As the mixture of water and black ink bleeds in every direction it appears to perfectly mimic the cat’s fur. In his newest pieces Penovác introduces elements of color and negative space to add a slightly new dimension. abcteach -- Free Printables, Interactives, Custom Documents, Clip Art, and Games
Hostess with the Mostess® - Inspiration for Life's Celebrations - Inspire | Connect | Shop The Shelf | Journal Pourquoi créer une revue papier sur le livre à l’heure où l’Internet remet en question le matérialisme tout naturel de l’Occidental moyen, à l’heure où la valeur pécuniaire de «l’objet livre» refoule les adeptes du savoir gratuit disponible sur la toile ? Que deviennent aujourd’hui ces cahiers reliés, fondement de notre société, détenteurs de notre Histoire ? Face à la dématérialisation des contenus éditoriaux, la pratique du design au sein du livre prend une dimension d’autant plus importante. Objets anodins ou véritables œuvres d’art, les livres, à travers leurs formes et les histoires qu’ils racontent, ont la vocation de créer un lien unique avec ceux qui les lisent, les consultent ou les possèdent. The Shelf Journal revue bilingue français/anglais Conception éditoriale: Morgane Rébulard & Colin Caradec Conception graphique: The Shelf Company Édité par: The Shelf Company
Skolburken 271 Years Before Pantone, an Artist Mixed and Described Every Color Imaginable in an 800-Page Book In 1692 an artist known only as “A. Boogert” sat down to write a book in Dutch about mixing watercolors. Not only would he begin the book with a bit about the use of color in painting, but would go on to explain how to create certain hues and change the tone by adding one, two, or three parts of water. The premise sounds simple enough, but the final product is almost unfathomable in its detail and scope. Spanning nearly 800 completely handwritten (and painted) pages, Traité des couleurs servant à la peinture à l’eau, was probably the most comprehensive guide to paint and color of its time. According to Medieval book historian Erik Kwakkel who translated part of the introduction, the color book was intended as an educational guide. It’s hard not to compare the hundreds of pages of color to its contemporary equivalent, the Pantone Color Guide, which wouldn’t be published for the first time until 1963.
Visual Perceptual Skills: Printables and Worksheets Visual Perceptual Skills: Mixed Review Mixed Review (grades PreK-1) Mixed Review (grades 2-3) Find the Patterns and Color Puzzle Visual Discrimination: Matching Letters and Shapes Match letters Match shapes Match shapes (made from rectangles) Visual Closure Incomplete Pictures Match letters Match shapes (easier) Match shapes (more difficult - more lines are missing) Adding to a Picture Adding something to one picture to make another picture Copying Patterns Copying Challenge Visual Motor Integration: Copying a Picture Very easy: 3 by 3 grid to copy Larger grids (up to 4 by 5) Larger grids, but all the lines may not connect to each other Up to 8 by 8 grids Same, but in a graph format More lines as part of the grid Same, but in a graph format Most difficult and lines do not always connect to each other Visual Figure-Ground Color the shapes Complete the Shape Redraw, Enlarge, and Reduce Shapes Teacher Recommendations: Worksheet and Lesson Plan Activity Ideas
Jeff Schreiber Winter Activities for Kids This winter, celebrate the season by getting the kids involved in some crafty projects - everything... We hope you enjoy our growing collection of winter printables for kids - everything from scrapbook... We hope you enjoy our winter colouring pages! We've got all sorts of snowy scenes, snowy sports... Print out our winter puzzles and mazes to keep the kids busy when it is cold and dark outside! Winter worksheets for all ages to brighten up the classroom, including acrostic poem printables and... Learn all about Snowflakes and enjoy our growing collection of Snowflake crafts and games! Here's a whole page of snowman fun!
9 of the Best Websites to Teach You Art Skills by Johnny Webber 1. pencilkings.com — Video courses to teach you drawing, painting, and digital art. 2. ctrlpaint.com — A free learning resource dedicated to the basics of digital painting. 3. exposureguide.com — Photography news, tips, and tutorials. 4. cambridgeincolour.com — A learning community for photographers. 5. khanacademy.org — Learn art history basics from cave paintings to contemporary art and everything in between. 6. googleartproject.com — Collections of famous artworks. 7. photography.bastardsbook.com — An open source guide to working with light. 8. artgraphica.net — Learn to sketch, draw, and paint with free lessons. 9. enliighten.com — Learn digital painting using Photoshop. 10. drawspace.com — Online drawing lessons and tutorials. Check out favoriteandforget.com for more of my favorite websites.