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Beautiful Chemical Reactions

Beautiful Chemical Reactions

Interesting Facts About Silicon - Properties and Uses of Silicon 1. Silicone fluids are used in motor oils and heat transfer liquids. They are used to manufacture hydraulic fluids, paints, varnishes, car waxes and furniture polishes. 2. Silicone resins are used in the textile industry to make water-repellent fabrics. 3. 4. 5 Aquariums and other water tight containers use silicone to seal the joint area. References Watch a Vampire Squid Turn Itself Inside Out The vampire squid, Vampyroteuthis infernalis, is a cephalopod that is especially adapted to life in the deep sea. This "vampire squid from hell" is the last remaining member of the order Vampyromorphida. Adult vampire squids grow to a maximum length of 28 centimeters and live at depths of 600 to 900 meters. The environment they call home is extreme; there's little light, crushing pressure, and low levels of oxygen, not to mention all the predators that would love to gobble up a vampire squid as a snack. Because they lack ink sacks, they're not truly squids. So how do they avoid predation? In a new video released by the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, a vampire squid can also be seen turning itself 'sort of inside out' to avoid predators. Read this next: BREAKING: NASA-Contracted Rocket Explodes Shortly After Take-Off

What is Fuller's Earth? Benefits and Uses of Fuller's Earth Fuller's Earth Facials for Skin Care Acne Skin Fuller's Earth - 2 tablespoons Rose Water - 1 tablespoon Lime Juice - 1 tablespoon Oily Skin Sandalwood powder - 1 tablespoon Lemon juice - 1 teaspoon Rose water - 3 tablespoons To reduce dark patches on skin Yogurt - 2 tablespoons Gram flour - 1 tablespoon For glowing skin Mashed papaya - 1 tablespoon Honey - 1 teaspoon To treat pimples and scars Neem powder - 1 teaspoon Lemon juice - 2 teaspoons Other uses of Fuller’s Earth Fuller’s Earth is used in many household cleaning products due to its capacity to draw out dirt, oil and grease impurities. Fuller’s Earth is used in the manufacture of the following - household cleanersfiltersstain removers It is also used in the - manufacture of kitty litter.automotive industry to clean up oil spills.process of refining edible oilmanufacture of lubricants used on oil and gas drilling rigs Recently Fuller’s Earth was used to decontaminate soldiers who were exposed to chemical weapons. Fuller's Earth has many benefits.

WTF, Evolution? What is Gallium? - Properties and Uses of Gallium Gallium is used in thermometers that research scientists use to measure environments with very high temperatures. Mirrors are painted with gallium to make a highly polished reflective surface. Gallium is used to wet porcelain surfaces to give an extra shine. Gallium easily combines with other metals to form alloys. Alloys like Gallium nitride and Gallium arsenide are used to make semiconductors and light emitting diodes. Gallium is used in the manufacture of integrated circuits. Gallium-67 salts such as gallium citrate and gallium nitrate are used in nuclear medicine for imaging purposes to detect cancerous cells. Gallium based solar panels provide power for space applications like satellites and space missions. Gallium arsenide (GaAs) changes electricity directly into laser light. Gallium arsenide is used to make transistors. A form of Gallium called Gallium (III) salt is used to treat hypercalcemia that can cause tumor on the bones.

Les cristaux, beaux compagnons de l’humanité Depuis un mois, les promeneurs qui longent, dans le 5e arrondissement de Paris, l'Ecole supérieure de physique et de chimie industrielles (ESPCI, rue Pierre-Brossolette) peuvent contempler la vingtaine de panneaux de l'exposition Cristaux accrochés aux grilles de l'établissement. Tirés de la collection du musée de minéralogie de l'école des Mines ParisTech, ces cristaux, magnifiquement photographiés par Cyrille Benhamou, racontent plusieurs histoires : celle, bien sûr, d'une géochimie mais aussi celle d'un compagnonnage de longue date avec l'humanité. Comme le rappelle avec justesse Didier Nectoux, le conservateur de ce musée dans sa préface du livre Curiosités minérales (éd. L'alun, sulfate double hydraté d'aluminium et de potassium, est très à la mode. Le bore est extrait du borax. Le cuivre est sans doute le premier métal usuel à avoir été travaillé par l'homme, probablement parce qu'il affleurait parfois à l'état natif (composé d'un seul et même élément).

Facts about the Sandalwood Tree - Description and Uses Sandalwood has been used in India since 4000 years ago. It was an important ingredient in traditional Chinese and Tibetan medicine. The botanical name of Sandalwood is Santalum album. Santalum album is known by many names such as, White Sandalwood, Mysore Sandalwood, East Indian Sandalwood and Chandan. The Sandalwood tree grows in abundance in Eastern India in states of Mysore, Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. This tree is also being cultivated in Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and North Western Australia. The Sandalwood tree is highly valued for it's Sandalwood Oil that is extracted from the heartwood of this tree. Description of The Sandalwood Tree The Sandalwood tree can live up to a hundred years. The following trees are good hosts for the Sandalwood tree - Horsetail treeWhistling thornPala IndigoIndian BeechIndian Rosewood The Sandalwood tree grows up to 12 -15 meters in height. The Sandalwood tree is rich in Sandalwood Oil. How is Sandalwood Oil Extracted?

GIF Shows The Inside Of The Entire Human Body, From Top To Bottom This awesome GIF shows the entire human body, from top to bottom, in just over ten seconds. Neat. Scientists made extremely thin slides of his body, encasing them in gelatin before freezing and photographing each one individually. Uploaded by pururu A video from Touch of Life Technologies on Youtube states that the cadaver was imaged from head to toe with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography equipment on August 5th, 1993, for The Visible Human Project. According to the video, "The cadaver was encased in blue gelatin and frozen to -160 degrees Fahrenheit (-71 degrees Celsius). In total, 1,878 images were taken and displayed in rapid succession to show the internal structure of the human body. Taking this one step further, redditor thealphamike reconstructed the image using Phototoshop and After Effects, and the end result is slightly more graphic and rather disturbing. Thealphamike

Facts about the Shea Tree - Source of Shea Butter The Shea Tree is also known as Karite Nut Tree. It is native to the Sahel region of West Africa. The botanical name of the Shea Nut Tree is Vitellaria paradoxa. Shea Butter has been used since the times of Cleopatra and Queen of Sheba. The Shea Tree grows naturally in the wild and does not require any irrigation, pesticide or insecticides. Many countries import Shea Butter from Africa to use as an ingredient in many cosmetic and medicinal products. Shea Tree grows up to 65 feet tall and 3 feet in diameter. The leaves of the Shea Tree are leathery and elliptical in shape with smooth margins. The flowers are cream colored and are found in clusters. The fruits of the Shea Tree are elliptical shaped drupes that are 1.1 to 2.25 inches in length born on fruit stalks.

Watch A Bowling Ball And Feather Falling In A Vacuum You probably know that two objects dropped in a vacuum fall at the same rate, no matter the mass of each item. If you’ve never seen a demonstration of this, then you really should, because it’s incredible to watch. Here is perhaps the perfect example, brought to us by physicist Brian Cox. In this hypnotizing clip from the BBC, Cox drops a bowling ball and a feather together, first in normal conditions, and then after virtually all the air has been sucked out of the chamber. [Hat tip: io9] Read this next: Thousands Of Relics Recovered From Ancient Mexican City

Interesting Facts about Camels - Ships Of the Desert Camels are desert animals that can endure extreme temperatures. Camels are very special in Arabian culture. They symbolise patience, tolerance and endurance. Camels are large animals that are 5.9 feet - 7.5 feet tall and weigh 660 pounds - 2,520 pounds. Camels can survive without food and water for several weeks. Types of Camels There are two types of camels, the Arabian camel also known as the Dromedary camel and the Bactrian Camel. The Arabian camels are domesticated whereas the Bactrian camels exist in the wild or can be domesticated. Bactrian camels are native to the Gobi Desert in China and the Bactrian steppes of Mongolia. How do camels adapt to desert conditions? Camels store most of their fat in the hump. As the camel uses the stored fat in the hump the hump reduces in size. The camels have three eyelids, the upper and lower eye lids and a third inner lid that is a thin transparent membrane that the camels can see through.This membrane is called the "nictitating membrane".

Une histoire d’acidité, d’oeufs durs et de maquereaux sur la Côté d’Azur | L'Avventura Comme la science prend du temps, je ne publie pas régulièrement, le mieux est de me suivre sur Twitter, Facebook ou Google Plus. Et si jamais la philo vous intéresse, je publie aussi dans Philomag Merci à Jean-Pierre Gattuso, directeur de recherche CNRS au laboratoire d'océanographie de Villefranche (LOV, UPMC/CNRS). Le climat, un engagement scientifique et citoyen de Sorbonne Universités En 2015, année de la COP 21 (Convention-cadre des Nations unies sur les changements climatiques), les établissements de Sorbonne Universités* se mobilisent activement pour apporter les clefs de compréhension du changement climatique et pour en appréhender les enjeux planétaires. Acteur naturel et incontournable, Sorbonne Universités orchestrera et recevra en son sein différents événements et manifestations, pour une réappropriation de l’expertise scientifique par le grand public, les scolaires, les professionnels et ses propres communautés Signaler ce contenu comme inapproprié

Facts about Carbon Fiber - Properties and Uses Uses of Carbon Fiber Carbon fiber felts are used to store thousands of megawatts of energy that is generated by wind turbines and solar panels. This stored energy can be used in the future whenever there is a power shortage. Carbon fiber is used in the manufacture of sporting goods like golf shafts, rackets, skis, snowboards, hockey sticks, fishing rods and bicycles. The light weight and tensile strength properties of carbon fiber makes it an ideal material to make light weight and strong sports products. Carbon fiber fabrics are used to strengthen concrete, steel, masonry, timber etc. Wind turbines made from carbon fiber are lighter, stronger and very efficient. Carbon fiber is used in the manufacture of race cars due to their light weight and strength. In the field of medicine carbon fibers are used in the manufacture of x-ray equipment, surgery equipment, prosthesis and implants. Carbon Fiber in Air Crafts Carbon fiber is used to make parts of air crafts. References
