children's short stories Peter was tired. After 10 years of holding together the paperwork for “Johnson, A.P. – SSN 555-66-33xx,” his tensile strength was fading; he could feel his molecules beginning to degrade. - Length: 8 pages - Age Rating: U People told tales of long, long ago, when they used to enjoy Halloween, dressing up, knocking on doors showing off their fine costumes, playing something called Trick or Treat and, it used to be fun, but not anymore. - Length: 7 pages Was this a riddle? Becca laughed and smiled at her brother ruefully. - Length: 6 pages Hoover had been the runt of his mother’s fourth litter. - Length: 5 pages It was the fifth day at her new school and ten-year-old Buseje hung her head as she settled down into her desk. She returns to the kitchen and stops in her tracks. - Length: 4 pages Helen was born wrong. - Length: 14 pages Snow fell steadily in the wild woods of Siberia... Bobby Osgood woke up one October morning and he was twelve years old again... Peter was tired. - Length: 8 pages
UDL Book Builder: Explore Model Books Skip to Content | Choose Your Language: English | Español | Português Welcome, Guest Home FAQs Sign In Explore Model Books Use these models to help you create effective UDL supports and content. Filter By: Show All Model Books 1 to 10 of 22 Books Terry's Tips As you look through these model books for ideas and examples of how to use UDL, use me as your guide. Listen CAST UDL Book Builder has been made possible in part by generous support from the Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, NEC Foundation of America, The John W. © Copyright CAST, Inc. 2006-2018 · Learn about Universal Design for Learning (UDL) · Model Books · Create and Edit My Books · Shared Books · Public Library Books · Tips and Resources
to Carl 6 Scaffolding Strategies to Use with Your Students What’s the opposite of scaffolding a lesson? Saying to students, “Read this nine-page science article, write a detailed essay on the topic it explores, and turn it in by Wednesday.” Yikes! Let’s start by agreeing that scaffolding a lesson and differentiating instruction are two different things. Simply put, scaffolding is what you do first with kids. Scaffolding and differentiation do have something in common, though. So let’s get to some scaffolding strategies you may or may not have tried yet. 1. How many of us say that we learn best by seeing something rather than hearing about it? Try a fishbowl activity, where a small group in the center is circled by the rest of the class; the group in the middle, or fishbowl, engages in an activity, modeling how it’s done for the larger group.Always show students the outcome or product before they do it. 2. 3. All learners need time to process new ideas and information. 4. 5. 6.
Tar Heel Reader | Books for beginning readers of all ages Flashlight Readers Flashlight Readers is an interactive literacy experience that lets readers enter the world of books and communicate with their favorite authors. Each of the highly-taught, popular titles offers community-building learning activities, author chats, and slideshows, all while encouraging essential reading and writing skills. Learn more about each activity: Because of Winn-Dixie by Kate DiCamillo Students can create a character scrapbook, navigate a maze using clues from the book, watch an author video, read early drafts of the book, and more Explore the Because of Winn-Dixie activities >> Charlotte's Web by E. Students can bring the book to life by creating a comic strip, meet the producer of the movie, see a slideshow of spiders, test their skills on verbs and nouns, and more. Explore the Charlotte's Web activities >> A Dog's Life by Ann M. Readers can choose their own adventure and create a story — both based on the book’s plots — browse photos of the author, and listen to audio with her.
ereadingworksheets | Free Reading Worksheets 12 documentos y guías de evaluación para teatro en el aula 12 documentos y guías de evaluación para teatro en el aula Colección de materiales descargables y modificables del #ProyectoEDIA que todos los docentes pueden usar para apoyar y guiar a sus alumnos y alumnas en cualquier tipo de actividad ligada al teatro en un centro educativo. Estos documentos nos permitirán, entre otras, cosas, ofrecer a los estudiantes referencias claras y ligadas al currículo para llevar a cabo escenificaciones y presentaciones teatrales dentro y fuera del aula y dentro y fuera del centro escolar. Todos estos recursos están incluidos dentro del REA “Lo tuyo es puro teatro”, de Lengua y Literatura para 3º de ESO durante el que los estudiantes se convierten en lectores, críticos, escritores y realizadores de obras teatrales para aprender sobre el teatro. Conocer y apreciar el teatro y los textos teatrales Aprender sobre teatro (con obras teatrales) Tareas ligadas a una representación escolar
My Account Learn words with Live stats: update in 15 seconds Words currently being learned: lets you read more, understand more, learn more words, and teach more effectively. It simplifies English, teaches vocabulary, creates learning materials, and lets you create documents to teach a global audience. It has many more features, and it's all free. simplifies difficult English, and teaches you words quickly and effectively. You can also enter a website URL in the yellow box, and you'll see a simplified version of that web page. Learn more words faster. gives you clear, easy-to-understand definitions as you read, saving you time and improving your reading comprehension. Learn the way you want—from what you want to read. Also, you can change the way the site works to fit your learning style. Flip your classroom, and create independent learners. By letting them take control of their learning, they become more invested and more motivated students.
"Cómo hacer", la colección de libros completa en PDF - Instantes La biblioteca de mi colegio tiene algunos tesoros que, para los que crecimos en los ochenta, no hacen más que traernos buenos recuerdos. Esa añoranza que tan de moda está, y que supongo es un refugio confortable ante los tiempos que nos ha tocado vivir y lo poco halagüeño que pinta el futuro, hizo que me emocionase al encontrar con la colección ‘Cómo hacer’ (título original ‘The knowhow books’ publicado por Usborne Books) en las estanterías de la biblioteca. Tanto los había disfrutado -leí muchos y compré alguno- que me surgió la necesidad de volver a visitarlos. La colección se publicó en España entre el final de los setenta y principios de los ochenta por la editorial Plesa/SM y está descatalogada, así que resulta imposible conseguirla completa. Los doce volumen que la componen son los siguientes (en orden alfabético): Descargar la Colección 'Cómo hacer' (124 MB, 12 libros en PDF en un ZIP) Así se ve por dentro (clic para ampliar):
Using Technology to Differentiate Instruction - Resources >> Browse Articles >> Utilizing Technology Featured Author: Mrs. Kelly Tenkely is a technology teacher in a private school. One of the major benefits of using technology in the classroom is the ability to differentiate instruction to meet the needs of every student in every lesson. Below you will find website suggestions that address the different learning styles in your classroom with the help of technology: Verbal-Linguistic These learners enjoy learning through speaking, writing, reading, and listening. Websites to encourage learning for Verbal-Linguistic students: 1. Allow students to express themselves creatively with words 2. Capture student voices with audio, text, pictures, and video 3. A free online word processor, and presentation tool 4. Students can podcast (voice recording) online. 5. – Students can create stories or mini-movies Logical-Mathematical
28 Awesome Anchor Charts for Teaching Writing Anchor charts are a great way to make thinking visible as you record strategies, processes, cues, guidelines and other content during the learning process. Here are 25 of our favorite anchor charts for teaching writing. 1. Why Writers Write First and second graders will draw inspiration from this fun-filled anchor chart about why we write. Source: The First Grade Parade 2. Personal narrative is a style that all students will practice in elementary school. Source: Rachel’s Reflections 3. Before you can writer about character, you first have to understand it. 4. Now that your students understand inside vs. outside characteristics, dive deeper into describing a specific character. Source: MPM Ideas 5. This anchor chart is jam-packed with things for fourth- and fifth-grade writers to remember about the six traits of writing. Source: Working for the Classroom 6. This anchor chart reminds upper elementary students how to create realistic stories. Source: Two Writing Teachers 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
How Do We Know When Students Are Engaged? (Updated 11/2013) Educational author and former teacher, Dr. Michael Schmoker shares in his book, Results Now, a study that found of 1,500 classrooms visited, 85 percent of them had engaged less than 50 percent of the students. So, how do they know if a student is engaged? Teacher-Directed Learning You will see students... Paying attention (alert, tracking with their eyes) Taking notes (particularly Cornell) Listening (as opposed to chatting, or sleeping) Asking questions (content related, or in a game, like 21 questions or I-Spy) Responding to questions (whole group, small group, four corners, Socratic Seminar) Following requests (participating, Total Physical Response (TPR), storytelling, Simon Says) Reacting (laughing, crying, shouting, etc.) Student-Directed Learning You see students individually or in small groups... Activity and Ownership I believe that the majority of teachers pick up on the audience cues as they direct-teach and can tell if a student is not interested or not engaged.
ESL #Podcast Inglés, buena #App para mejorar tu inglés con transcripción de subtítulos en tiempo real ESL #Podcast Inglés, muy buena herramienta para mejorar tu inglés con transcripción de subtítulos en tiempo real y cantidad de buenos audios a los que puedes suscribirte. ESL #Podcast Inglés es una herramienta gratuita muy interesante para ayudarte a practicar inglés y mejorar tus habilidades de escucha a través de muchos Podcasts gratuitos en inglés con desplazamiento completo y automático y resaltado de transcripción de subtítulos en tiempo real para facilitarte la escucha. El script de audio se resalta y se desplaza automáticamente para ayudarte a concentrarte en escuchar. ESL Podcast Inglés Escuchar contiene: