7 Things Healthy People Do Every Morning
Krista Butler (Mind Body Green) Struggling to get out of bed in the morning with a smile on your face? Every morning we get the chance to be grateful for a new day though sometimes you just aren't 'feeling it'. These 7 things will help you set the tone for a productive, happy and healthy day. My alarm is set to the song "Happy" by Pharrell Williams. 1. This rehydrates your body, revs up your digestive system, and gets things flowing. 2. Do you sleep with your cell phone next to you and grab for it first thing when you wake? 3. This sets the stage for positivity throughout the day. 4. Fill your lungs with fresh air. 5. You don’t necessarily have to do an intense workout before breakfast, but moving your body even a little is a great way to get the blood flowing and shake the body into wake-up mode. 6. Rather than reaching for a box of cereal, focus on getting real foods in your body. 7. Look into the mirror and say something positive to yourself.
11 Morning Rituals That Can Change Your Life
Your morning can be that make-or-break time that sets you up for a good day or a bad day. Here are 11 habits you can establish that will put you on the path of stringing together good day after good day. 1. Drink a Glass of Warm Lemon Water Drinking a glass of warm water with lemon first thing in the morning is an excellent way to get your body going. You want the water to be warm so that it’s not a shock to your system first thing in the morning. The Rehydration Process When you wake up in the morning you’ve just gone without water for about 8 hours, so it’s important to turn things around and start up the flow of water again. 2. This is priority one because in order to fit in a fantastic morning you’re going to need some extra time compared to your current routine. The Ideal Time to Wake Up Wake up in conjunction with circadian rhythms if possible. 3. Taking time to scrape your tongue is one morning routine you won’t want to give up once you start it. The Right Scraper 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Kom naar de proefdagen Muziek op campus Lemmens | Luca
Zit je in de derde graad van het secundair onderwijs, dan kun je tijdens de krokusvakantie proeflessen komen volgen. Je krijgt twee uur les van een docent, een intensieve training notenleer/dictee of een inleiding harmonie/praktische harmonie. Daarnaast kun je proeven van muziekpedagogie, muziektherapie, compositie en directie. Ten slotte krijg je de kans toelatingsproeven af te leggen. De proefdagen lopen van maandag 16 tot vrijdag 20 februari 2015. Instrument/ zang Maandag 16 februari 2015 10 uur: auditie en mogelijkheid tot afleggen van toelatingsproef voor Instrument/Zang (presentatie van een repertoire van vier zelf gekozen werken, niveau hogere graad DKO/ KSO) 12 uur: infosessie en planning proeflessen 14 uur: feedback auditie Maandag 16 tot en met vrijdag 20 februari 10 tot 17 uur: proeflessen Instrument/Zang Woensdag 18 februari 10 uur: trainingssessie Notenleer & Dictee en mogelijkheid tot afleggen toelatingsproef Muziekpedagogie en Muziektherapie Dinsdag 17 februari Jazz Locatie
Creating Healthy Routines
11 Awesome Hangover Cures | Hang Over Remedies | MANjr
Hangovers are the worst. That nasty combo of headache, nausea and gut-pain can cost you precious hours of your life. While there are certainly preventative measures you can take to reduce the likelihood of a hangover (headache medication, food, lots of water before bed, etc.), inevitably you’re going to get stuck with a dirty hangover that you need to crush before it kills your day. Here are 11 awesome hangover cures that you can turn to when you need to ease the pain. 11. Ginger is an all-purpose digestive aid. 10. Honey is a great antioxidant that’s loaded with fructose and glucose. 9. For desert drunks, the prickly pear is a solid morning option that’ll help take the edge off the hurt. 8. Yep, eggs. 7. Oh the sweet, sweet nectar of Coca Cola can do wonders for a messed up belly. 6. Whether you’re pounding pancakes at IHOP, feasting on French toast at Norm’s or plowing through Moons Over My Hammy at Denny’s, greasy-ass diner food will help you booze-coated belly correct itself. 5. 4.
Boost your energy with fiber and other lifestyle changes
Are you all too familiar with the afternoon slump? Even after a decent night’s sleep, you might still find yourself struggling to power through the day. Kick your energy level up a notch with these tips. You won't feel wired when it’s time to wind down, either. Recommended Related to Women Escape from the Worry Trap By Diane Umansky When many of us are peacefully slumbering, Paula McClure, the owner of a spa in Dallas, is often jolted awake by what she refers to as her sleep committee. Read the Escape from the Worry Trap article > > Start Your Day With Fiber The type of breakfast you choose can mean the difference between feeling sluggish or full steam ahead. “It's really important to think of food as your fuel,” says Jessica Crandall, CDE, a Colorado-based registered dietitian. Meals with the most oomph are packed with both fiber and protein, a combo that keeps your tummy feeling full and your blood sugar steady. Take Lots of Short Breaks Snack Right Is your stomach growling?