Tumblr, nouveau Twitter ou nouveau FriendFeed ? Voilà un petit bout de temps que je veux rédiger un article plus complet sur Tumblr, et l’actualité récente m’en offre l’occasion. Je prolonge donc la réflexion initiée précédemment (Il y a une vie après Twitter, heu… laquelle déjà ?) pour détailler un service en pleine croissance qui pourrait bien reprendre le flambeau du service le plus hype du moment (surtout avec le rachat de FriendFeed par Facebook et l’evordose de Twitter). Mais commençons par le commencement : Tumblr est un service de publication de partage et de discussion à mi-chemin entre le blog, le microblog et le lifestreaming. Je pense qu’il ne serait pas faux de dire que Tumblr reprend le meilleur de ces trois types de services, vous pouvez ainsi : Bref, ce service est riche mais paradoxalement très simple à utiliser. Bien évidement Tumblr n’est pas tout seul sur ce créneau car d’autres services rentrent en concurrence direct (Posterous, Storytlr…) : Posterous vs.
Themes para Tumblr en rubendomfer ara todos los usuarios de , . La descarga es un para copiar el código directamente en el apartado customize > Theme de nuestro tumblr . liquidtypo peacocktail LiquidTypo.txt peacocktheme.txt thisisnotatemplate nevver thisisnotatemplate.txt nevver.txt thoughtcloud nevver thought-cloud-1.1.zip dannyhasablog.txt Stockholm - Themes - Pixel Union Stockholm is a personal theme designed for those that love illustration, photography, and design. It's 2-column feed emphasizes the beauty of simple typography, using subtle patterns to set off its washed-out palette. Social Media LinksIncludes icons linking to your other social media pages. Additional Page SupportThis theme supports/displays links to any additional blog pages you create. Purchase of this theme includes full installation support.
Sin título Tumblerette temas de plantillas enero 2009 Sure, Tumblr supplies you with pre-made themes you can use on your blog, but why stick with just those provided to you? There is a growing community of designers out there creating some very cool free themes you can install on your site, giving you a totally new look and added functionality. Take a look through the 20 we've gathered below for you, and you are guaranteed to find one that will inspire you to change the look of your Tumblr account. Have a favorite Tumblr theme? 1-Column Tumblr Themes ColorBars - A dark, but very legible, theme with colorful date markers out to the right side producing a color bar effect. Dead Simple - The name really says it all with this 1-column theme. Terminal Flashback - A fun retro theme that harkens back to the 1980s/early 1990s of the Internet by recreating the look and feel of a terminal interface. 2-Column Tumblr Themes Blange - A black 2-column theme with nice shading that progresses out to the sides. 3-Column Tumblr Themes
Untitled Sin título Tumblr Tag Clouds Paste this code into your theme html What is this? This is a tag cloud generator for Tumblr. It uses the Tumblr API to generate a tag cloud each time your site is accessed. How do I add it to a theme? Copy the code above and paste it into your theme's HTML wherever you want it to appear. How do I add it to a post? Copy the code above and paste it into a new text post with HTML enabled. How do I customize the style? You can write custom CSS for your tag cloud. Why isn't it loading? This can happen for a few reasons. Who are you? My name is Heather Rivers.
¿Por qué debes usar Tumblr? ¿Por qué debes usar Tumblr? Cuando ayer comentaba los cambios en Tumblr me quedé pensando en “lo bueno que es” este sistema para disponer de un blog. Puede haber muchas razones pero a mi se me ocurren estas … Tumblr es fácil de usar y gratuito, no necesitas preocuparte de configurar prácticamente nada. No te lo pienses mas y ábrete un Tumblr. Share Fatal error: Call to undefined function boposts_show() in /usr/home/ciberprensa.com/web/wp-content/themes/freshnews/single.php on line 52
Scaffold Theme — Theme options Sin título