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The Official Chris Van Allsburg Website

the Official Site for Kids - Choose Speed Charles R. Smith, Jr., Children's Author & Photographer #ThePencilClub on deviantART PATRICIA POLACCO .COM Official Cynthia Leitich Smith and Home of Children's & YA Lit Resources Home  Gleb Goloubetski was born in 1975 in Omsk, Russia, a Siberian town. His father, who died when Gleb was six, was a merited artist of the Soviet Union, and his grandfather was an architect. His mother currently owns a gallery in Omsk. Gleb's talent was discovered during his early childhood and he began selling his work at the age of 15. He studied at an art academy in St Petersburg, and from 1989 to 1995 continued as a student in the master class of Valerij Kullkov. Gleb spends weeks at a time in Greece, Italy, Egypt, Thailand, Maledives, and Brazil painting interesting houses, flowers, interiors, and the contrast of light and dark. Goloubetski shows his work in Prague, where he currently lives, as well as Germany and London. - Welcome Dyatlov Pass incident The Dyatlov Pass incident (Russian: Гибель тургруппы Дятлова) refers to the unsolved deaths of nine ski hikers in the northern Ural Mountains in the Soviet Union (now Russia) between 1 February and 2 February 1959. The area in which the incident took place was named Dyatlov Pass in honor of the group's leader, Igor Dyatlov. The experienced trekking group, who were all from the Ural Polytechnical Institute, had established a camp on the slopes of Kholat Syakhl when disaster struck. During the night, something caused them to tear their way out of their tents and to flee the campsite while inadequately dressed during a heavy snowfall and sub-zero temperature. After the discovery of the group's bodies, Soviet Union investigators determined that six victims died from hypothermia and that the three others showed signs of physical trauma. One victim had a fractured skull; another had brain damage but no sign of an injured skull. Background[edit] Expedition[edit] Dyatlov Pass Investigation[edit]

Arthur Play games! PreviousNext Print it out! Watch Videos! Dealing with your child's health can be challenging and sometimes scary. LSD - MInd-Shattering High Dose Trip - 41534 Citation: Starfire. "MInd-Shattering High Dose Trip: An Experience with LSD (ID 41534)". Dec 29, 2006. On a cold December evening in 1971 I took two 450ug tablets of LSD-25 at around 7 pm. I was at a friend’s house sitting in his living room, about 20 to 30 minutes later. At about an hour into the trip I felt euphoric, and was very interested in the rapidly changing world about me. It wasn’t ordinary guilt, it was all the sins of the world piled on my shoulders, because I had taken LSD. I went back to David’s house and he had finished eating. I looked out across the park, and suddenly from a bright spot in the darkness of a cluster of trees a white light raced towards me, engulfed me, and I felt an explosion of color and a bolt of electricity race through my body, as though I had been struck by lightning. I had the feeling that I wasn’t really there in my body. The next few hours were spent walking up and down a street near the pastor’s house.

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