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The University of Michigan Historical Mathematics Collection
The University of Michigan Historical Mathematics Collection is a growing library of books selected from the University of Michigan mathematics collection that have been digitized to improve access and to preserve the content of these books. All of the books in this collection were published in the 19th or early 20th century. Basic Searches : Single word and phrase searches throughout the entire collection. Proximity Searches: Find the co-occurrence of two or three words or phrases. Boolean Searches: Find combinations of two or three words in a given page or work. Bibliography Searches : Identify works by author and title. Another significant mathematics collection available digitally is the Historical Mathematics Monograph Collection from Cornell In the spirit of great mathematicians, listen to satirist Tom Lehrer sing of Lobachevsky. Go to UMDL Texts to search multiple collections.
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Literature of the Fantastic
Literature of the Fantastic If you like this library, please consider donating to support it: The Book of Wonder by Lord DunsanyCarmilla by J. Sheridan LeFanuThe Damned Thing by Ambrose BierceThe Dancing Partner by Jerome K. Alternate way to read the discussion This library is designed to provide a source of public domain fantasy, science fiction, and horror works. To the Doyle and Macdonald Home Page To the Doyle and Macdonald Bibliography To a list of bookstores URL
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