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Principes clés pour mettre en oeuvre une coopération stigmergique

Principes clés pour mettre en oeuvre une coopération stigmergique
La stigmergie est un mécanisme de coordination indirecte qui permet la construction de structures très performantes dans des environnements hautement complexes et changeants. Si la stigmergie a été à l’origine observée dans la nature, des travaux récents montrent l’ubiquité et la productivité de ce mécanisme. Pourtant si on commence à mieux comprendre son fonctionnement, son application et sa mise en œuvre au sein d’une organisation humaine est un sujet qui n’a pas été traité en profondeur. Dans cet article nous verrons quels sont les principes clés pour faciliter la mise en œuvre d’une coopération stigmergique dans une organisation. Dans la deuxième partie de l’article nous verrons comment ces principes sont appliqués dans le contexte de Wikipédia, un très bel exemple d’organisation stigmergique. Note: Cet article s’adresse à des personnes déjà sensibilisées et qui cherchent des conseils pratiques pour mettre en œuvre ces mécanismes. La stigmergie: Rappels Notes sur les termes utilisés Related:  Strategy and Management

Purple Goldfish Project | A Listly List #21. From John Phelps Jr. “We have a little example of lagniappe here at GG, LLC. To generally promote our online shopping business, both the non-profit fundraising application and the employee benefit program, we sponsor a discount prescription drug card. This is a very nice discount card given freely to any individual who must pay for their prescriptions. When someone has an Rx insurance card, that’s generally their better deal. Anyway, we give out the cards, just to promote our programs. Check out the web site — Which is also linked to our company site — Anyone can come to the site, print off a copy of the discount card for their personal use, use the site to locate pharmacies, compare prices, and learn about their prescriptions. Oh, you can also save on lab work and/or imaging services (X-Rays, MRI’s, etc…). So, that’s our little somethin’ somethin’ to show our customers we care.”

Building A Purposeful Brand As part of our ongoing work on #ProjectReconnect with the WFA, we recently explored the premise that all brands today must be ‘purposeful’. They’ve been kind enough to let us share our findings here too. Purposeful Brands In today’s competitive world, a great product is no longer enough for a brand to succeed. A great product is still critical of course; no-one would willingly buy a bad product twice. But as functional performance differences between companies’ offerings become ever more marginal, people increasingly rely on more intangible, emotional factors to inform and guide their choices. As a result, the rules of the marketing ‘beauty pageant’ have changed. Above all, they need a higher-order ‘purpose’. But what does a ‘brand purpose’ look like? A Purpose Inspires Hearts and Heads Given the choice between similar (and similarly priced) alternatives, people usually go for the option that makes them feel good. Tip #1: A great purpose engages people’s hearts, not just their heads.

Le cycle du changement de Hudson Le changement : processus permanent à l’extérieur, mais aussi à l’intérieur de nous. Frederic Hudson, coach et professeur à l’université de Columbia propose de voir notre vie comme une succession de cycles constitués chacun de 4 phases : un lancement, une désynchronisation, un désengagement puis un renouveau. Connaître ce modèle permet de mieux comprendre ce que nous vivons dans nos transitions personnelles et professionnelles. Un chapitre de vie professionnelle peut être une projet, une mission, un job etc. Phase 1 – Alignement – « C’est parti ! C’est la phase de lancement, une phase dynamique de construction. Dans cette phase 1 nous vivons la plupart du temps une expérience positive : congruence, facilité, énergie, joie, satisfaction, motivation. Exemple : Vous arrivez dans la société, ce nouveau poste vous réjouit, tout le monde vous fait un accueil fabuleux, votre feuille de route vous passionne et vous apprenez tous les jours. Phase 2 – Désynchronisation – « Ce n’est plus ça !

Drawing out the different voices within the three horizon methodology for Innovation | Paul4innovating's Innovation Views We so often struggle to articulate our innovation activity and then can’t seemingly project our plans into the future in consistent and coherent ways. We often lack the framing necessary. If this rings true of the innovation activity in your organization, then it is in danger of being seen as isolated, one-off events, that fail to link to your organizational strategy. Furthermore you’ll be missing out, or not capitalizing on emerging trends and insights where fresh growth opportunities reside. I so often come back to the messages we need to learn, which centers around the three horizon methodology. I just wish this framework would be adopted far more within organizations. wanting to build a sustaining dialogue around innovation, it can be such a powerful enabler. How can we become increasingly alert to social shaping, as well as emerging technology and discoveries that might lead to new horizons and fresh growth? The value of applying the Three Horizon Methodology for Innovation Like this:

Boids How do you make birds flock in pursuit of prey and in avoidance of predators? And how do teams within an organization help the organization adapt to change? Flocking is a complex group behavior. Birds aren't taught how to flock and there is no centralized command structure telling them where and how to fly together. Yet, birds which have had no past experience with one another can exhibit complex patterns of collaboration and communication. A researcher studying complex systems (such as an interacting flock of birds) often uses computer models, or simulations, to attempt to re-produce events similar to real-world phenomena - the more accurate the simulation, in theory, the more one understands about the full system. Reynolds couldn't program his boids to flock outright. After many failed attempts, Reynolds discovered that his boids needed only 3 simple rules to flock: Boids could beautifully reproduce the complexity of flocking birds for three critical reasons:

Innovation and Narrative | Practice of Innovation Are You an Innovator? People are often confused about whether they are innovators or not. They might think of Steve Jobs and say to themselves, “That’s not me, I have never done anything remotely that significant.” David Nordfors, who runs the i4j Innovation for Jobs Summit, and I were discussing this. In an earlier post here I defined innovation as, “the creation and delivery of new customer value in the marketplace with a sustainable business model.” All innovations create new knowledge and introduce a new narrative, a new type of story. For example, once you have seen and used your first smartphone your narrative of computing devices is profoundly changed; the smartphone created a new type of story delivered to customers in the marketplace. David’s definition tacitly assumes that this new knowledge and narrative have value to society (i.e., customers) and that this narrative has a measure of sustainability in the marketplace (i.e., in society). Innovations can take many forms.

Melegatti può essere salvata mentre distrugge il suo brand? In questi giorni Melegatti è finita sotto i riflettori a causa di una serie di iniziative di marketing abbastanza “chiacchierate”, non sempre in modo positivo. Chi mi segue da un po’ sa che ho sempre amato Melegatti e l’ho portata come caso studio nei miei corsi per quanto riguarda il corretto posizionamento di marca. Per quei pochi che non lo sapessero nel 1894 Domenico Melegatti riceve il brevetto per la produzione del Pandoro. La Melegatti diviene quindi in Italia “l’azienda che ha inventato il Pandoro” (parliamo ovviamente di quello a qualità industriale, il dolce esisteva già come tradizione della cucina veronese). Di tutti i prodotti della Melegatti il Pandoro rimane e rimarrà negli anni quindi il prodotto di punta. Il posizionamento di marketing di Melegatti quando si parla di Pandoro è quindi l’essere “l’originale”, nonché ovviamente la tradizione. Il Logo é paradossalmente la parte meno importante del visual hammer Melegatti. Il caso dell’edizione speciale di Valerio Scanu Focus:

The Mini Business Plan — Nora Conrad A. What is your why? Why are you starting a business? If you wanted to make money you could become a drug dealer (don't do that), or if you want to help people, you could give up your life and go build schools in 3rd world countries (you can do that if you want). Take a second and write down why you picked this business and why you want to do this. B. Don't be afraid to think big on this one. Make dream goals, baby goals and realistic goals for each of the three steps. Keep in mind, these goals don't have to focus on money. C. The most important part of this is your customer. Who is your consumer? Keep in mind a couple things as you work on this, What age group can afford your product/service? Make an imaginary client, give them a name, age, look, background, hobbies and goals. D. Will you need loans or savings to start? Also, write down how you hope to fund your business in the future? I'm a huge fan of Evernote and Dropbox.
