IE Object required error and other common coding mistakes : Life May Been having a lot of work on customizing Dokeos for a client, so didn’t really have any spare time to write. This post is about common mistakes or overlooks when developing RIAs with JavaScript. First of all, something to always keep in mind when working with Internet Explorer: it will never ever act like you wish from the first time. Pay extra attention especially when dealing with DOM elements, as it tends to throw errors that FF doesn’t - I’m not talking about the fact that IE is not DOM compliant and methods that work in Mozilla family browsers don’t exist in IE or have different names. Here’s a list of things to remember: If you want to get things done fast, use a framework - Prototype does an excellent job. HTMLElement is not accessible in IE, so in order to extend it, few hacks are necessary (first is to use Element.extend from prototype, or have a look at this: . $( 'someElement' ).parentNode.hide() Read more here . .
HTML5 & CSS3 Fundamentals: Development for Absolute Beginners 10 minutes, 20 seconds 35 minutes, 14 seconds 29 minutes, 21 seconds 25 minutes, 25 seconds 48 minutes, 58 seconds 20 minutes, 18 seconds 6 minutes, 59 seconds 15 minutes, 30 seconds 13 minutes, 0 seconds 27 minutes, 27 seconds ZDNet - Actualité, business et technologies pour les professionnels Alsacréations : Actualités et tutoriels web, HTML, CSS, JavaScript Mac Dev Center Downloads Xcode 5 This complete developer toolset for creating Mac, iPhone, and iPad apps includes the Xcode IDE, performance analysis tools, iOS Simulator, and the latest OS X and iOS SDKs. OS X Mavericks Mac Developer Program members have access to pre-release versions of OS X and OS X Server.Not a member? Distribute on the Mac App Store. Learn how to prepare and submit your apps to the Mac App Store.Learn more Mac App Store Badges Promote your app on the Mac App Store with the new badges localized in over 30 languages. Developer ID Learn how to sign your software with a Developer ID certificate for distribution outside the Mac App Store.
previousSibling (JavaScript property) Example var sibling = node.previousSibling; In the example above, if has a sibling immediately before it (a node of any type, which shares its parent with ), the variable will be a reference to that node; otherwise it will be null. So in the following HTML example, the first li element is the previousSibling of the second, but has no previousSibling of its own: <h2>Shopping list</h2><ul><li>Beer</li><li>More beer</li></ul> Note: This example doesn’t take account of whitespace Actually this example is idealized, and in some browsers the first li element may not in fact be the previousSibling of the second; that's because some browsers count intermediate whitespace as text nodes, and would therefore consider the previousSibling to be the whitespace between the </li> and <li> tags. For more about this behavior please see DOM Core. Description This property is readonly. Compatibility No known issues.
DS-GA 1003: Machine Learning and Computational Statistics, Spring 2015 This course covers a wide variety of topics in machine learning and statistical modeling. While mathematical methods and theoretical aspects will be covered, the primary goal is to provide students with the tools and principles needed to solve both the traditional and the novel data science problems found in practice. This course will also serve as a foundation on which more specialized courses and further independent study can build. This is a required course for the Center for Data Science's Masters degree in Data Science, and the course is designed for the students in this program. Course details can be found in the syllabus. This term we will be using Piazza for class discussion. See the Course Calendar for all schedule information. For registration information, please contact Varsha Tiger.
Langage de programmation Les langages de programmation permettent de décrire, d'une part, les structures des données qui seront manipulées par l'appareil informatique, et, d'autre part, d'indiquer comment sont effectuées les manipulations et selon quels algorithmes. Ils servent de moyens de communication par lesquels le programmeur communique avec l'ordinateur, mais aussi avec d'autres programmeurs ; les programmes étant d'ordinaire écrits, lus, compris et modifiés par une équipe de programmeurs[3]. Plusieurs environnement de développement et agents conversationnels possèdent des fonctionnalités de lecture, interprétation et écriture de programme. La possibilité d'écriture abstraite libère l'esprit du programmeur d'un travail superflu, notamment de prise en compte des spécificités du matériel informatique, et lui permet ainsi de se concentrer sur des problèmes plus avancés[2]. Les premiers langages de programmation ont été créés dans les années 1950 en même temps que l'avènement des ordinateurs. Le vocabulaire
Coding Horror