National Museum of Mexican Art
Welcome to the National Museum of African Art / Smithsonian Institution
Museo Nacional del Prado
DuSable Museum of African American History
The Barbados National Art Gallery
Remedios Varo
Remedios Varo Biography Remedios Varo's storied life began in 1908 when she was born in Spain. She fled the Spanish Civil War and headed to Paris to further her artistry in Surrealism. The surrealist movement was strong there and she honed her skills along with painters who received more notoriety. The Nazi occupation of France forced Varo into exile. Remedios Varo's artistic influences included the work of Hieronymus Bosch. Philosophically, Varo was influenced by a many mystic traditions of both Eastern and Western society. Remedios Varo died at the height of her career in 1961.
Tarble Arts Center :: Exhibitions :: Eastern Illinois University
Upcoming Exhibitions & Events 2014 Children's Art Exhibit Forms: Intent to Exhibit | Inventory List Jan. 2– Feb. 16, eGallery Joe Meiser: Transcribing-Transposing Artist’s Lecture + Closing Reception: Monday, Feb. 17, 7:30pm, Atrium Transcribing-Transposing (detail) by Joe Meiser, 2010, fabric, motors, translucent paper and other materials, dimensions variable. Joe Meiser creates sculpture, installation, and performance art. This is a New & Emerging Artists Series program presented by the EIU Art Department and the Tarble Arts Center. Jan. 11 – Feb. 23, Main Galleries/East The 2013-14 Tarble Humanities Exhibition: Kate Brooks In the Light of Darkness: A Photographer's Journey after 9/11 Aftermath of a car bombing in Najif, Iraq, August 2003; photograph by Kate Brooks, C-type digital print; image © Kate Brooks. This collection of photographs and personal essays chronicle Kate Brooks’s ten-year odyssey from 9-11 to the Arab Spring. Jan. 11 – Feb. 23, Main Galleries/West Non-Text: Text as Image
National Gallery of Canada
The Jealous Curator