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How Was Life?

How Was Life?
Related:  Intro - Conditions d'un développement durableStatistikStatistik

Comment vivait-on? Choisissez un pays pour visualiser son évolution: Choisissez un pays pour vérifier la disponibilité des données : PIB par habitant Le revenu est un indicateur de base du niveau de vie matériel des individus et, partant, de leur bien-être. Passez votre souris sur un pays pour obtenir des informations sur la qualité des données disponibles (de 1 = excellente qualité à 4 = estimation). Salaire réel Le salaire est un déterminant important du bien-être, puisqu’il reflète une dimension clé de la qualité des emplois et qu’il fournit des informations sur le niveau de vie du salarié. Nombre moyen d’années d’études L’éducation est cruciale pour fournir aux individus les connaissances et les compétences dont ils ont besoin pour participer efficacement à la société et à l’économie. Espérance de vie à la naissance La santé contribue au bien-être à la fois directement – son importance est universellement reconnue – et indirectement, en agissant sur d’autres dimensions du bien-être. Taille Taux d’homicides

The World Bank - Statistik World Development Indicators 2016 World Development Indicators (WDI) publication is a collection of time-series data for 214 economies, with many indicators going back more than 50 years. WDI provides cross-country comparable statistics about development and people’s lives around the globe. International Debt Statistics 2016 Focuses on financial flows, trends in external debt, and other major financial indicators for developing and advanced economies (data from Quarterly External Debt Statistics and Quarterly Public Sector Debt databases). Atlas of Global Development, Fourth Edition: A Visual Guide to the World’s Greatest Challenges Published in association with Harper Collins, the completely revised and updated fourth edition of the Atlas of Global Development vividly illustrates the key development challenges facing our world today. Data Visualization Tools: Data Visualizer Bubble Chart Check out Data Visualizer Mobile Applications: DataFinder for iOS and Android

Office for National Statistics (ONS) Output in the Construction Industry, November 2015 In November 2015, output in the construction industry was estimated to have decreased by 0.5% compared with October 2015. All new work was the largest contributor to the fall, decreasing by 0.7%, with repair and maintenance (R&M) falling 0.2%. Index of Production, November 2015 Production output increased by 0.9% in November 2015 compared with November 2014. Manufacturing output decreased by 1.2% in November 2015 compared with November 2014. ONS Beta website available The ONS have been developing a new website to replace the current version. UK Trade, November 2015 The UK’s deficit on seasonally adjusted trade in goods and services was £3.2 billion in November 2015. Quarterly National Accounts, Quarter 3 (July to Sept) 2015 UK gross domestic product in volume terms was estimated to have increased by 0.4% in Quarter 3 (July to Sept) 2015; revised from the previously published estimate of 0.5%. Balance of Payments, Quarter 3 (July to Sept) 2015

Trends og statistik | Verdensmålene - for bæredygtig udvikling Det er vigtigt at kende fakta for at kunne tage de rigtige beslutninger. De fleste har en fornemmelse af, hvordan der ser ud i resten af verden - og om det bliver bedre eller værre. Vi danner vores verdensbillede ud fra mange forskellige kilder: fra internettet, TV, radio, aviser, film og bøger. Ingen af disse har dog nødvendigvis som mål at give folk et balanceret og fuldstændigt billede af verden. I TV-nyhederne rapporteres der om krig, epidemier og naturkatastrofer, men man opdateres sjældent om langvarig fred eller fraværet af sygdomme og katastrofer. Betyder det noget, hvis vi tror, at store dele af verden lider af mere fattigdom og sult, end hvad tilfældet faktisk er? Hvis vi ikke ved, at der sker forbedringer, er det let at tro, at det ikke kan lade sig gøre at afskaffe fattigdom eller på anden måde forandre verden. Hvor meget af 2015-målene nåede vi? Globalt CO2-udslip (millioner ton) Den globale bistand totalt set (milliarder dollars) Fattigdom Der bliver flere frie lande

• Statista - The Statistics Portal for Market Data, Market Research and Market Studies «Le bonheur ne dure pas ? Tant mieux !» Entretien avec Sonja Lyubomirsky Bonne nouvelle : le bonheur est possible. Mauvaise nouvelle : pas pour longtemps. Peut-être, pour être heureux, faut-il chercher le bonheur, pas le trouver. Vous écrivez dans votre dernier livre que pour être heureux, il faut se débarrasser de certaines idées préconçues sur le bonheur. Lesquelles ? J’en vois deux principales. L’un des thèmes majeurs de votre ouvrage est justement l’adaptation (ou l’habituation) hédonique (encadré ci-dessous) : après avoir lutté durement pour le trouver, nous sommes vite lassés par le bonheur. En effet, l’adaptation est un phénomène si puissant que nous nous habituons aussi bien aux événements positifs que négatifs, et que nous revenons à notre niveau de bonheur moyen. Bonheur et sagesse sont-ils synonymes ? Bonne question ! Pourquoi dites-vous que se focaliser sur ce qui va bien vaut parfois mieux qu’affronter ce qui va mal ? Dans quelles circonstances porter un regard trop positif peut-il constituer un risque ? Le bonheur s'use quand l'on s'en sert

Home - WID - World Inequality Database Great Britain Historical Documentation System/Home Page Available Parts: Information about Economic Distress and Labour Markets: The database includes a wide range of indicators of economic distress, most obviously unemployment and Poor Law statistics but also 'Small Debt Plaints' and the marriage rate. It also includes information on wages, hours of work and strikes in different localities. This is the oldest part of the GBH database, being based on the earlier Labour Markets Database (LMDB) funded by the Leverhulme Trust in 1989-91, and including some data from earlier research by Humphrey Southall in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Information about Health and Health Care: This part of the database includes a large body of data on mortality, taken from the various reports of the Registrar General. Development of this area of the database is supported by funding from the Wellcome Trust. Information from the Census of Population since 1801:

The World Factbook - Central Intelligence Agency People from nearly every country share information with CIA, and new individuals contact us daily. If you have information you think might interest CIA due to our foreign intelligence collection mission, there are many ways to reach us. If you know of an imminent threat to a location inside the U.S., immediately contact your local law enforcement or FBI Field Office. In addition to the options below, individuals contact CIA in a variety of creative ways. If you feel it is safe, consider providing these details with your submission: Your full name Biographic details, such as a photograph of yourself, and a copy of the biographic page of your passport How you got the information you want to share with CIA How to contact you, including your home address and phone number We cannot guarantee a response to every message. Internet: Send a message here. Mail: Inside the U.S., send mail to the following address: Central Intelligence Agency Office of Public Affairs Washington, D.C. 20505
