Formative vs Summative Assessment - Teaching Excellence & Educational Innovation Formative assessment The goal of formative assessment is to monitor student learning to provide ongoing feedback that can be used by instructors to improve their teaching and by students to improve their learning. More specifically, formative assessments: help students identify their strengths and weaknesses and target areas that need workhelp faculty recognize where students are struggling and address problems immediately Formative assessments are generally low stakes, which means that they have low or no point value. draw a concept map in class to represent their understanding of a topicsubmit one or two sentences identifying the main point of a lectureturn in a research proposal for early feedback Summative assessment The goal of summative assessment is to evaluate student learning at the end of an instructional unit by comparing it against some standard or benchmark. Summative assessments are often high stakes, which means that they have a high point value.
5 Ways to Teach with YouTube I bought Minecraft for my 7 year old son and asked him if he needed help with it. “No, I just looked it up on YouTube.” We all know that YouTube is a great source for tutorial videos. Did you know that YouTube is the #2 search engine? Students are very likely to look up information on YouTube, it has become part of their culture. Here are 5 things you can do with YouTube: It is quick and easy to record a video to YouTube. Click on “Upload” in the upper right hand corner. On the right hand side is an option for “Webcam Capture.” Example: Rather than having students search YouTube randomly create a list of videos for them to check out. Search for videos using the search bar. Continue to add videos to the playlist until you’ve created a collection of videos. Sample Link to a Sample Playlist If students are creating videos on mobile devices they can upload them to the class YouTube channel. On the Overview page is an email address for “Mobile uploads.” Copyright secured by Digiprove © 2015
Quizalize Multiple Google Forms to One Spreadsheet The magic of Google Forms is the ability to view all of your Form data in a spreadsheet. I use Google Forms a considerable amount in my classroom. Google Forms basically allows me to be paperless. Any data I need to collect, including student work, I utilize a Google Form. To have multiple Google Forms populate to one spreadsheet you can use the =importrange() function. When you create a Form it should be automatically connected to a spreadsheet. Using the “Responses” menu select “Choose response destination…” By default the check box for “Always create a new spreadsheet” is selected. You will want to have a master spreadsheet that displays the data from multiple Google Forms. In your master spreadsheet create a sheet for each Forms data you want to import. In the OTHER spreadsheets that contain Form data copy the URL. Back in the master spreadsheet locate the tab you intend to display the other Forms spreadsheet data. Identify Tab Name Range! Like this: Like Loading...
The Problem with “Formative Assessment Tools” (part 1 of 2) | Cooper on Curriculum The Problem It started with generally clunky and overpriced “student clickers” by such brands as SMART Technologies and Einstruction, and over the past few years it has transitioned into slick apps like Socrative, Kahoot!, and Plickers. Time and time again we have seen these apps demoed during professional development sessions and written about on websites and blogs. When James Popham defines formative assessment, he states: Formative assessment is a planned process in which teachers or students use assessment-based evidence to adjust what they’re currently doing. In other words, if teachers or students are not leveraging results/data (from Socrative, Kahoot! Formative assessment is a process…not an event, questions on a piece of paper, or even an app. The Solution Since what takes place after the apps are used – the differentiated instruction – is what matters most, the majority of professional development time should then be dedicated to this stage of instruction and learning. Like this:
5 outils pour créer et partager des murs d'affichage virtuels Comment créer un tableau d’affichage en ligne pour y coller ou épingler des notes ou des post-it virtuels ? Simples à utiliser, collaboratifs, les services en ligne qui permettent de partager des petites notes sous forme de post-it virtuels sont nombreux. Que ce soit pour un brainstorming ou pour partager des informations simplement entre collègues ou avec des élèves, ils font partie de la boite à outils numériques de base de l’enseignant. Je poursuis la série d’articles conacrée aux competences tice nécessaires au prof connecté. Padlet C’est un de mes préférés. Lino Lino va vous en faire voir de toutes les couleurs. PrimaryWall Voici un service de notes en ligne sur un tableau de liège virtuel adapté à de jeunes élèves. LisThings Ce service vous fournit un veritable tableau de liège pour votre ordinateur. Scrumblr J’ai eu un petit coup de coeur pour ce dernier petit service en ligne. Et vous ? Si cet article vous a intéressé, n’hésitez pas à le partager. Sur le même thème
Formative Assessment with Mobile Devices What is qualitative formative assessment? Some call it anecdotal or informal assessment. However, such designations imply passivity -- as if certain things were captured accidentally. I believe the word "formative" should always be included with the word assessment because all feedback mechanisms should help shape and improve the person (or situation) being assessed. Wedging the word "qualitative" into my terminology differentiates it from the analytic or survey-based measures that some associate with the term formative assessment. For my purposes, qualitative formative assessment is the ongoing awareness, understanding, and support of learning that is difficult or impossible to quantify. Carly Schuler stated that the learner needs to be mobile, not the technology. These approaches form the Qualitative Formative Assessment Toolkit (QFAT). 1. Cameras are powerful tools for capturing moments and documenting learning. 2. Here is how to make one on various operating systems: 3. 4. A book.
5 outils collaboratifs en ligne gratuits et sans inscription Dans la gamme des outils collaboratifs en ligne, vous avez de plus en plus de solutions complètes pour répondre à tout type de besoins. A côté des mastodontes, il y a aussi des outils simples et gratuits pour des besoins occasionnels que vous pouvez utiliser sans même avoir besoin de vous inscrire ni d’installer quoi que ce soit sur votre ordinateur. Voici une petite sélection de cinq de ces outils. 5 outils collaboratifs pour des besoins de tous les jours. Un formidable outil collaboratif gratuit déjà présenté ici qui permet de mettre en place une vidéoconférence dans votre navigateur en deux clics trois mouvements. Mindmup Mindmup permet de créer des cartes mentales ou heuristiques simplement. Flask Voici encore un outil simple et gratuit qui se concentre sur une seule et unique fonction mais qui le fait bien et gratuitement. Nooot Encore un outil collaboratif ultra simple. CosKetch
Examples of Formative Assessment When incorporated into classroom practice, the formative assessment process provides information needed to adjust teaching and learning while they are still happening. The process serves as practice for the student and a check for understanding during the learning process. The formative assessment process guides teachers in making decisions about future instruction. Here are a few examples that may be used in the classroom during the formative assessment process to collect evidence of student learning. Observations Questioning Discussion Exit/Admit Slips Learning/Response Logs Graphic Organizers Peer/Self Assessments Practice Presentations Visual Representations Kinesthetic Assessments Individual Whiteboards Laundry Day Four Corners Constructive Quizzes Think Pair Share Appointment Clock eHow: Types of Formative Assessment
10 astuces pour Google Drive Pour synchroniser des fichiers sur plusieurs terminaux (ordinateur, smartphone, tablette…) ou entre plusieurs personnes, il existe des outils très bien pensés. Le succès de Dropbox auprès des utilisateurs a poussé les géants du web à proposer leur propre solution. Alors que Google intégrait l’édition des fichiers en ligne via Google Documents, la firme de Mountain View a décidé d’aller plus loin grâce à Google Drive. Il s’agit aujourd’hui de l’un des trois outils dominants du secteur avec Dropbox et Skydrive, propulsé par Microsoft. Si la version de base inclue de nombreuses fonctionnalités plus abouties les unes que les autres, des astuces permettent de rendre l’outil encore plus puissant. Les raccourcis clavier Les outils Google disposent à peu près tous de raccourcis clavier. Chaque type de fichier dispose de ses propres raccourcis sur Google Drive. Accéder aux fichiers de Google Drive hors connexion Sur un ordinateur : deux méthodes de synchronisation co-existent.