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3 Powerful Web Tools to Create Whiteboard Animation Videos for Your Class

3 Powerful Web Tools to Create Whiteboard Animation Videos for Your Class
October 23, 2014 Whiteboard animation videos are videos that draw themselves. They involve an animated use of images, shapes, characters, sounds and voice-overs to create a clip. This form of video production has been very popular recently and is widely used by some leading educational YouTube channels such as TED Ed and RSA Animate. Creating a whiteboard animation video is no longer a graphic designer's job. There are actually several web tools that allow you to easily put together an animated video with as simple tools as drag and drop. As a teacher, you can use these animations to create and share tutorials, presentations, step by tsp guides, and many more. 1- GoAnimate Go Animate allows you to produce your own professional whiteboard animation-style video using your mouse and your favorite internet browser on GoAnimate! Watch this video to learn more about GoAnimate Watch this video to see how Video Scribe works

How To Create Video Lessons free business presentation software animated video maker and PowerPoint alternative Så blir din Powerpoint-presentation en succé – Powerpoint är världens bästa verktyg om det används rätt, men används det fel blir det en katastrof, säger David Philips, utbildare och författare till boken Framgångsrik presentationsteknik. Han menar att många finner en trygghet i att gömma sig bakom en massa slides som om det vore en snuttefilt. – Det är fascinerande hur en kan lyckas sälja och en annan misslyckas. Jag har personligen sett fullständigt katastrofala presentationer men också trollbindande fantastiska presentationer. På en skala till ett till tio, menar David Philips att alla kan bli åttor. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Two Ways to Create Online Whiteboards Online whiteboards can be a fantastic aid to students when they’re trying to help each other work through problems or tutor each other. Online whiteboards are also helpful to teachers who are crafting visual explanations for students. Sketchlot and Stoodle are excellent online whiteboard tools. Both will work in the web browser on your laptop, Chromebook, iPad, and Android tablet. Here are this week’s most popular posts from 1. Would you like to have me visit your school? 10 Great iPad Apps for Creating Concept Maps October 17, 2014, After the list of the web based tools for concept mapping, we went ahead and compiled another list for iPad users. We have included the best apps out there for brainstorming and concept mapping which you can use on the go . We hope you like this selection and if you have other good suggestions to add to this list, please share with us in the comment form below. Enjoy Popplet is a platform for your ideas. Use it for taking notes in meetings and seminars, creating quick to do lists, and anywhere else you require a fast, intuitive method to collect ideas and information and think things through. Inkflow's ink feels like a really smooth fountain pen. This free app lets you organize, explore and share everything you like. MindMeister lets you create, edit and share your mind maps on the go and synchronize them with the award-winning free online MindMeister service.6- Mindomo KWHL charts are incredible, hands-on tools for teaching and learning new information.

Zaption - Learn with Video Academic Presenter With Academic Presenter you can create big graphs like hierarchical graphs with different levels. In each level, you may want to add some pictures or even videos to clarify the subject and lessen your pain. Because of structural flexibility any further changes can be done without any problem. You can scroll and navigate in your graph easily both in designing phase and presentation. Your created project would be computer independent and all the resources you want will be embedded in your presentation, even videos. Also, It has its own formula editor which utilizes an embedded compiler to put a side LATEX and other commercial equation editors' difficulties. Academic Presenter is a software which enables users to prepare a special type of vector-based presentations. We are Ph.D. students who coded this software for the sake of our own needs, however we found it very useful for others and this is why we are trying to keep it up and update this software.

untitled Web Whiteboard: disegnare nel browser Disegni con Web Whiteboard: una possibilità per cooperare e condividere uno stesso spazio grafico virtuale. Una guida all'uso e qualche spunto per utilizzare questa risorsa in sezione. Bello il tuo scarabocchio! Matite, acquerelli, pennarelli, gessetti, colori a tempera, a dita, a cera… tante sono le soluzioni cui spesso ricorrono bambine e bambine per dare colore e forma alle proprie rappresentazioni grafiche, specie se si lascia loro la possibilità di esprimersi liberamente: in questo caso si possono ottenere tante piacevoli sorprese, una diversa dall’altra e per ciascuna una storia, un viaggio, una nuova scoperta nel magico mondo dell’infanzia. Una lavagna on line Se poi a questo affianchiamo la possibilità di disegnare utilizzando anche le tecnologie, ecco che si può giungere ad offrire la possibilità di cooperare e di condividere uno stesso spazio grafico virtuale. La prima opzione sulla barra scura posta a sinistra, consente di selezionare il colore. LA SCHEDA della risorsa

8 Excellent Concept Mapping Tools for Visual Learners October 14, 2014 Today I have a short chat with some of my colleagues over the notion of concept mapping versus traditional outlining after which I decided to compile this list and share it with you here. Brainstorming ideas be it through concept maps or outlines is a scaffolding process that helps you flesh out relevant thoughts to include in your writing piece. On a personal level, I prefer to use outlines when I am engaged in an extensive writing project such as thesis writing or a literature review. Conversely, I feel more inclined to use concept maps with medium to short writing projects like writing a formal/informal essay, a long blog post, an article ...etc. Concept map tools such as the ones below are useful for integrating in classroom instruction. 1- LucidChart Lucidchart is a web-based diagramming software which allows users to collaborate and work together in real time to create flowcharts, organisational charts, and mind maps. 2- Bubblus 4- Popplet 5- Gliffy 7- SpiderScribe

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