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Teacher spends two days as a student and is shocked at what she learns

Teacher spends two days as a student and is shocked at what she learns
A student takes notes at Woodrow Wilson High School in Washington D.C. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak) Do teachers really know what students go through? To find out, one teacher followed two students for two days and was amazed at what she found. Her report is in following post, which appeared on the blog of Grant Wiggins, the co-author of “Understanding by Design” and the author of “Educative Assessment” and numerous articles on education. Wiggins initially posted the piece without revealing the author. By Alexis Wiggins I have made a terrible mistake. I waited 14 years to do something that I should have done my first year of teaching: shadow a student for a day. This is the first year I am working in a school but not teaching my own classes; I am the High School Learning Coach, a new position for the school this year. My class schedules for the day (Note: we have a block schedule; not all classes meet each day): The schedule that day for the 10th grade student: 7:45 – 9:15: Geometry Related:  Inglés

5 Muhammad Ali Quotes Every Teacher Needs in the Classroom Posted 06/05/2016 8:30AM | Last Commented 06/05/2016 8:30AM As a fan of boxing, it's easy to compare the world of education to this fascinating sport. Educators, regardless of their role, have ringside seats to a main event focused on transforming education. There are always competing initiatives (going toe-to-toe), which can be difficult to navigate. Despite the constant battles, those who want to make a difference never throw in the towel. Teachers and students hit the canvas each day. In celebration of the the greatest, here are five Muhammad Ali quotes that have inspired me as an educator. 1. If failure is always placed in the context of a summative, it is very unlikely that students will feel comfortable taking academic risks. 2. Social-emotional learning is beneficial for students as well as the teachers who work with them each day. 3. How can teachers provide opportunities for students to explore new ideas? 4. Huh?? 5. Students need the why. Continue to be champions of education!

Common Core math is not fuzzy: Column Common Core math is getting the works from critics: It's too demanding for most kids; holds back the speedy kids; not the same as what parents already know; makes kids cry. It even promotes "fuzzy math." As a professional mathematician, I'm as firmly against fuzzy math as they come. Common Core lays the foundation for students to have a better grasp of mathematical concepts than present standards and sets higher expectations for teaching and learning. If that doesn't sound fuzzy, there's a simple reason: It isn't. To appreciate the changes under way, and perhaps to understand the anxiety provoked by Common Core, it's helpful to look at math before the core. Too often, it has been "plug and chug" math. Reality of rules Math as rules starts early. Common Core saves us from plug-and-chug. Common Core promotes this. No revolution This doesn't sound revolutionary because it's not. But you wouldn't know it from some of the criticisms directed at it. That's not fuzzy.

Le film Disney ‘La Reine des Neiges’ révèle la clé pour survivre à notre phase prémenstruelle! | The Womb Blessing Attunement Les mythes menstruels La compagnie Disney a fortement contribué à conter la sagesse des histoires folkloriques européenne. Malheureusement, beaucoup de ces histoires ont été édulcorées ou modifiées pour les rendre plus attractives commercialement. Mais au sein de la formule Disney, certains films réussissent à préserver l’ancienne sagesse pour la rendre accessible aux jeunes filles. Même lorsque les contes folkloriques sont retravaillés pour s’adapter à l’audience moderne, les anciennes structures archétypales parviennent à survivre et à résonner dans l’esprit des femmes – la chair de poule sur notre peau alors que nous regardons le film témoigne de la magie profonde qui opère ! Tout ceci est possible car les histoires originales sont les expressions fondamentales de la condition humaine, et elles nous toucheront au niveau de notre subconscient, et ce peu importe les époques. Blanche Neige – Un mythe menstruel ! La Reine des Neiges Etre comme Elsa! Les énergies Prémenstruelles – la clef

Why Making Is Essential to Learning Making is as old as learning itself. While the maker movement may only be about a decade old, the human desire to create dates back to the earliest forms of human activity, from making stone tools to drawing on cave walls (Halverson & Sheridan, 2014; Martinez & Stager, 2014). Thinkers such as Pestalozzi, Montessori, and Papert helped paved the way for the maker movement by stressing the importance of hands-on, student-centered, meaningful learning. More recently, maker education is being used as a way to connect do-it-yourself informal learning to classrooms. The Science of Hands-On Learning At the heart of making is the idea that all students are creators. Hands-on learning plays a key role in maker education. At Albemarle County Public Schools, making fosters student autonomy, ignites student interest, and empowers students to embrace their own learning. Research shows that hands-on learning is an effective way to teach students science. Why is hands-on learning effective? Notes

Math Misconceptions As a math educator, I often find myself in conversations with parents who tell me, "I was never good at math, so it's not surprising my son isn't good either." I've also spoken with teachers who tell me that a student is failing because "she's just not good at math." There is a high price for all of this negative talk — nearly 40% of 18- to 24-year-old Americans believe they are "not good at math." Misconception #1: Math ability is a gift — you either have it or you don't. Misconception #2: Being good at math is about being fast. Misconception #3: Math is all about "rules" and procedures. What does this mean for how we should talk about and teach math? First, banish the "I can't do math" mantra in your home or school. Second, focus on thinking and understanding, not speed. Third, don't get caught up in the nitty-gritty details of long, complicated calculations. If we change our conception of what it means to be good at math, more students will achieve success in the subject.

Why We Need to Move Away from SMART Goals and Towards New Forms of Classroom Assessment Every new school year breathes new life into my professional career. After a summer of relaxation and self-directed professional development (which is the most important type of PD), I’m ready to return to my classroom to help students discover and refine new skills. While that may be the case again this year, I also find myself becoming increasingly unsettled as my career progresses. My uneasiness is a culmination of years of reflection on my classroom mission. My district has taken on new initiatives the past few years (as all districts do) to solve the well-documented, disconnected nature between high school graduates and workplace preparedness. One emphasis has been allowing teachers to communicate with business professionals in the area, discussing the skills they most want to see in potential employees and focusing on the four C’s (critical thinking, collaboration, creativity and communication). “I’m not anti-measurement. We need to align our purpose.

How to Take Digital Citizenship Schoolwide During the 2016 17 School Year Since our students are using technology to play, learn, and communicate while at home and at school, they should be learning how to use that technology responsibly. Full integration of digital citizenship (or DigCit) curriculum into every class and every content area—at every grade level—should be the goal to meet this need. Keep in mind that most teacher-prep programs do not incorporate digital citizenship alongside the other elements of teacher education. Step 1: Clear Institution-Wide Communication All stakeholders must have a clear understanding of both the “why” and the “how” of fully integrated digital citizenship. Why is digital citizenship a necessary element in 21st century education, and why is a fully-integrated approach best? Once these questions have been answered, it is time to communicate clear goals and plans to everyone. For teachers, use emails or newsletters and department/team or faculty meeting agendas. Step 2: Digital Citizenship PD Starts with Flipped Learning

5 Classroom Tech Priorities for the Coming School Year More than 50 million students will soon return to school, and school districts have been spending the summer upgrading classroom technology in preparation for their return. For all the work done this summer, IT administrators will look for ways to continually improve throughout the school year as well. As another academic year prepares to kick off, here are five technology priorities that districts will want to invest in to improve the student experience. LANs and WANs The latest digital tools promise to transform education, but innovation won’t be fully realized without a reliable network foundation. Take a fresh look at wide area networks too. Mobile Whether for 1:1 computing initiatives or bring-your-own-device (BYOD) programs, mobile devices are mainstays on today’s campuses. Stylus support is another plus. Security and Student Privacy Some options provide central management consoles for monitoring the latest threats and for mobile device management. Digital Interactive Projectors

Middle School Maker Journey: Top 20 Technologies and Tools "It's not about the tool," they say -- but sometimes it is. In our middle school makerspace, students have been using a variety of tools and technologies in a variety of projects and activities. And there are many more that we've yet to explore and experience. While our makerspace is still in its infancy, it feels like we've had the program forever. As of this writing, a second group of students is in the midst of Design Experience One. We haven't had that much time to delve into projects in depth, but you can expect more from us later in the year. Before I go any further, let me say that we realize just how fortunate we are. The Lure of Bright, Shiny Objects Makerspaces are too often defined by things -- hardware, software, other technologies -- which can engender a shopping-list mentality among people interested in creating such a learning environment. 1. We want students to collaborate effortlessly, express themselves freely, and do so in ways not possible in other classrooms. 2. 3.

8 digital skills we must teach our children The social and economic impact of technology is widespread and accelerating. The speed and volume of information have increased exponentially. Experts are predicting that 90% of the entire population will be connected to the internet within 10 years. With the internet of things, the digital and physical worlds will soon be merged. These changes herald exciting possibilities. But they also create uncertainty. Children are using digital technologies and media at increasingly younger ages and for longer periods of time. The digital world is a vast expanse of learning and entertainment. Moreover, there is the digital age gap. So how can we, as parents, educators and leaders, prepare our children for the digital age? Digital intelligence or “DQ” is the set of social, emotional and cognitive abilities that enable individuals to face the challenges and adapt to the demands of digital life. Digital identity: The ability to create and manage one’s online identity and reputation. Share Written by

Writing Learning Objectives for Technology Lessons Page Content The Best Choice .... according to the experts Jones, 1997 – "Clear objectives can help the instructor design lessons that will be easier for the student tocomprehend and the teacher to evaluate".Lohr, no date – "A properly written objective tells you what specific knowledge, skill, or attitude is desired and what method of instruction and criteria for learner achievement are required." Rationale Writing clear course objectives is important because: Objectives define what you will have the students do. Basic Information Questions you need to think about Who are your students? The A.B.C.D. method The ABCD method of writing objectives is an excellent starting point for writing objectives (Heinich, et al., 1996). Audience (A) – Who? Examples of Well-Written Objectives Below are some example objectives which include Audience (A), Behavior (B), Condition (C), and Degree of Mastery (D). Notes on Objective Writing When reviewing example objectives above, you may notice a few things.

How to Integrate Technology When technology integration in the classroom is seamless and thoughtful, students not only become more engaged, they begin to take more control over their own learning, too. Effective tech integration changes classroom dynamics, encouraging student-centered project-based learning. Think about how you are using technology with your students. Are they employing technology daily in the classroom, using a variety of tools to complete assignments and create projects that show a deep understanding of content? If your answer is "No," is it because you lack enough access to technology? Is it because you don't feel ready? This article contains the following sections: Handhelds Go to Class: Teacher Josh Barron and one of his students go through the strange-looking rite of "beaming" information to each other. Getting Started The first step in successful tech integration is recognizing the change that may need to happen inside of yourself and in your approach to teaching. Back to Top

6 Important Things To Know About How Your Brain Learns Whether you want to learn a new language, learn to cook, take up a musical instrument, or just get more out of the books you read, it helps to know how your brain learns. While everyone learns slightly differently, we do have similarities in the way our brains take in new information, and knowing how this works can help us choose the most efficient strategies for learning new things. Here are six things you should know about the brain’s learning systems. 1. We take in information better when it’s visual The brain uses 50% of its resources on vision. Think about that for a minute. Vision is not only a power-hungry sense, but it trumps our other senses when it comes to taking in information. Image credit: Amit Kapoor – Storytelling with Data – See | Show | Tell | Engage A perfect example of this is an experiment where 54 wine aficionados were asked to taste wine samples. Another surprising finding about vision is that we treat text as images. 2. 3. 4. Sleep deprivation is a scary thing. 5. 6.

Más allá de la regla “de 2 horas” con las pantallas: 10 consejos para la educación en la era digital Durante años, la recomendación de la Academia Americana de Pediatría (AAP) en lo relativo al uso de la tecnología y los niños era bastante sencilla: limitar “ver” la televisión a 2 horas al día, y no dejar que los niños menores de 2 la viesen. Tras el surgimiento de Internet y nuevos dispositivos se establecieron recomendaciones que ampliaban esas 2 horas a “medios de entretenimiento” (en general), con la recomendación de que los menores de 2 años no tuviesen acceso a las pantallas. Pero en estos días, los límites entre lo que es entretenimiento y lo que no lo es muy difusa. ¿Estar practicando con un juego de matemáticas en un iPad es un entretenimiento ? Nuestros niños están creciendo en la era digital, y su educación tiene que reflejarlo. Tratemos a los medios de comunicación y a la tecnología como lo haríamos con cualquier otro ambiente en la vida de nuestros hijos. Share This Story, Choose Your Platform!
