Related: Anonymous
Windows 8 voudra nos empreintes, maintenant! Windows 8.1 sera le premier système d’exploitation de Microsoft qui se lancera grâce à la reconnaissance de nos empreintes digitales. Ainsi, à partir d’ordinateurs, de tablettes, de claviers ou de souris équipés d’un lecteur biométrique, on pourra lancer lancer Windows, utiliser nos programmes, acheter des applications ou encore de verrouiller des dossiers du bout du doigt, ceci autant pour les usagers personnels que pour les professionnels. Le tout emballé dans une publicité d’enfer qui vante les appréciations des particuliers qui se verront ainsi dotés d’un dispositif de sécurité sur le pouce. Tous nos dossiers ou autres données sensibles seront verrouillées contre les piratages ou autres vols de données, et cela à partir de l’automne 2013 déjà! C’est-y pas merveilleux! Grâce à ce type de biométrie, nous pourrons acheter des logiciels sur WindowsStore en ligne, en apposant notre doigt sur nos différents produits informatiques connectés Windows, of course. Bigre! Like this:
Chris Hedges Christopher Lynn "Chris" Hedges (born September 18, 1956) is an American journalist specializing in American politics and society. Hedges is also known as the best-selling author of several books including War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning (2002)—a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award for Nonfiction—Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle (2009), Death of the Liberal Class (2010) and his most recent New York Times best seller, written with the cartoonist Joe Sacco, Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt (2012). Hedges is currently a columnist for news website Truthdig and a senior fellow at The Nation Institute in New York City.[1] He spent nearly two decades as a foreign correspondent in Central America, the Middle East, Africa and the Balkans. In 2002, Hedges was part of the team of reporters at The New York Times awarded the Pulitzer Prize for the paper's coverage of global terrorism. Biography[edit] Personal life[edit] New York Times[edit]
01-04: Convictions of an Anonymous Legion Unless the sources of the DDoS attacks being carried out by Anonymous are identified and stopped, there seems to be no end in sight for their deluge of operations. These 'AnonOps' are presented as global outreach operations of sorts, aimed at assisting individuals and organizations subjected to persecution by governments and other institutions aiming to silence free expression and dissent. The Tunisian people are perceived by Anonymous to be in need of global support and the same can be said of Wikileaks. Whether the Anonymous group can succeed in its attempts to raise awareness of these issues and to discourage censorship hangs on the question of whether its members can be stopped. While 2 DDoS attack-related arrests have apparently been made in December, deterrence does not seem to be in the cards, given the number of participants actively engaged in these operations. A direct analogy can be drawn with respect to the now widespread use of LOIC software.
The Ethics of the DDoS Protest One consequence of WikiLeaks leak is that it has been cut off from its main sources of acquiring money. Mastercard, Visa, and PayPal have all stopped doing business with WikilLeaks. WikiLeak’s bank, PostFinance, has also stopped doing business with the organization. In response a group of “hackers” known as “Anonymous” have launched Operation Payback. This operation involves launching Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks on the web sites of the companies in question. Put a bit roughly, DDoS attacks work by overwhelming a site with traffic so that the site is greatly slowed or even forced to shut down. One factor that makes this DD0S attack stand out is that it is supposed to be a political protest. For the sake of the discussion, I will assume that the campaign is actually an act of protest and not merely an act of mischief using WikiLeaks as an excuse. While the students might be angry over their grades, the professor did not wrong them.
Julian Assange shows up at Occupy London wearing an Anonymous mask Saturday saw over 1,000 cities worldwide swept by Occupy Protests, as the movement has gone global, and London was certainly no exception. London’s financial district attracted over 3,000 protesters, among them none other than Julian Assange, taking part in Occupy London Stock Exchange, or OccupyLSX. Your Anon News posted images of Julian Assange arriving at the protest sporting an Anonymous mask, along with images without, proving that it was in fact the Wikileaks founder. The photographs, snapped by photographer Mike Kemp, tell part of the story of how Assange’s appearance at Occupy London was met. Assange stated that a police officer forced him to remove the mask, and as a consequence, in a seemingly impromptu speech to one group of protesters, Assange spoke about anonymity, saying: Under a new section used, people cannot wear masks in London, they cannot wear facial coverings in London, and that basic anonymity is denied to people. Assange went on to say:
La NSA, késako?! Une des multiples réponses Le top des documents secrets présentés par le tribunal montrent que les juges ont signé des blanc seings permettant à la NSA de faire usage des informations récoltées "par inadvertance" auprès des communications intérieures des Américains et ce, sans mandat. The Guardian publie d’ailleurs l’intégralité de ces deux documents soumis à la Cour secrète des Affaires étrangères du renseignement de Surveillance (plus connu sous le doux nom du tribunal de la FISA ), signés par le procureur général Eric Holder et affranchis 29 Juillet 2009. Des documents qui détaillent les procédures dont use la NSA pour cibler les «quidams non-américains» et sur ce que cette agence fait pour réduire au minimum les données recueillies sur les citoyens et les résidents des États-Unis dans le cadre de cette surveillance…mondiale! • Conserver les données qui pourraient contenir des renseignements sur des personnes vivant aux États-Unis et ce, pour un maximum de cinq ans; Ce que dit ce paragraphe: Edward Snowden
Anonymous, WikiLeaks and The Matrix Generation The Wachowski brothers’ 1999-2003 film series, The Matrix gained worldwide popularity and since its release has been very influential. It is not simply a film, but has become a cultural phenomenon. In past ages, it was philosophers like Friedrich Nietzsche and Immanuel Kant that engaged youth with deep questions and the search for meaning in their lives. Throughout history, each new generation has questioned and rebelled against what had come before. Each age has had a literary imagination that guided it. Image Credit - Riversstream blogspot.com In an article called Generation W: WikiLeaks Ignites a New Generation of Hacktivists, Urizenus Sklar (Jan 4, 2011) described how the challenges of this age have ignited a new generation of hacktivists that is indicative of an emerging worldwide culture of dissent among the younger generation. This generation is unique in that it is comprised of many ages and is inherently transnational. Image Credit - bigpicturebigsound.com Anonymous: Neo vs.
The Philosophy of Anonymous I. Basic Principles of Anonymous Anonymous has received fairly bad publicity in the past. Although it is not that we care, in fact all the negativity that surrounds us actually made us stronger, in other words, we can turn just about anything into comedy. Take the first Faux News investigation on us for example. For such a short segment that clearly described us as domestic terrorists, about 30 things mentioned in that report ended up becoming memes. Anonymous is not a gang of hackers on steroids. But why do we go picking on other websites for our own enjoyment? II. Historically, Anonymous' targets have had one or more of the following properties: 1. Consider the Church of Scientology. 1. They pursue frivolous "copyright infringement" claims to ridiculous lengths, trying to remove and all data that does not present the Church of Scientology in a positive light. Lisa McPherson was just one of dozens of known and countless unknown victims who were killed by the Church of Scientology. III.
The Temporary Autonomous Zone CHAOS: THE BROADSHEETS OF ONTOLOGICAL ANARCHISM was first published in 1985 by Grim Reaper Press of Weehawken, New Jersey; a later re-issue was published in Providence, Rhode Island, and this edition was pirated in Boulder, Colorado. Another edition was released by Verlag Golem of Providence in 1990, and pirated in Santa Cruz, California, by We Press. "The Temporary Autonomous Zone" was performed at the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics in Boulder, and on WBAI-FM in New York City, in 1990. Thanx to the following publications, current and defunct, in which some of these pieces appeared (no doubt I've lost or forgotten many--sorry!) Also, thanx to the following individuals: Jim Fleming; James Koehnline; Sue Ann Harkey; Sharon Gannon; Dave Mandl; Bob Black; Robert Anton Wilson; William Burroughs; "P.M (Dedicated to Ustad Mahmud Ali Abd al-Khabir) Chaos CHAOS NEVER DIED. Everything in nature is perfectly real including consciousness, there's absolutely nothing to worry about. Amour Fou
Le jugement de Bradley Manning est une farce - interview de Julian Assange (La Jornada) -- Julian ASSANGE Pedro Miguel – envoyé spécial de La Jornada à Londres - Mardi 11 juin 2013 Le jugement contre le soldat Bradley Manning, accusé par les Etats-Unis d’avoir fourni des documents secrets du gouvernement étatsunien à Wikileaks, est une farce : son résultat est décidé d’avance, selon Julian Assange, fondateur et éditeur de cette organisation, la plus haïe et persécutée par Washington après Al Qaeda. Avec ce procès, la défense a les pieds et poings liés et le procureur cherche d’une part créer un précédent et d’autre part établir un contrôle totalitaire sur tous les employés gouvernementaux ainsi qu’une phase préparatoire pour le jugement « contre Wikileaks et contre moi ». L’entretien a lieu dans un terne bureau de la représentation équatorienne, à moins de quatre mètres de distance d’un policier britannique dont on perçoit le chapeau par la fenêtre de la pièce. Dehors, la vie londonienne fourmille avec normalité, animée par les clients du magasin Harrods qui se trouve à un pâté de maison.
AnonNews.org : Everything Anonymous AnonNews uses an open-posting concept. Anyone can post to the site, and moderators will approve relevant posts. No censorship takes place! AnonNews now accepts (anonymous) BitCoin donations. Press release submission is currently on hold. The server is currently undergoing some maintenance. Operation Payback - Against Censorship and the PROTECT IP Bill 13 comments Anonymous declares war on New Zealand's Government 69 comments Operation Blitzkrieg - #opBlitzkrieg 05-01-2011 542 comments Anonymous To Attack U.S. Anonymous: peering behind the mask - + 8 8 comments Anonymous on #italianrevolution and #spanishrevolution - + 0 2 comments Phishing Site Found on a Sony Server - + 5 2 comments Tunisia Blocks Wikileaks and Anonymous Takes Action - + 989 57 comments Dutch release man accused of cyber attacks - + 421 34 comments Utah Radio on "Truth is Revolutionary" - + 252 11 comments c't: Anonymous verändert sich gerade dramatisch - + 206 25 comments Anonymous leader identified: Barrett Brown.
PHILOWEB 2010 » Programme de PhiloWeb 2010 (version française) Vers une philosophie du Web. 16 Octobre 2010, Amphi Gestion Sorbonne 8h15-8h30 : Introduction Alexandre Monnin I. Présidence : Bert Bos (W3C) 8h30-9h15 : Les ontologies du Web sont-elles des formalisations de conceptualisations préexistantes, ou l’occasion d’inventer de nouveaux concepts ? 9h15-10h00 : Le déplacement de l’ontologie, des entités aux opérations, Pierre Livet (Université Aix-Marseille I) 10h00-10h15 : Pause II. Présidence : Alexandre Monnin (Université Panthéon – Sorbonne, Paris 1) 10h15-11h00 : Qu’est-ce qu’un objet numérique ? 11h00-11h45 : Les URIs sont-elles bien des noms ? 11h45-12h30 : Intelligence Artificielle contre Intelligence Collective: la filiation cachée de la Philosophie du Web, Harry Halpin (Université d’Edimbourg & W3C) 12h30-14h00 : Déjeuner III. Présidence : Freddy Limpens (INRIA Sophia Antipolis) 14h00-14h30 : Présentation du Web de données, Henry Story 14h30-15h15 : Webmarks : pour une approche contextuelle de la référence en ligne, Nicolas Delaforge IV. V.
Firefox: quand Pink Floyd nous avertit que l’oeil de la NSA nous surveille! Comme nous l’avons vu précédemment, le gouvernement US est susceptible de se connecter au jour le jour dans les habitudes informatiques les plus banales et les plus intimes de millions d’internautes. (Article: La NSA nous traque sans vergogne!) Selon les documents publiés par The Guardian, la National Security Agency (NSA) surveille les communications des Internautes, reçoit régulièrement des millions d’enregistrements téléphoniques, accède aux conversations sur Facebook, Google ainsi que plusieurs autres réseaux Internet majeurs déjà cités et ce, à travers un programme appelé PRISM. Justin Blinder, artiste-développeur de 28 piges vivant à Brooklyn, (New York), a concocté cette semaine un plugin divertissant pour le navigateur Firefox. Même les membres du Congrès sont dans l’incapacité de dire combien d’informations ont été partagées entre les télécoms et le gouvernement. L’American Civil Liberties Union poursuit le gouvernement en déposant plainte au Tribunal fédéral. Like this:
Social Dynamics of the LOIC Yesterday’s post about group behavior when faced with changing conditions elicited some response. Despite my not having mentioned the ongoing attacks anywhere in the entire text, my comment field filled with people defending Anonymous. No, not so much defending Anonymous, actually, as… maybe feeling uneasy over my post as such. Let there be no mistake: I strongly criticize any and all attacks on infrastructure (like other Pirate Party leaders do internationally, as well as others). A brief bit of primer here, for people unfamiliar with the terms: “Anonymous” is a loosely-knit group of people from various communities on the net who band together equally loosely when they feel somebody is violating good manners on the net. Anyway, things are not black and white. That said, the Low Orbit Ion Cannon (LOIC, pictured) — the weapon of choice for AnonOps, the fuzzy cloud of anonymous Anonymous operatives — is interesting to look at. Finally getting to the point, here.