AIR Portal, Science and Social Studies
English language arts and Mathematics Sample Items Released Sample items for Ohio’s State Tests are now available in the Student Practice Site. Students may log in as guests to access five to eight sample items for each of the following tests: Grade 3 and high school English language artsGrades 3-8 mathematics and high school mathematics, algebra and geometry These new items join the practice tests for science and social studies on the site, offering students more opportunities to learn what to expect on state tests. New support documents are available in the Student Practice Resources folder on the Portal. Practice Site Guidance DocumentAnswer keys for the sample English language arts and mathematics itemsWriting rubricsInteractive mathematics equation tutorial You will see more details and links to these resources on the department’s Practice Test and Sample Items Web page.
Next Gen Assessments: sparrc
26 Teacher Tools To Create Online Assessments
You teach, which means you need to know what students do and don’t understand. Which means you need to assess. You teach in the 21st century, which means you use the internet and digital tools to plan, share, and curate learning. This means online assessments could be a boon to your teaching, whether for blended learning, a flipped classroom, eLearning, to better communicate learning progress to parents, or for students to track their own mastery. So then one or two of the 26 teacher tools to create online assessments by Classroomaid Chuang may prove useful to you, yes?
Seven Ways to Build Your Own Educational Games
There are hundreds of places to find educational games and quizzes on the Internet. That said, sometimes you still cannot find quite what you're looking for. In those cases you're better off creating your own games. Sharendipity makes it possible for students and teachers to quickly create and share simple video games. is a free service teachers can use to create their own educational games. Purpose Games is a free service that allows users to create custom games, share games, and play games. What 2 Learn is a website offering more than two thousand educational games for middle school and high school age students. YoYo Games hosts hundreds of relatively simple online games created by amateur and professional game developers. Jeopardy Labs is a free service you can use to create your own online Jeopardy game. ProProfs Brain Games allows you to build interactive crossword puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, word searches, hangman games, and sliding puzzle games.