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Tracking the Money

American Bar Association - Defending Liberty, Pursuing Justice Dell Blogging: Idea Storm to Employee Storm | Social Media Online Share this article with your friends... Dell targeted around 80,000 employees working with them. Their aims seemed to be the changing of the culture of work inside the company regarding ‘email’ and deal with the tools in social media which are generally popular. The two parts to the plan included: 1) Blogs: The internal blog zones were created which were based on initial blogs situated externally of Dell. This ideation by Dell has remained a major way of giving individual attention as the internal blogs would be more relevant to the employees. 2) Employee Storm: It has been a model after the successful Idea Storm by Dell. In September 2006 the new ideas were put into action and in July 2007 its popularity rocketed with five blogs in some regions and business useful displays appearing in 7 languages. The Idea Storm was followed by Employee Storm which was created in June 2007 with a gap of 4 months. Each of the eight control centers was responsible for doing various important tasks.

Icons - jQuery Mobile Demos A set of built-in icons in jQuery Mobile can be applied across buttons, collapsibles, lists and more. Jump to section Icon set The following data-icon attributes can be referenced to create the icons shown below: Icon positioning By default, all icons in buttons are placed to the left of the button text. Icon-only positioning You can also create an icon-only button, by setting the data-iconpos attribute to notext. Removing the disc and shadow There is dark semi-opaque disc behind each icon to ensure good contrast when placed on any background color. Example if the class being applied to a wrapper. Black vs. white icon sets The white vs. black icon sprite is set at the theme level but you can override which is used by adding the ui-icon-alt class to the element or its container. Example of the class being applied to a wrapper. Class applied to the UL or OL to change to the black icons for each list item. Example of the class being applied to a collapsible. Custom Icons Icons and themes

NosDéputé : Observatoire citoyen de l'activité parlementaire Political Database of the Americas - Georgetown University e-petitions: the first 100 days Last Saturday marked 100 days since the new e-petitions service was launched by GDS and the Office of the Leader of the House of Commons. The service continues to be incredibly popular -on average 18 people have signed an e-petition every minute since the service started. e-petitions also maintains a very high social and mainstream media profile, with significant television and press coverage, especially when a petition nears or reaches the 100,000 signatures threshold required to trigger a debate in Parliament. There isn’t much of a pattern in terms of traffic to e-petitions on a day to day or week to week basis, with the range of daily visitor numbers to the site fluctuating between 2,000 and 350,000. As I write there have been six e-petitions that have achieved the target of 100,000 signatures (one of which has now closed) and are now eligible for debate in the House of Commons. Commenting on these statistics, the Leader of the House of Commons, Sir George Young MP, said

Responsive from ZURB | How to Design Responsively Developing With Media Queries Media Queries and the Navigation One common use for media queries is to make changes to your navigation. Consider a simple horizontal nav like you might find on a marketing site: Products, Team, Experience, Contact, etc. On a larger display that might work fine, but a wide nav on a smartphone will not. This is a very simple example, but the key component is the media query. Media Queries and the Grid Perhaps the most common use of media queries in responsive designs is to make changes to a typographic layout grid. Very simple, but very effective. Media Queries and Content Length A final common use for media queries (and don’t get us wrong, there are a lot of uses for media queries) is to manage the readability of your content. Try using media queries to change your header and paragraph sizes, line heights or even typeface.

blog*on*nymity - blogging On the Identity Trail « PRIVACY JOURNAL SUPPs | Main | UK Court Rules Tell-All Book an Invasion of Privacy » posted by:Ian Kerr // 11:07 PM // January 03, 2006 // ID TRAIL MIX Ian Kerr and Steve Mann I. Surveillance literally means (in French) “to watch from above.” As leaders in the field such as David Lyon remind us: Surveillance is not simply about large organizations using sophisticated computer equipment. One important form of negotiation and resistance has been a movement known as sousveillance. Surveillance connotes a kind of systematic omniscient “eye-in-the-sky” (God's eye view) by authoritarian, though human, eyes and architectures. Surveillance often requires secrecy and panopticism (Bentham’s fancy word used to describe a centralized optical system that ensured total transparency in one direction and zero transparency in the other direction). While Steve is optimistic that such an equilibrium can be achieved, Ian expresses more ambi-veillance. II. III. 1. 2. 3. IV. V. So lets talk! Trackback Pings
