It’s Time To Plug In: How Non-Techies Can Get In On Coding
Coding is like the new yoga. It’s seem so cool and everyone is doing it! But to do or not to do? I struggle with this every day. I don’t necessarily gravitate toward numbers, signs, and lines and lines of them. There are so many resources to help you get started. I suggest (as many others do too) to start with the very basics. Worry not, to ease the process, I’ve picked five of my favorites that are easy to work with and keep me engaged. 1) Dash, General Assembly This is my latest obsession. 2) Skillcrush “Digital skills are job skills.” 3) Code Academy Website & App Code Academy was one of the first online resources I used to dive into my coding education. 4) Coursera Coursera boast legitimate online courses aka MOOCs. 5) HackDesign This is my second latest obsession. HTML. As always, if you need more and want to have a vent session about the struggle, just holler.
Top 10 Sites for Designers: September 2016 Edition
Every month, HOW art director Adam Ladd curates a list of inspiring websites of particular interest to designers and creatives. This month’s selection includes a hub for UX design tools and resources, a quick and easy invoicing tool, a collection of motion graphics, and a few gorgeous sites for web design inspiration. 1. A collection of digital tools for designers, this punnily-named website is one to bookmark for your next project. 2. Teletype uses an endearing, subtly animated mascot to welcome you to their site. 3. I’m hoping the full site for this one will be translated into English at some point, because it’s beyond helpful. 4. It’s your turn to be the director: direct your own version of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream with this website from the British Council. 5. 6. 7. 8. Didn’t get enough Rio during the Olympics? 9. 10.
12 Dozen Places To Educate Yourself Online For Free
All education is self-education. Period. It doesn’t matter if you’re sitting in a college classroom or a coffee shop. We don’t learn anything we don’t want to learn. Those people who take the time and initiative to pursue knowledge on their own are the only ones who earn a real education in this world. Take a look at any widely acclaimed scholar, entrepreneur or historical figure you can think of. If you’re interested in learning something new, this article is for you. Note that some of the sources overlap between various subjects of education. Science and Health MIT OpenCourseWare – MIT OpenCourseWare is a free web-based publication of MIT course materials that reflects almost all the undergraduate and graduate subjects taught at MIT.Tufts OpenCourseWare – Tufts OpenCourseWare is part of a new educational movement initiated by MIT that provides free access to course content for everyone online. Business and Money History and World Culture Law Computer Science and Engineering Mathematics
Design Elements and Principles - Tips and Inspiration By Canva
Design is an intricate, complicated, fun and exciting business. There’s always a lot to learn, a lot to do, and a lot to consider when you’re a beginner – not to mention the fact that technology is constantly evolving, new software is being released, and new trends are coming at you rapid-fire. Truth be told, it can get a little overwhelming. So, let’s slow things down a little bit. 01. I’m sure we’re all aware of what lines are, but just to be sure, lines can be defined as any linear marks. Lines can channel certain ideas too. A technique applied a lot in photography is the use of ‘leading lines’ which do just what they claim – they lead the eye. Lets look at an example of leading lines in web design. A strong use of line is a great way to stylise your illustrations. Lines are versatile, simple and effective graphic elements that you certainly should not take for granted! 02. Scale is a large part of design, sometimes literally. Scale can help us make sense of designs and images. 03.
25 Websites That Will Make You Smarter
Brain food. Sean Gallup/Getty Images Rather than waste your life on Facebook and Instagram, put your daily interneting to good use. Here's a list of websites that will actually make you smarter: CodeAcademy — Learn programming languages like HTML, CSS, and Javascript with this free, interactive resource. Coursera — With more than 800 free courses on topics that range from internet history to financial engineering, the education platform helps you deepen your knowledge across a range of subjects. Digital Photography School — Read through this goldmine of articles to improve your photography skills; they're helpful even if you're a complete beginner. Duolingo — Sharpen your language skills with this fun, addictive game. edX — From classes like The Science of Happiness to Responsible Innovation, edX offers tons of MOOCs from many of the world's top universities. Screenshot/Harrison Jacobs Factsie — Did you know the horned lizard can shoot blood out of its tear ducts?
35 Free Time-Saving Web Apps for Web Designers from 2016 - Speckyboy Design Magazine
All released this year, each of these free web-based apps offers a time-saving solution to many of the web design tasks you will need to perform from time to time. Without ever having to install anything, all you have to do is bookmark and save them for that day when they will be called upon. Some of these tiny time-savers will help to manage the performance budget of a project, organize code snippets, create professional design briefs, generate CSS animations, or even give detailed stats about CSS stylesheets. The Web Designer Toolbox Unlimited Downloads: 1,000,000+ Web Templates, Themes, Plugins, Design Assets, and much more! We’ve categorized all of the apps and tools into: Web Typography Tools, CSS Tools, Responsive Web Design Tools, Web Performance Tools, Checklists & Guides, Image Tools & Editors, Handy Directories, and finally a bunch of uncategorizable Miscellaneous Tools. You might also find this collection of free web-based apps from 2014 useful as well. Web Typography Tools
This course covers cosmology – the study of our entire universe. Where did the universe come from? How will it end? What is the nature of space and time? For the first time in human history, we can give precise, reliable answers to many cosmological questions, thanks to a spectacular series of recent breakthroughs.
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