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15 Free Online Learning Sites Every Entrepreneur Should Visit

15 Free Online Learning Sites Every Entrepreneur Should Visit
Being a successful entrepreneur means you have to wear a lot of hats, especially when your company is just starting out and you don’t have enough employees to cover all the areas you need. Learning the new skills necessary to start a new business can be expensive, but fortunately the initiative for free, high-quality, educational resources online has only continued to grow in the past few years. Below are some of the resources available to learn more about marketing, entrepreneurship, business management and more. 1. This great resource offers free interactive programming sessions to help you learn programming languages such as HTML, CSS, Javascript and PHP. 2. The free certification program offers courses on inbound marketing, including website optimization, landing pages and lead nurturing. Related: 21 Resources to Make You a Better Entrepreneur 3. 4. The most successful entrepreneurs know how to manage their money both on a business and personal side. 5. 6. edX 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Websites That Will Make You Smarter Forget formal schooling for 30 minutes. Here are outstanding examples of how a simple half-hour of web reading can increase your ability to understand and influence the world around you. Want to get smarter at understanding taxes or the economy? Want to better understand your own risk fears or why your teenager is so defiant? Want to improve your leadership ability at the office? RSA Animate: Hand-Illustrated Presentations People who love also love RSA Animate. The RSA delivers many of their thought-provoking messages (often from TED speakers) through the novel means of hand-drawn illustrations. (named for 'incorporation") is an intelligent and inspirational resource for the business world. Focused on modern theories of business growth and organizational development, has a deep library of modern blogging and thought-leader insights. If you are a manager, team leader, executive, or hopeful business owner, you must visit this site. Discover Magazine HowStuffWorks

Best Online Courses To Take BNP Paribas, Renault, Pernod Ricard, La Poste: les Moocs débarquent dans les entreprises Quand les Moocs (Massive Open Online Courses) sont apparus dans les écoles et universités françaises, très vite, une question s'est posée: sur quel modèle économique baser cette révolution numérique de l'éducation qui repose justement sur... la gratuité? Permettre à des milliers d'étudiants situés aux quatre coins du monde d'assister au même cours depuis leur écran, sans débourser un seul centime, revêt un caractère magique, mais nécessite de gros investissements pour les établissements. Beaucoup s'y sont mis, tout en se posant encore la question de leur financement à terme. Cette interrogation qui fait encore débat dans le milieu académique a trouvé une réponse dans celui des affaires. Reprendre le concept des Moocs et l'appliquer aux entreprises est facile, car elles ont les moyens de payer pour la formation de leurs salariés, et sont même obligées de la prendre en charge dans le cadre du Droit Individuel à la Formation (DIF). Les Coocs de Coorpacademy Des cours à bas coûts ...

PowerPoint: Animating Text and Objects Lesson 19: Animating Text and Objects /en/powerpoint/aligning-ordering-and-grouping-objects/content/ Introduction In PowerPoint, you can animate text and objects like clip art, shapes, and pictures. Animation—or movement—on the slide can be used to draw the audience's attention to specific content or to make the slide easier to read. Optional: Download our practice presentation. Watch the video below to learn more about animating text and objects in PowerPoint. The four types of animations There are several animation effects you can choose from, and they are organized into four types. Entrance: These control how the object enters the slide. To apply an animation to an object: Select the object you want to animate.On the Animations tab, click the More drop-down arrow in the Animation group. At the bottom of the menu, you can access additional effects. Effect options Some effects will have options you can change. To remove an animation: Select the small number located next to the animated object.

Khan Academy Coorpacademy : vers un nouveau modèle de formation en ligne Se former quand on veut, de façon ludique et où qu'on soit, une utopie ? Pas pour Coorpacademy ! Lorsqu'ils ont créé cette start-up de « Ed-tech » (pour Education Technologies), en 2013, Frederick Benichou, Arnauld Mitre et Jean-Marc Tassetto ambitionnaient de proposer une nouvelle manière de se former en ligne. La start-up s'est d'abord concentrée sur le marché des grandes entreprises à qui elle a proposé une formation à la culture digitale. Elle compte à présent 200 000 utilisateurs actifs dans des groupes comme Renault, Engie (ex-GDF-Suez), Société Générale ou Pernod-Ricard. En soumettant ces informations à, vous acceptez de recevoir des emails de TechTarget et de ses partenaires. Aujourd'hui, Coorpacademy ouvre son cours au grand public - « car le numérique est la première révolution industrielle où les enfants enseignent à leurs parents », et aux TPE-PME - « car elles sont particulièrement mal loties en la matière », affirme Arnauld Mitre. Respecter les codes du web

Free Online College Courses from Prestigious Schools Nick Beer/Shutterstock Computers and technology Intro to Computer Science from Harvard University, offered on edX Introduction to Corporate Finance from Columbia University, offered on edX Programming for the Web with JavaScript from University of Pennsylvania, offered on edX Computational Thinking for Problem Solving from University of Pennsylvania, offered on Coursera Artificial Intelligence from Columbia University, offered on edX With computer literacy an increasingly marketable skill, it’s nice to know that free online college courses can help supply you with some of those skills. toysf400/Shutterstock Psychology Introduction to Psychology from Yale University, offered on Coursera The Science of Happiness from Berkeley University, offered on edX Psychology of Popularity from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, offered on Coursera The Science of Well-Being from Yale University, offered on Coursera Billion-Photos/Shutterstock Literature

Harvard At Harvard Extension School, free and open learning is hardly a new concept. In fact, the Extension School was founded with this mission in mind: to create an affordable way for any motivated student to take courses at Harvard. We stay true to this mission today, offering several free courses and nearly 800 for-credit courses at reasonable tuition rates. Explore our series of free or low-cost courses below. Video accessibility. Abstract Algebra In these free videotaped lectures, Professor Gross presents an array of algebraic concepts. The Ancient Greek Hero A long-time offering at Harvard College and Harvard Extension School, Gregory Nagy's popular exploration of the hero motif in classic literature is offered as a course for credit at Harvard Extension School, as a course on edX, and as a series of free video lectures. American Poetry from the Mayflower through Emerson Discover how the United States developed its own national literature with Elisa New, Powell M. Bits China Terms of Use
