Learning How to Code Has Never Been Easier Programming isn’t just a niche specialization anymore, rather a necessity for tech-professionals regardless of the industry in which they work. Thankfully for them, it couldn’t be any easier.As such, there’s a big push lately to make coding literacy more widespread among the general populace. Even Mayor Bloomberg is getting in on the act, pledging to learn basic coding in 2012 as his New Year’s resolution. For those who want to learn to code, there are a number of online school coding programs that can guide them through the process. Codecademy Probably the most popular website at the moment for those looking to learn coding is Codecademy, a platform that emphasizes doing while learning. Treehouse Though it doesn’t have the name recognition of Codecademy just yet, Team Tree House is nevertheless a powerful way to learn coding. Code Year Rounding out the pack is Code Year, which is actually offered by the same folks behind Codecademy. Final Thoughts
Prévoir un site pour toutes les résolutions - Alsacréations La question des dimensions idéales d'un site est souvent posée. Les résolutions d'écran varient généralement de 800x600 pixels à 1280x960 pixels, en passant par 1024x768. Quelle est donc la résolution à privilégier ? Quelle est la dimension idéale pour un site web ? Les sites web étant conçus avec des éléments graphiques (la plupart du temps) non vectoriels, ceux-ci n'adoptent pas le même rendu selon la résolution de l'écran du visiteur, notamment en terme de répartition horizontale. Quelques statistiques (2010) 1% d'utilisateurs en 800x600 20% en 1024x768 75% en résolutions supérieures (sources : W3Schools, W3counter) Premier constat : pour toucher un maximum de visiteurs (toutes résolutions confondues), un site doit être conçu sur une résolution minimale de 1024x768, et être consultable (avec ascenseurs) dans les résolutions inférieures. Tendances actuelles Il existe plusieurs techniques de design qui s'adaptent bien à toutes les résolutions actuelles : Le design fluide
OpenCourseWare economics in the New York Times In As Colleges Make Courses Available Free Online, Others Cash In the New York Times writes about how universities are funding OpenCourseWare programs as well as how businesses have sprung up around CC licensed Open Educational Resources (OER) from such programs. Regarding the latter, our CEO is quoted: On a philosophical level, the idea of making money from something available free might seem questionable. But Joi Ito, chief executive of Creative Commons, which issues the licenses defining user rights to most OpenCourseWare materials, supports the mixing of free and for-profit: “I think there’s a great deal of commercial infrastructure that needs to be created in order for this to be successful,” Mr. Ito said: “It can’t all just be free.” As readers steeped in knowledge of free culture/open content (and before it free and open source software) will recognize, this means three things. First, sharing does not preclude making money. Third, free can refer to price and freedom.
CS 61A Home Page Course Resources Contest Results You have selected the winners of the Recursion Exposition! The results from the Pig contest are in! Other Useful Information Course Schedule About Viewing Documents Course documents available through these Web pages are either plain text files, Postscript files, or PDF (Portable Document Format) files.
Teach yourself to program We are entering the summer, the perfect time to improve yourself, you could go running or swimming, you could learn a new foreign language or perhaps you could learn to program. Self-learning is not as hard as it sounds, and it’s much easier than self-learning Spanish or French. There are really wonderful sources to start learning these new languages, understanding the concept behind programming and giving it a try with some interesting problems. Basic Programming Via XKCD To learn a new programming language, it’s much easier if you already know the concepts because you can start learning the new structures in no time. Programming Concepts : This is a brief tutorial for new programmers from the City University of New York. Learning a Language Whether you already know some programming languages or you are moving forward, you should choose a language to work with. Learning HTML Via Cyanide and Happiness HTML is quite a simple language that doesn't use variables or operations. Learning Python
Les formulaires HTML Janvier 2015 Intérêt d'un formulaire Les formulaires interactifs permettent aux auteurs de pages Web de doter leur page web d'éléments interactifs permettant par exemple un dialogue avec les internaute, à la manière des coupons-réponse présents dans certains magazines. Le lecteur saisit des informations en remplissant des champs ou en cliquant sur des boutons, puis appuie sur un bouton de soumission (submit) pour l'envoyer soit à un URL, c'est-à-dire de façon générale à une adresse e-mail ou à un script de page web dynamique tel que PHP, ASP ou un script CGI. La balise FORM Les formulaires sont délimités par la balise <FORM> ... Voici la syntaxe de la balise FORM : <FORM METHOD="POST" ou "GET" ACTION="url" ENCTYPE="x-www-form-urlencoded">... Voici quelques exemples de balises FORM : A l'intérieur de la balise FORM... La balise INPUT: un ensemble de boutons et de champs de saisieLa balise TEXTAREA: une zone de saisieLa balise SELECT: une liste à choix multiples Envoi des données La balise INPUT
Free Online Course Materials | Courses Python Strings - Google's Python Class - Google Code Python has a built-in string class named "str" with many handy features (there is an older module named "string" which you should not use). String literals can be enclosed by either double or single quotes, although single quotes are more commonly used. Backslash escapes work the usual way within both single and double quoted literals -- e.g. \n \' \". A double quoted string literal can contain single quotes without any fuss (e.g. Python strings are "immutable" which means they cannot be changed after they are created (Java strings also use this immutable style). Characters in a string can be accessed using the standard [ ] syntax, and like Java and C++, Python uses zero-based indexing, so if str is 'hello' str[1] is 'e'. s = 'hi' print s[1] ## i print len(s) ## 2 print s + ' there' ## hi there Unlike Java, the '+' does not automatically convert numbers or other types to string form. For numbers, the standard operators, +, /, * work in the usual way. String Methods String Slices String %