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The Steampunk Empire - The Crossroads of the Aether

The Steampunk Empire - The Crossroads of the Aether
Related:  steampunk

Beyond Victoriana | A Multicultural Perspective on Steampunk The Steampunk Workshop The Steampunk Review Gadgets | Steampunk Costume - Page 4 Steampunk enthusiast, Sangdrax, just posted a video of his monocle project. Very cool, such amazing details. Plus, the gears are battery powered, how cool is that? He’s putting these together for an upcoming con. Wouldn’t you like to take a ride on this steampunk Segway? This steampunk “Legway” was made by bdring, who posted a nice tutorial on A self balancing, human powered, steampunk styled, Segway. This is very, very classy. This steampunk rifle not only looks gorgeous, but it actually works! It’s for sale on Ebay and the current bid is $250.00. Fashioned from copper, brass, antique pine and assorted lamp parts. Here’s a video of the steampunk gun in action. [Macabre151 via BoingBoing] Wow, check out this really cool mechanical steampunk hand! Using wires that will connect to rings on his fingers, the hand can open and close fairly realisticly. Check out these incredible steampunk guitars! [via WebUrbanist] Wow, this steampunk iPhone case looks seriously awesome.

Aliette de Bodard » Blog Archive » Aztec steampunk So, I’ve recently noticed I started writing Aztec steampunk (“Memories in Bronze, Feathers and Blood”, up at Beneath Ceaseless Skies, “Age of Miracles, Age of Wonders” forthcoming in Interzone, and “Prayers of Forges and Furnaces”, which I haven’t sold yet). I’ve had several people mentioning how it’s a bit odd to be mixing Aztecs with the steampunk aesthetic, and that set me wondering about where I was coming from when I was writing that kind of stuff. Insofar as I can express it, it goes like this. Those steampunk stories I’ve read (and I’ll say right here and now that I haven’t read that many of them and don’t consider myself a steampunk expert, not by a large margin) derive a strong appeal as sensaofwunda stories with a retro feel: you have goggles and all sort of tech from dirigibles to odd-shaped machines involving steam and brass; there are explorers and archaelogists, wealthy spinsters and anarchists, mechanical men and proto-computers. I’m not criticising.

Brass Goggles Posted by proteus on December 23rd,2013 Two things I love in one photo: [via Brian Kesinger’s Tea Girls] Posted by proteus on October 17th,2013 A Steampunk Badminton tournament sounds like a fantastic idea. Posted by proteus on October 11th,2013 Our Forum User “Bolt Face” brings this lovely coverage of a Steampunk Coffee House from The Chive: Image from The Chive Many more images in the original article, and a discussion here on our forums. This clock may not be exactly “steampunk”, but it certainly tickles the dials-and-knobs delight! [Via Boing Boing] Posted by proteus on October 8th,2013 Described as inspired by Steampunk and Warhammer-like games, Diesel Tactics looks like an interesting project that’s still in development. Posted by proteus on February 28th,2013 Hand made from savaged Arbutus, Western Red Cedar, and Black Walnut, these articulated Steamy Icarus wings are a beautiful handmade addition to any dirigible captain’s safety gear: And they’re not just static decoration, either: (more…)

Steampunk Magazine Alrededor del Mundo “Steampunk” Steam Garden: Tokyo, Japan steampunk party at Christon Cafe Shinjuku. Japanese cosplay fashion event. | LA CARMINA. Japanese Street Fashion The concept of Steampunk is only beginning to gain recognition in Japan, even though there have been many works that incorporate the aesthetic, such as Katsuhiro Otomo’s anime film Steamboy. My Tokyo-based friends Kenny Creation and Luke Chaos have been passionate about Steampunk for some time, and last year, they founded the event Steam Garden. (Photo above by Aki Saito) On March 10th, I went to their fourth event, themed “Celtic Fantasy.” Each event has a different theme, revolving around a past era. This time, the code word was Celtic Fantasy. Kenny Creation DJ-ed possibly the most original set I’ve ever heard… it was exclusively bagpipe music! In between sets, there were mesmerizing performances by motion capture and stunt performer Kaori Kawabuchi (Final Fantasy 13), live music on a variety of period instruments from medieval group Homonculus… … steamcore music and tribal fire dance from Chaos Royale VS Lyon. With the dapper “philosopher” of Steam Garden, Luke. And Japanese Lolitas.

Kinetic Steam Works angelinell Мобильный LiveInternet Интересные факты о викингах | belorys_kh - Дневник belorys_kh | Викинги — раннесредневековые скандинавские мореходы, в VIII—XI веках совершавшие морские походы от Винланда до Биармии и от Каспия до Северной Африки. В основной массе это были свободные крестьяне датского, норвежского и шведского происхождения, которых толкали за пределы родных стран перенаселение и жажда лёгкой наживы. По религии — в подавляющем большинстве язычники. Шведские викинги, как правило, путешествовали на восток и фигурировали в древнерусских и византийских источниках под именем варягов. Норвежские и датские викинги двигались в своём большинстве на запад и известны по латинским источникам под именем норманнов. Взгляд на викингов изнутри этого общества дают скандинавские саги, однако подходить к этому источнику следует с осторожностью ввиду поздней даты их составления. Викинги не являлись представителями одного народа, это была разношерстная группа воинов, путешественников и торговцев под руководством вождя. Дикие и грязные Большие блондины Викинги пили из черепов Рогатые шлемы

queering steampunk UPDATED: Donate now at to get this off the ground! One of the really wonderful things about Steampunk is that it, more than any other sub-culture, seems to want to teach us things. I have always been very interested in the technology of the 19th Century, it's been a passion since a very young age. this passion is certainly part of what got me interested in Steampunk in the first place. However, as I delved deeper into the history of technology I got really interested in other aspects of how the world changed during the Industrial Revolution. In particular I became interested in the Women's Movement, which began in the late 19th century, feminism, and gender theory. Chasing down this rabbit hole has lead me to books like Marilyn French's Beyond Power, which is currently blowing my mind and has the feel of one of those books that forever changes to way you view the world. And that brings me to the subject of today's post. Cheers! Jake. - сеть для любителей стимпанка

"It does seem that the SP forums have gone quieter mostly since the moderator of SteamPunk Empire abandoned that popular site." (5/17) by graywyvern Jan 26
