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Allan McKay
Readtime: 20 minutes I’ve been hesitant to publish this, on many levels, and even writing it in a lot of ways has been difficult to look back at everything. My intent for this article is not to make a “my life” story, but more to point out certain pivotal moments that changed my life, and trickle in key bits of advice that can be applied to anyone’s career. My intention’s not to make this article “braggy” or “look at me now”. Mastering anything, doesn’t come overnight – we all reach our tipping point where we can begin to doubt ourselves. Going after the unattainable February 1996. This scared the CRAP out of me.Even that young, I knew I needed to take action, and I needed to do something with my life. Age 7, I wanted to be a Writer. Back then I was inspired by Terminator 2, Jurassic Park and dozens of other films starting to come out at that time. Allan at 5 years old Growing up I always loved art. I had a knack for doing a lot with the little I had. I was resourceful and focused.
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