EdTech for Teachers
Teaching With Technology
This page provides an extensive list of sites that examine the use of Wikis in Education.What is a wiki? Simply put, wikis enable anyone and everyone to create content online using easily understandable tools. The most famous wiki is Wikipedia, an online encyclopedia created by users from around the globe. Not surprisingly, K-12 schools are also taking advantage of the opportunities for "collaborative construction" that wikis provide.wikihosts | classroom examples| articles about wikis in the classroom | wiki resources for teachers. Wiki Hosts: the following links are examples of online spaces where you can join and set up wikis for your class.Wikispaces: If you are a teacher or student and you wish to create an advertisement free space that will be used for educational purposes then go to this link and join up for free. If you would like to see more examples of classroom wikis created with wikispaces go here. Wikis @ Wedderburn
Released: How to Succeed in Ed-Tech
There’s a lot of noise today about entrepreneurs and investors getting involved in education technology, much more than we’ve ever heard. This is a good thing. But we’re also convinced that most of today’s new ed-tech startups will fail and that a lot of investor money will be lost when they do. Given the stakes however, we wanted to publish a guide for ed-tech entrepreneurs and investors based on our experiences over the last 7 years in building and growing a successful, large ed-tech platform. We’ve gotten so much out of building Wikispaces, and we hope that many more entrepreneurs have the kind of experience we’ve had. We welcome your feedback and comment. Read the full guide then come back here to discuss.