Related: Tibet • `test 1028India strikes a deal with China on Tibetans By: René Muller The clock is ticking and it does not seem like the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) has a lot of time left or much administration work to perform in the very near future. This article could not have surfaced at a better time, bringing attention to a few very crucial yet sensitive points surrounding the inevitable – that the Tibetans have to face the reality of “what will happen after the Dalai Lama enters clear light?” Exercices méditation enfant La météo intérieure pour se relier à soi C’est bien souvent le premier exercice d’une séance de méditation pour enfant, mais aussi celui qui peut, isolément, être réalisé à tout moment, n’importe quand. Demandez à votre enfant : « Quel temps fait-il à l’intérieur de toi ? » Parce que nous passons notre temps à parler, et à leur parler, de la pluie et du beau temps, des nuages, du vent, de la température et de ce que nous ressentons en fonction de celle-ci, les enfants n’ont aucun mal à trouver des mots liés à la météo pour décrire ce qu’ils ressentent au fond d’eux-mêmes.
What ancient DNA tells us about the Himalayas In a collaborative study by the University of California, Merced, the University of Oklahoma, the University of Chicago and Uppsala University in Sweden, researchers conduct the first ancient DNA investigation of the Himalayan arc, generating genomic data for eight individuals ranging in time from the earliest known human settlements to the establishment of the Tibetan Empire. The findings, published on June 20 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, demonstrate that the genetic makeup of high-altitude Himalayan populations has remained remarkably stable despite cultural transitions and exposure to outside populations through trade. The study was conceived by UC Merced Professor Mark Aldenderfer, who also directed the surveys and excavations of the sites from which the analyzed materials were recovered.
ACCOMPAGNER UNE CRISE DE RAGE DE VOTRE ENFANT Ce n'est pas chose facile que d'accompagner la crise de rage d'un enfant: cris, hurlements, peut-être des gestes brusques voire le besoin de jeter des objets, de taper. Dans notre société, nous avons tendance à valoriser les émotions calmes. La colère peut être perçue comme dérangeante, et difficile à accepter et à accueillir.
China to expel thousands of Buddhists from Larung Gar Chinese authorities recently ordered that Larung Gar, the massive Buddhist village in eastern Tibet, must reduce the number of its residents to 5,000 by the end of September 2017. Larung Gar is home to 20,000 monks and nuns and at times houses up to 40,000 people. The community was started by Khenpo Jigme Phuntsok (1933-2004) in the early 1980s to revive the educational tradition of Tibetan Buddhism after the Cultural Revolution. A document outlining the eviction orders was posted by Human Rights Watch reads in part: The order specifies that 2,200 people have to leave this year—1,200 of them monastics. “The 5,000 overall limit must be managed by 2017,” the document reads.
3 activités d'éducation émotionnelle pour les enfants J’ai découvert le livre Education émotionnelle : de la maternelle au lycée par Michel Claeys Bouüaert et j’avoue que ce fût une bonne surprise. Il y explique ce qu’est l’intelligence émotionnelle, en quoi consiste l’éducation émotionnelle et propose plus de 200 activités pédagogiques et ludiques pour développer les compétences liées à l’Intelligence émotionnelle. Who’s the hypocrite? Chinese nationals protesting for their freedoms in Tiananmen Square By: Kay Beswick On June 4, 1989, hundreds of thousands of Chinese nationals marched into Tiananmen Square to protest the suppression, discrimination and humiliation that their leadership had subjected them to for many years. By the end of the day, thousands of people had lost their lives, after an order was issued by their own leaders to end the protest at all costs. 25 years later, and the world commemorates the courage of these people to stand up for the truth: that there is a universal set of basic human rights that should be granted to every individual, regardless of their station and background in life. The Tibetan leadership’s vehemence over the ban is reminiscent of the Communist Party’s rhetoric in 1989 at Tiananmen Square One such freedom these men and women were bravely protesting for was the freedom of worship.
Une université bordelaise fait campagne pour la gestion du stress Les étudiants, comme leurs ainés en entreprise, sont soumis à de nombreuses situation de stress. L’université Bordeaux 1 et sa médecine préventive prennent ce problème à bras le corps en sensibilisant le public concerné aux bonnes méthodes pour y faire face. Cette sensibilisation se fait via 4 petits films mettant en scène autant de situation de stress pouvant être vécues au quotidien par les étudiants : les examens, les transports en commun, les retards et la procrastination.