The Functional Art: An Introduction to Information Graphics and Visualization The R Project for Statistical Computing Global Health Observatory (GHO) data Global Strategy for Women's, Children's and Adolescents' Health (2016-2030): Data portal The Every Woman Every Child Global Strategy indicator and monitoring framework includes 60 indicators from health and other sectors. 34 indicators are from the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 26 from related global monitoring initiatives. From these, 16 key indicators are highlighted to provide a snapshot of progress. The Global Strategy portal provides open access to the latest available data and estimates for the 60 indicators across 194 countries. – Access the portal Global Observatory on Health Research and Development (R&D) Published following wide user feedback on a demonstration version, this is a centralized and comprehensive source of information and analyses on global health R&D activities. – Access the Observatory fact buffet Child care < 50%of children with suspected pneumonia in low income countries are taken to an appropriate health provider Care seeking for pneumonia 16.1 Violence
KoBoSync User Guide | KoBoToolbox KoBoSync is a post processor and is used after data collection to synchronize data from the Android devices onto a local computer, and then to aggregate individual survey records into a simple database. The Comma Separated Value data can be imported into many kinds of analytical software packages (R, SPSS, or SAS). The CSV can be viewed easily in Excel or another spreadsheet software. Introduction Whether you are using KoBoSync as a standalone application, or built in to KoBoForm, the usage is the same except for how you launch it. This app syncs all completed forms from whatever directory you point it to into a directory of your choosing to store files from multiple phones into a single location on the computer on which the app is run. From the storage directory, it then aggregates all the records into a single CSV file, and places that file in a directory of your choosing. The Java app can be run from the command line, or you can just double click on the JAR. Sync XML surveys Example:
Our World in Data This site publishes high-touch, time-intensive data visualizations (and has a business that sustains it) Over 7,000 artists played in the New York City area in 2013. Only 21 of those later made it, really made it, headlining at a venue with an over 3,000-person capacity — among them, bigger names like Chance the Rapper, X Ambassadors, Sam Smith, and Sylvan Esso. I learned this sort of random but fascinating tidbit from a data visualization titled “The Unlikely Odds of Making it Big,” from the site The Pudding. The Pudding is the home to high-touch, painstakingly crafted data visualizations — what the site calls “visual essays” — that are distinct in their obsessive complexity over points of cultural curiosity. (Other things I’ve discovered browsing The Pudding’s interactives: that the town where I live is probably not the microbrew capital of the U.S., that there’s pretty strong evidence that NBA refs favor the home team, that the song “No Diggity” by Blackstreet is irrefutably timeless, at least based on Spotify play counts, compared to its 1990s peers.) “We’re all over the map.
NACION Data- Blogs Agroindustria fue el segundo ministerio que adhirió al Decreto 117/2016 que creó el Plan de Apertura de Datos con el objetivo de garantizar el derecho de acceso a la información pública. A la fecha, ya son 3 los ministerios adheridos: Energía, Agroindustria y Justicia. En la plataforma se puede encontrar información relevante sobre producción, comercio, inversión, precios y padrones de todas las actividades agroindustriales del país. Todos los datasets son producidos por la Secretaría de Mercados Agroindustriales a través de la Subsecretaría de Información y Estadística Pública, y se descargan en formato .csv. En algunos casos se puede acceder a información histórica, de períodos de tiempo que inician en 1969 y están actualizados a hoy. A continuación, presentamos un ejemplo sencillo de los análisis que se pueden aplicar a los dataset publicados por el ministerio. Al analizar las diversos datos y variables que ofrece el portal, se pueden encontrar algunos datos curiosos: Seguir leyendo
UIS Statistics Index Map Canadian socioeconomic database from Statistics Canada Website Evaluation 2017 Français Thank you for visiting Statistics Canada’s website. You have been selected to participate in a brief evaluation to help us improve the website. The evaluation is designed to measure your web site experience, please complete the questionnaire at the end of your visit. Privacy Protection Statistics Canada is conducting this voluntary evaluation and will ensure that individual responses remain anonymous and protected pursuant to the Privacy Act. Use of cookies We are making temporary use of cookies during the evaluation period from January 9 to January 26, 2017 to ensure that you do not receive this invitation more than once. Please see Statistics Canada's complete Privacy notice for more information. Assistance
Statistics Canada: Canada's national statistical agency Website Evaluation 2017 Please take a few minutes at the end of your visit today to anonymously tell us about your experience with the website. Choosing “Yes, after my visit” will open a new window that you can return to once you complete your visit to Use of cookies We are making temporary use of cookies Opens in a new window during the evaluation period from January 9 to January 26, 2017 to ensure that you do not receive this invitation more than once. Please see Statistics Canada's complete Privacy notice Opens in a new windowfor more information.
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