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A space to explore, share and shape the issues facing social scientists

A space to explore, share and shape the issues facing social scientists
Related:  Science WebsitesAntropologia, etnologia, sociologia

"Theory" in sociology What is a sociological theory? And how does it relate to the challenge of providing explanations of social facts? In the natural sciences the answer to this question is fairly clear. So in the natural sciences, theories are expected to have precise specification, deductive consequences, and specific bridge relationships to observable phenomena. Is there anything like this construct in the social sciences? The question of the role of theory in social thinking is a complex one, and the concept of theory seems to be an ambiguous one (as Gabriel Abend points out in an article mentioned below). At a much more abstract level, we might consider whether a theory is a broad family of ideas, assumptions, concepts, and hypotheses about how the world works. Consider this taxonomy of the field of social knowledge-creation: Where do constructs like feminism, critical race theory, or Marxism fall within this scheme? ; link, link, link). Theory1.

Science for celebrities In January 2007, exasperated by the tide of influential and misleading claims made by celebrities in the public sphere, we worked with scientists to produce Making Sense of Science for Celebrities. Each year since, Sense About Science has reviewed the odd science claims people in the public eye have made - about diets, cancer, magnets, radiation and more - sent in to us by scientists and members of the public. Many of these claims promote theories, therapies and campaigns that make no scientific sense. “We seem to be seeing a celebrity divide on science. Tracey Brown, Managing Director, Sense About Science The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity by Carlo M. Cipolla, Professor of Economics, UC Berkeley in Whole Earth Review, Spring 1987 The First Basic Law of Human Stupidity asserts without ambiguity that Always and inevitably everyone underestimates the number of stupid individuals in circulation... As you consider Dr. ________________________________________ From: Adrian Giga [] Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2013 3:13 AM To: Webmaster Subject: ECOMAIL Ecotopia Website - copyright infringement Dear webmaster, Please note that at the following URL: is posted a material that we seriously suspect it has not the permission of the exclusive rights of the owner (

..: Atlas da Questão Agrária Brasileira :.. Estrutura fundiária A terra é sine qua non para a produção agropecuária e a forma como ela é distribuída e apropriada determina as relações que compõem a questão agrária. A condição de ser ou não proprietário da terra influencia nos resultados obtidos por quem produz através dela. O princípio básico da renda da terra absoluta é a garantia de uma renda excedente acima do lucro médio do capitalista para todos os proprietários de terra, inclusive aqueles que possuem terras com as piores características. O mais importante a ser compreendido é que a renda da terra absoluta só existe por que o Estado garante a propriedade privada da terra - o seu monopólio. A relação entre o latifúndio, agronegócio e produção capitalista no campo, que adotamos neste trabalho, encontra base também nas colocações de Oliveira (2007). A concentração da terra é uma das características do capitalismo no campo que agrava a questão agrária. Iniciamos a análise da estrutura fundiária com o índice de Gini.

BBC Radio 4 Programmes - Frontiers, Acts of Creation Global Warming is Real: Climate | Energy | Sustainability - News, Resources, and Commentary on Climate Change, Energy, and Sustainability SOCIAL FACTORS SHAPING PERCEPTION AND DECISION-MAKING Elsewhere we examined several great tensions shaping the human condition: the role of nature versus nurture in shaping humans' social fates and the tensions between the needs of individuals' and the needs of their social systems. The relative importance of these tensions--and relative potency of one force versus the other--has produced great divides in social psychological theories. Another issue generating a major schism involves the workings of the human psyche, whether individuals' decision-makings are more-or-less rational (or, perhaps are determined by some universally uniform neural brain design) or whether they are shaped by uncontrollable sociocultural (external) or emotional (internal) forces. Here, the intent is to stress the socio-cultural component of consciousness and thought. The idea that "true" reality is never truly graspable by humans' sensory and cognitive equipment goes back at least to the works of Plato. Consider the social construction of sensory distinctions.

Biblioteca PUC Escolha uma das opções abaixo: Mecanismo que permite a busca nas bases de dados do Portal CAPES, nas bases assinadas individualmente pela PUC-Rio e em algumas bases de acesso livre na Internet. Em caso de dúvidas entre em contato com a Biblioteca - / 3527-1092 Portal de Periódicos da CAPES - é possível pesquisar em várias bases de dados simultâneamente e localizar periódicos e e-books por título ou área do conhecimento. Se tiver dúvidas ou não obtiver sucesso com sua pesquisa, entre em contato com a Biblioteca - via chat,, ou tel: 3527-1092 e 3527-1376. Lista de periódicos on-line e e-books. Se tiver dúvidas ou não obtiver sucesso com sua pesquisa, entre em contato com a Biblioteca - via chat,, ou tel: 3527-1092 e 3527-1376 Se você possuia uma conta de acesso remoto e não lembra os dados para acesso, agora basta utilizar o nº. do cartão da Universidade e senha cadastrada na Biblioteca.

Electropublication - sociologie Internet blog réseaux - ethnologie anthropologie Foundational Questions Institute The Foundational Questions Institute (FQXi) To catalyze, support, and disseminate research on questions at the foundations of physics and cosmology, particularly new frontiers and innovative ideas integral to a deep understanding of reality but unlikely to be supported by conventional funding sources. FQXi has five goals: {*style:<ul style="padding-left:20px;"><li> To expand the purview of scientific inquiry to include scientific disciplines fundamental to a deep understanding of reality, but which are currently largely unsupported by conventional grant sources To redress incrementalism in research programming by establishing or expanding new "islands" of understanding via flexible funding of high-risk, high-reward research in these areas To forge and maintain useful collaborations between researchers working on foundational questions in physics, cosmology, and related fields FQXi welcomes the participation of scientists, laypeople, and philanthropists.

Baptiste Coulmont Le désordre domestique Entretien avec Jean Paul Filiod PDF Imprimer Envoyer Jean Paul Filiod est anthropologue…en France. Il appartient à la génération des chercheurs qui vont à la rencontre de l’étranger et de l’étrange dans leur propre société. Pour télécharger la version complète et mise en page du document. « Esthétiquement on accepte de plus en plus que les choses soient mélangées. Leroy Merlin Source (LMS) : Quelle est exactement votre spécialité ? LMS : Pourquoi vous définissez-vous alors comme socio-anthropologue du quotidien ? LMS : Vous distinguez habitat et habiter. LMS : Votre compréhension de cet espace à la fois public et privé ne cesse d’évoluer. LMS : Le chez-soi est présenté depuis de nombreuses années comme un refuge contre le monde extérieur. LMS : Le désordre est au cœur de vos recherches. LMS : Au terme de votre travail, quelles sont les manières de comprendre le désordre ? Pour télécharger la version complète et mise en page du document.

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