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Tagxedo - Word Cloud with Styles Team - Drill Head Now we can move to a different subject; let’s talk about the things that our class learns on the Nintendo DS's. One very useful learning game on the DS is the game Brain Age 2, my favorite game on Brain Age 2 is "Word Scramble". You are given some letters and have to unscramble the letters to make a word. I think this game is useful because you learn to spell words in a fun way. For example, I learned how to spell the word "overflowing," on that game. Now we can talk about the voice recorders. Because of all this and how well we have done in our MAP tests (100% of the students in our class have increased our scores from Fall to Winter, 85% of us have scored more than or very near our goals for Spring in our Winter test already, and almost 65% of us have done the same in Math), we think that all classrooms should have technology that children can use, so all children can benefit and be successful. I hope you will agree with me about this law that our class wants to make.

Stixy: For Flexible Online Creation Collaboration and Sharing Ananth Pai: Gamifying the Classroom Bio Ananth Pai Ananth Pai is an elementary school teacher who has two decades of experience in using technology to improve business operations. To download this program become a Front Row member. ZOOM IN: Learn more with related books and additional materials. Encyclopædia Britannica Article education Learning that takes place in schools or school-like environments (formal education) or in the world at large; the transmission of the values and accumulated knowledge of a society. education on © 2010 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. Home Writing Objectives Using Bloom's Taxonomy | Center for Teaching & Learning | UNC Charlotte Various researchers have summarized how to use Bloom’s Taxonomy. Following are four interpretations that you can use as guides in helping to write objectives using Bloom’s Taxonomy. From: KC Metro [old link, no longer functioning?] Bloom’s Taxonomy divides the way people learn into three domains. From: UMUC From: Stewards Task Oriented Question Construction Wheel Based on Bloom’s Taxonomy Task Oriented Question Construction Wheel Based on Bloom’s Taxonomy. ©2001 St. From: GA Tech According to Benjamin Bloom, and his colleagues, there are six levels of cognition: Knowledge: rote memorization, recognition, or recall of facts Comprehension: understanding what the facts mean Application: correct use of the facts, rules, or ideas Analysis: breaking down information into component parts Synthesis: combination of facts, ideas, or information to make a new whole Evaluation: judging or forming an opinion about the information or situation
