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Swotti. Opinion Analizer

Swotti. Opinion Analizer

Top 10 Semantic Web Products of 2008 - ReadWriteWeb In 2008 we saw the Semantic Web gain traction, giving us plenty of choice when selecting the 10 best Semantic Web products of 2008. This is the first in a series of posts we'll publish over December, listing our choices for the top web products of the year. Then at the end of December, we'll post a Top 100 list - which we'll be promoting over 2009 and opening up at some point for public voting. Earlier this month we posted an update to 10 Semantic Web applications that we have been tracking for a year now. You may disagree with our selections, so do tell us in the comments what you think. Note: the products listed below are in no particular order Yahoo! In May this year Yahoo! We think this is the best use of Semantic Web by an Internet bigco this year. Powerset (acquired by Microsoft in '08) Powerset (see our initial coverage here and here) is a natural language search engine. Open Calais (Thomson Reuters) Dapper MashupAds Hakia TripIt Tripit is an app that manages your travel planning.

Benchmark Reviews: Performance Computer Hardware Tests Semantic Web 2.0 (FinnONTO 2.0) (2008-2010) - Semantic Computing Research Group (SeCo) This page describes a research direction and project of the Semantic Computing Research Group (SeCo). Project Description Semantic Web 2.0 (FinnONTO 2.0) 2008-2010 is a national continuation project based on the results of the National Semantic Web Ontology Project in Finland (FinnONTO 2003-2007). The general goal of this large project is to combine benefits and synergy of Web 2.0 and semantic web technologies and demonstrate the results in various semantic web portals and applications. More information about the project will be published on this page soon. Partnering Organizations The research is directed and is mostly carried out by the Semantic Computing Research Group (SeCo) at the Helsinki University of Technology (TKK) and the University of Helsinki. The consortium behind the project includes 39 public organizations and companies funding the research. Contact Person Prof. Publications Academic users often find work with online primary sources both rewarding and challenging.

Linked Data | Linked Data - Connect Distributed Data across the Web Semanttisen webin hanke pistettiin pakettiin Perusta on luotu 25.1.2008 16:59 Teknillisellä korkeakoululla on tänään pidetty Tekesin historian yrityskonsortion koolla mitaten laajimman hankkeen eli semanttiseen webiin liittyvän FinnOnton päätösseminaaria. Tekesin FENIX-ohjelmaan kuuluva kansallinen Suomalaiset semanttisen webin ontologiat FinnONTO (2003-2007) -hanke on luonut perustan kansallisen semanttisen webin sisältöinfrastruktuurille sekä osoittanut tämän hyötyjä käytännön pilottisovelluksissa. Kehitystyön tärkeimmät tulokset esiteltiin tänään hankkeen päätöseminaarissa Teknillisellä korkeakoululla 23 eri esitelmässä. Kuulijoita seminaari keräsi yli 200. Hanke oli tiettävästi Tekesin historian laajin yrityskonsortion koolla mitattuna - 37 eri rahoittajaa - ja se sai useita kansainvälisiä ja kotimaisia tunnustuksia. FinnONTO:ssa valmistui prototyyppeinä joukko toisiinsa kytkeytyviä kansallisia ydinsanastoja eli ontologioita sekä kansallinen ONKI-ontologiapalvelu ja työkaluja ontologioiden kustannustehokkaaseen hyödyntämiseen.

Semantic Wave 2008 - Free Summary Report for RWW Readers - ReadWriteWeb Project10X has just released a 400-page study of semantic technologies and their market impact, entitled Semantic Wave 2008: Industry Roadmap to Web 3.0 and Multibillion Dollar Market Opportunities. The report discusses the emergence of semantic technologies for consumer and enterprise applications, and the evolution from Web 2.0 to the so-called "Web 3.0". A free 27-page summary of Project10X’s Semantic Wave 2008 Report has been made available to ReadWriteWeb readers. You need to provide your name, email address and answer a few non-invasive questions, but the summary report is well worth it. The report defines Web 3.0 as "about representing meanings, connecting knowledge, and putting these to work in ways that make our experience of internet more relevant, useful, and enjoyable." The report also defines a "Web 4.0", as follows: "Web 4.0 will come later. Note: I think the number in the top left is supposed to be a 3.

10 Semantic Apps to Watch - ReadWriteWeb One of the highlights of October's Web 2.0 Summit in San Francisco was the emergence of 'Semantic Apps' as a force. Note that we're not necessarily talking about the Semantic Web, which is the Tim Berners-Lee W3C led initiative that touts technologies like RDF, OWL and other standards for metadata. Semantic Apps may use those technologies, but not necessarily. This was a point made by the founder of one of the Semantic Apps listed below, Danny Hillis of Freebase (who is as much a tech legend as Berners-Lee). The purpose of this post is to highlight 10 Semantic Apps. We're not touting this as a 'Top 10', because there is no way to rank these apps at this point - many are still non-public apps, e.g. in private beta. What is a Semantic App? Firstly let's define "Semantic App". In September Alex Iskold wrote a great primer on this topic, called Top-Down: A New Approach to the Semantic Web. Freebase Powerset Powerset (see our coverage here and here) is a natural language search engine. Twine
