45 Ways To Avoid Using The Word ‘Very’ – Writers Write Writers Write is your one-stop resource for writers. Use these 45 ways to avoid using the word ‘very’ to improve your writing. Good writers avoid peppering their writing with qualifiers like ‘very’ and ‘really’. They are known as padding or filler words and generally add little to your writing. According to Collins Dictionary: ‘Padding is unnecessary words or information used to make a piece of writing or a speech longer. Adding modifiers, qualifiers, and unnecessary adverbs and adjectives, weakens your writing. This post gives you 45 ways to avoid using the padding word ‘very’. Three Telling Quotes About ‘Very’ “Substitute ‘damn’ every time you’re inclined to write ‘very;’ your editor will delete it and the writing will be just as it should be. If you enjoyed this, you will love: Top Tip: If you want to learn how to write a book, sign up for our online course. by Amanda Patterson © Amanda Patterson
Great Leaders Are Facilitators: They Know How to Design Collaboration and Innovation | By Gustavo Razzetti Facilitative Leadership maximizes team members' contributions – rather than being the expert, the leader taps into collective wisdom When you think of effective leadership styles, what words come to mind? "Facilitation" is probably not a word you would associate with leadership, yet successful leaders are skilled facilitators. They know how to draw out the ideas and thoughts of others, integrating diverse perspectives. Wise leaders are facilitators – they know they can't achieve success alone. Great leaders (like great facilitators) enable others to speak up, ensure diverse perspectives are considered, and create an environment where everyone feels they belong. In this post, I will address why facilitative leadership is an underrated skill, what leaders can learn from facilitators, and how to effectively facilitate a culture of collaboration and innovation. Facilitation: A Skill Every Leader Should Have Let's start by challenging the leadership narrative. That's easier said than done. 1. 2.
Cinq conseils pour améliorer vos notes grâce à Google Docs - Centre d'aide Éditeurs Docs Vous est-il déjà arrivé de terminer un devoir en vous disant qu'il devait exister un moyen de faire encore mieux ? Voici quelques conseils pour optimiser vos chances d'avoir une excellente note à votre prochain devoir. 1. Effectuez vos recherches directement à partir de votre document Finies les longues soirées passées à la bibliothèque ! Saisissez votre sujet de recherche dans le champ de recherche de l'outil, puis cliquez sur le champ pour sélectionner le type de résultat souhaité (citations, images, articles Google Scholar, tableaux, etc.). 2. Une image est souvent bien plus parlante que des mots. Image, puis en sélectionnant une image à partir du Web ou de votre ordinateur. Vous pouvez également choisir une image parmi une large collection dans notre banque d'images. Image, sélectionnez Recherche à gauche de la fenêtre, cliquez sur l'option Banque d'images et saisissez votre recherche. 3. 4. Vous avez soudainement une idée brillante juste avant de rendre votre copie ? 5.
Sara Bruuns klassrum How then should we teach? – Attempting to leave no educational stone unturned. Bien débuter avec Google Drive Dans cet article, je vais vous présenter en détail l’ensemble des fonctionnalités présente sur la solution de stockage de Google. Cet article est ainsi principalement destiné aux personnes qui souhaitent débuter ou approfondir leur connaissance de Google Drive. Vous n’avez pas encore de compte Google Drive ? alors ça se passe par la > Créer un compte. L’interface de Google Drive ce compose des éléments suivants : Une zone de menu (1) qui est composé des éléments suivants : Nouveau : permet de créer et d’importer de nouveau documents et dossiersMon Drive : espace ou son stockés tous vos documents et vos dossiersPartagés avec moi : Tous les documents et dossiers que d’autres personnes ont partagés avec vousGoogle Photos : espace ou sont classer vos photos (par date). pour gérer vos photos dirigez-vous sur le site Google Photos.Récents : Les derniers documents utilisés par ordre chronologiqueSuivis : sorte de “favoris”. Une petite croix devrait alors s’afficher. Mode de visualisation
Free Online Reading Comprehension Exercises EnglishMaven Free online Reading Comprehension Exercises and Quizzes. We love reading comprehension. We think you do too. Short Stories In these reading comprehension exercises, students read a short story and then answer questions about details in the story. Exercises by ReadTheory "Time to..." - Low Beginning. 10 questions. 77 words. Informational Passages These exercises are interactive, colorful, unique, and provide interesting information about a range of subjects. "Bees" - Mid Beginning. 10 questions. 200 words. Facilitating Learning: What Senior Leaders in Education Should Know? | Blog demo page When it comes to learning facilitation methodologies, teachers and educational leaders have a deep and abiding responsibility to students. The teacher as a facilitator is a concept that many be recent but has been needed for a long time. Facilitating learning and assessment in practice isn’t something that all teachers are innately equipped for. This guide to learning how to facilitate learning in the classroom should be invaluable in the pursuit of facilitating the learning environment and learning process. What is the Importance of Facilitating Learning? The importance of facilitating learning cannot be overstated. Technological trends can be damaging. Lifelong learning is essential as jobs evolve. INVEST IN EDUCATION TOOLKITWith this 10-step process, you will have all the tools you needto master the critical areas of a successful school. What are the Advantages of Facilitating Learning? Facilitating learning carries many advantages for both the teacher and the students. 1.
Blackout Poetry | Scholastic There’s something positively thrilling about carrying a pristine bundle of brand new books into your classroom library, introducing them for the first time to wide-eyed students, then seeing this exuberance repeated multiple times — hopefully over many years — on the faces of countless students as they read a great book for the first time. Despite gallant efforts of classroom teachers to prolong their existence, there comes a point in the life of every classroom library book when it is finally time to say goodbye. Where do good books go to live out their final days? If you’re like me, discarding a once valued member of our classroom into the trash is simply not an option. Once their covers are torn, entire chapters are missing, and who-knows-what is stuck between the pages, create blackout poems to repurpose and honor the memory of old, worn-out books. Blackout Poems Stacy Antoville, an amazing middle school art teacher in New York City, first introduced me to blackout poetry.
The Cost of Happiness for Education Leaders “You can’t make everyone happy.” The adage is so pervasive that it’s lost nearly all meaning, yet I’ve caught myself saying it to colleagues at the slightest provocation: “That's terrible people are complaining about your new program. You can't make everyone happy.”“I’m sorry the meeting devolved into a shouting match. It’s turned into a way for us to shrug off our hurt feelings when others complain, contradict, or outright explode at us. It’s a game of Whac-A-Mole that ensues when you make what you believe will be a well-received change in response to widespread concerns, which then triggers anger from some people, which causes you to make further changes to placate this second group, which in turn infuriates a third group, and on and on. The worst part is that this can happen even when you introduce a collaboratively constructed plan vetted by stakeholders from all major groups. Moving Beyond Glossy Mottos Sometimes leadership isn’t as simple as holding steadfast to noble ideals.